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Sting in the Tail - Volume 1
a spanking fiction assortment
By: DJ Black

Published: Apr 28, 2021
Words: 25,083
Orientation: M/F (mainly)
Category: general
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Bryant, the Bitch & the Earlobe: Marcie, or El Lobo, as she likes to be known, thinks she is the tough girl in town, until she sees Pearl being spanked on her bare bottom by a strange woman called Erin who has just ridden into town. El Lobo confronts the newcomer and then wishes she hadn't as she is put over the woman's knee and whacked hard with a paddle. There is more to come, including a demonstration of the switch on naughty bare bottoms, but later, Erin meets her match down by the creek, where she is spanked by Bryant.

And God So Loved Spanking He Formed a Committee: Jenny is due a spanking but her husband, Alec, advises her it should be put to the committee. Jenny is outvoted, so down come her panties and her bottom is very soon red and stinging.

Calico Jack & the Petticoat Pirates: John Rackham, commonly known as Calico Jack, was an English pirate captain operating in the Bahamas during the early 18th century. On board is his lover, Anne Bonny, disguised as a man. Also, unknown to anyone else, is Mary Read, also in disguise. When the two women find each other, they enter into an affair. Jack is angry, though feels he has not truly been cuckolded, and thrashes the two women with his belt - frequently!

Summers with Rosie: Jane remembers her Romany friend, Rosie, and reminisces as she walks with her husband through the glade where once she cut birch switches in preparation for a whipping from her father for staying out all night.

Switch: Josie is dissatisfied, restless, and bored, wishing she could change her life. The best she can do is to take a holiday at the coast. While there she meets Jacob, an attractive artist who draws provocative pictures, pictures of spankings... and before long, she experiences one for herself.

Goodbye Broadway and Hello Home Sweet Home: Becky-Sue returns to her roots at the end of her world tour. Her ma is shocked and furious as she is a week late and has a husband they knew nothing about. When John sees how his wife behaves at home and realises she lied about her family not making the wedding, he is determined to teach her a lesson, Ma too.

An Inspector Calls: A school inspection does not quite take its normal course. As a result the lady inspector is left considering the value of her current role as she rubs her bottom.

Trouble Comes In Twos: Lawrence is largely happy with his life apart from his wife's current hairstyle and her irritating niece, Chelsea, who has yet again conned money out of her aunt and returned home drunk. But this time, Chelsea receives the much-threatened punishment. Emboldened, Lawrence continues the spanking with his wife.

Dangerous Magic: Tess has powers that compliment her needs, but might prove to be too much for her own good. She has summoned a Forest Lord who will master her for years to come, but what is imagined and what is reality?
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