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Reformatory Tales Box Set
By: Pat Jones

Published: May 24, 2016
Words: 82,877
Orientation: M/F
Category: reformatory, judicial
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This 3 volume box set containing over 80,000 words, features the following novellas:

Letter of Misunderstanding documents a lengthy exchange of correspondence between Sally Weston, a young American heiress spending the summer in England, and William Grey, Governor of the Stropbare Reformatory. During a series of exchanges the balance of power between them shifts constantly until eventually one comes out on top!

In Discipline in D Minor, Julia, a 21-year-old American scholar studying in England, asks for a chance to tour the reformatory in order to satisfy her curiosity. When her request is denied she sets about getting herself arrested and is sentenced to twelve strokes of the razor strap across her bare bottom, to be administered on the next reformatory Justice Night.

On the Advantages of Reformatory Hearings explores the system of dealing with delinquent women by ensuring they are subjected to the proper punishment. Their only hope is to plea for clemency on Mercy Night, when the young women, in uniform, are forced to wait outside in the hallway while the reformatory governors review their cases.

Attractive 25-year-old heiress, Jodie Browning, is an associate professor, and as part of her research towards a PhD, she visits the headmaster at the strict Dunbar Reformatory where she is talked into enrolling as an inmate in order to gain first-hand experience. Her humiliation soon begins when she is forced to swap her stylish clothes for school uniform, and it's not long before she finds herself touching her toes for six of the best from the headmaster's swishy cane, followed by corner time. Further humiliation follows when she is examined naked by Matron, then given another spanking. It soon becomes clear to Jodie that she is being treated exactly like the other genuine reformatory delinquents.

Matters deteriorate further when her bitchy 22-year-old stepmother arrives, secretly planning to have Jodie committed to the reformatory indefinitely! She pleads her case to the headmaster, but will she be believed?

Natalie, a famous American actress, has a secret fascination for corporal punishment, and is an avid reader of reformatory discipline stories. Wanting to experience things first hand, she voluntarily enrols herself at the Goodwood Reformatory in England, claiming she is undertaking research for a future acting role.

At Mercy Night, along with the other genuine inmates, she presents her formal petition to the Reformatory's strict Board of Governors, a procedure which excites her greatly. However, rather than the mere formality she was expecting, Natalie is shocked to discover she has not been found innocent, but that Judge Hardcase, merely deciding she looks guilty, has sentenced her to an indeterminate detention for real! Now, reclassified as a delinquent, she is forced to prepare the birch she is to receive while secured to a punishment horse in front of an invited audience on Justice Night.

Following the birching, Natalie is subjected to a number of further humiliations and degrading punishments at the hands of Judge Hardcase. Although mortified by her treatment, she is also very excited by it and frequently pleasures herself as she recalls her punishments. Eventually, Natalie is given the opportunity to have her charges dropped and to leave the Reformatory and return home. Just what will she do?
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