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Abraham Heights: Season 1
a spanking soap opera
By: DJ Black

Published: Jan 17, 2016
Words: 28,052
Orientation: F/F. M/F
Category: domestic discipline, school
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Welcome to Abraham Heights, a town well off the beaten track with an old-fashioned set of family values. Season One of our spanking soap opera features the following six episodes:

Episode 1: The Tutor: Melanie Crow, who is no stranger to discipline, is well aware of her tutor's strictness regarding the standard of work required and his attitude towards tardiness. She stays out of trouble for several weeks, until one fateful day she is late and her essay is substandard. Initially subjected to a hard bare bottom paddling, she is later caned at the end of the session for her late arrival.

Episode 2: The Prep-School Graduation Barbecue: Nineteen-year-old Mindy Heaver and her friends get into serious trouble after 'hazing' a younger girl at school. All three are punished publicly at the barbecue which is held at Mindy's home each year, and Mindy is also spanked by her mother later that night. However, a teacher at the Senior High School who lodges with the Heavers has something on her conscience, and Mindy's uncle knows just what to do about it.

Episode 3: The Housemother & the Misplaced Donna: Dr Donna Warren is about to take up a teaching position at Abraham Heights University, and has been assigned temporary accommodation at a freshman hall of residence. Arriving after curfew and a little tipsy, she is initially mistaken for one of the students by the very strict housemother, Mrs Main, who puts her over her knee and spanks her with a hairbrush. It turns out, however, that this is to be the first of many punishments at her hands.

Episode 4: Family Values: It seems that spankings are a common occurrence in the Guinness household and, on this particular occasion, first Dakota and then her elder sister, Freya, are on the receiving end of their mother's hairbrush, before being made to stand facing the wall. Shortly afterwards, however, having overspent on the credit card, their mother finds herself over her husband's knee and, after a very sound spanking, is made to stand alongside her daughters. Then, to make matters worse, visitors arrive...

Episode 5: The Trouble with Maintenance: 29-year-old Heather has been abandoned by her husband and left to care for her two children without a penny. She is forced to return home but is surprised when her mother enforces the same curfew she had as a teenager, as well as the weekly Sunday maintenance spankings!

Episode 6: Sisters without Mercy: There are paddlings galore in the sorority house as the new pledges are put through their paces. Later, the big sisters take part in a game of bridge that also has its own spanking forfeits. Meanwhile, young teacher, Donna, knows exactly what will happen if she doesn't make curfew and she's already running late...
1 review:
Realguy said...
Good variety of senarios

21 August 2016 19:54
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