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eBook Details

Reformatory Tales
By: Pat Jones

Published: Feb 12, 2015
Words: 23,208
Orientation: M/F
Category: reformatory, judicial
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It's very much a man's world in these reformatory tales, where even perfectly innocent women are at the mercy of devious male governors, who label them as delinquents and sentence them to a variety of judicial punishments, by cane, birch and strap.

Letter of Misunderstanding documents a lengthy exchange of correspondence between Sally Weston, a young American heiress spending the summer in England, and William Grey, Governor of the Stropbare Reformatory. Eager to witness the punishment of 'delinquents' in the reformatory, Sally urges the Governor to allow her to visit. He, on the other hand, is keen to see her dressed in school uniform and subject to a variety of punishments. During a series of exchanges the balance of power between them shifts constantly until eventually one comes out on top!

In Discipline in D Minor, Julia, a 21-year-old American scholar studying in England, asks for a chance to tour the reformatory in order to satisfy her curiosity. When her request is denied she sets about getting herself arrested, having heard that attractive female protesters are often targeted for reformatory detentions. She soon finds herself dressed in the uniform of the reformatory delinquent - school blazer, short skirt and tie - and sentenced to twelve strokes of the razor strap across her bare bottom, to be administered on the next reformatory Justice Night.

On the Advantages of Reformatory Hearings explores the system of dealing with delinquent women by ensuring they are subjected to the proper punishment. Their only hope is to plea for clemency on Mercy Night, when the young women, in uniform, are forced to wait outside in the hallway while the reformatory governors review their cases. Helen Thurmond, a 37-year-old visiting judge from America is keen to visit the reformatory to see how things work, but soon finds herself mistaken for an inmate and dealt with accordingly! Other women finding themselves on the wrong side of the barred window include the spoiled and wilful 27-year old, Brooke Shelby, and Japanese identical twins, Nao and Mao.
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