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Domestic Discipline for Naughty Girls - Volume 1
By: Frank Martinet

Published: Sep 12, 2022
Words: 24,593
Orientation: M/f, F/f
Category: teen
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Price: $2.99
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What's up with Dad?: Mandy's dad spanks her, and also her best friend Sky. Mandy's dad is very good at dishing out regular discipline, even preventative spankings. Mandy wails and makes a fuss, but Sky is more stoic - could it be she actually enjoys getting whacked?

Squirmy: A voyeur watches a spanking unfold in the neighbourhood as a mother spanks her big-bottomed sassy teenage daughter with a hairbrush. It is a fascinating and entertaining sight!

Eight Sore Bottoms: Jack has been married three times, and each wife has given him daughters - he has eight in total. Eight bottoms to smack! Spanking time is 8pm, but Carly has been particularly bad and is sent to cut switches. A switching on top of a strapped and paddled bottom takes Carly to the brink of her endurance. Managing all these growing girls is definitely not for the faint of heart, but Jack sees it as his duty.

Prepayment Discount: Nicky rarely misses her curfew as she knows full-well what the consequences will be. However, she negotiates with her father as she is off to see a band play and knows she won't be back home on time, and agrees to prepay some of her penalty swats.

Off to Grandmother's We Go: Amanda's grandmother tells her about her time at finishing school, where the cane was used regularly. Deciding that Amanda's attitude could do with some adjusting, Grandma gets her old cane and puts it to good use on Amanda's bare bottom.

Paddled Sisters: Kasey, mad with rage, paddles her younger sister - but Dad catches her in the act. Once he establishes what has been happening between the two girls, he gives Kasey a good paddling for paddling her sister.

Paradox: Cassie has developed a fascination for spanking; although never spanked herself, she knows her neighbour spanks all his kids. It is when Cassie is caught out in a lie that she gets what she has been craving - a real over-the-knee, pants-down spanking - the first of many!

The Age of Sixteen: Sassy sixteen-year-olds often get attitudes bigger than their britches and need a good old-fashioned spanking. The older the girl is, the more embarrassing it is to be spanked, thus the more effective the punishment.
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