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Disciplinary Tales: Issue 9
a journal of spanking fiction
By: DJ Black

Published: Jun 24, 2019
Words: 27,101
Orientation: M/F (mainly)
Category: general
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This issue of Disciplinary Tales features the following stories:

Secret Memoirs of a 1950s Secretary: A legal secretary during the 1950s and 1960s, Brenda is very enterprising and manages to persuade her boss to spank her. Sir Brian is seemingly reluctant at first, but quickly enters into the spirit of things, progressing from spanking Brenda's bare bottom with hand and hairbrush to delivering six of the best with a cane. The junior secretary, Linda, is also brought into the workplace spanking regime. Even Sir Brian's wife gets a turn to bare her bottom.

An Interview for Aunt Domina: When Domina takes her 'niece' to be interviewed as a submissive in training she is confident and aloof, bordering on rude. Things don't quite go to plan though. She meets her match in the dominant John, who accepts Tammy for training - but he also takes Domina to task. Domina has struggled with her outer dominance and her inner submissiveness, but now she has John to submit to, she yelps her way through a hairbrush spanking on her bare bottom, then prepares herself for a hefty session with John's cane...

A Right Royal Spanking: The High Seer has declared that in his vision he has seen a royal princess spanked. Empress Jasmine decides she is not going to be spanked and arranges a game of Hazard (certain that she will win) in which all the princesses must take part. Jasmine almost gets away but is finally caught by Garth who gives her the spanking she so richly deserves.

The Scarlet Avenger: Amy wants to follow the family tradition as a superhero, despite being forbidden to do so. She sneaks out as the 'Scarlet Avenger' one evening, but can't hide her ripped costume or bullet graze. John soon makes sure her bottom is scarlet as well.

I Stranger: In this tale of cultural planetary exploration, Amanda and her crew of three arrive at their destination, but things are not quite as they usually are for this foursome. Roles become reversed which presents problems, as does the local culture which features the subordination and discipline of women.

Faery Godfather: Jessica feels very guilty after shoplifting. That night she finds herself in school uniform in a classroom. Macqus Darklast has been watching her past crimes in life, and now punishes Jessica to help her change her ways. But was it all just a dream?

Red: Portia says way too much for her own good, and is very quickly over her boss's lap for a spanking.

Cade County 1892: Eleanor Whitlow is the new schoolmistress at Cade County School. As she punishes a student for cheating and bullying, her actions are observed by Henry Vaughn, the Chairman of the Board of Education. He then gives Eleanor the exact same treatment, as she too has been found out to be a liar and a cheat in falsifying her references.
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