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by DJ Black

The Academy Rules

The Academy is dedicated to the education and training of young women between the ages of 19 to 25. It is necessary therefore that all rules are followed and any breaches are dealt with appropriately. The Academy operates an honour code and it is desirable that all students report any misbehaviour on their part to their mentors or a senior member of staff. Failure to do so is a level three breach of discipline and will be dealt with accordingly.

All students must make themselves aware of these rules and new students are liable to be examined on their knowledge of them from time to time. Any failure to remember any rule or part of any rule is regarded as a level one breach of discipline.

All breaches of the rules will be dealt with by corporal punishment in addition to any other sanction that may be applied. Please note that all such punishments will only be applied to the naked bottom of young ladies receiving correction.

Some guardians require that their young women, while under The Academy's care, may require more than the usual incentives. To this end, weekly straighteners are offered to needful girls.

Students that require this kind of guidance must report to their mentor or senior member of staff after lunch on Saturdays.

Although the exact nature of a straightener is usually decided in agreement with a girl's guardian and her mentor, we offer an outline here of a typical guidance session.

New girls who have had no previous experience of The Academy's style of training, whose guardian has authorised more stringent methods, may expect up to eight strokes of the cane or 12 swats with the junior paddle upon their bared bottom. This does not preclude harsher applications if the guardian or the mentor deems it necessary.

For students that have had previous experience or are not new to The Academy then guidance may be more sternly applied. Girls needing this level of attention may expect up to 12 strokes of the cane or 18 swats with the junior paddle.

Please note that girls attending a mentoring session must wait outside the staff member's office facing the wall and may not speak to anyone until they are given leave to do so. It is customary, as with punishment drill, for all students to report promptly at the same time and return to face the wall until all students have been dealt with.

Some mentors may require girls to turn up their skirts and remove or lower their undergarments pending a guidance session, as is the usual practice during a punishment drill. Although this is not normally done, all students must remember that they must adhere to their mentors' instructions at all times and all procedural matters are entirely at their mentor's discretion.

Punishment guidance for level one offences
Remember all corporal punishment is administered upon the bare bottom. This is to ensure that correction is more memorable and humbling for the girl concerned.

As with guidance sessions, the student will report to the appropriate member of staff at a given time and will stand with her nose touching the wall outside the office. Students awaiting correction will always adjust their dress so that their bare bottom is on display, without regard of the popularity of the public area or the number or nature of persons present. This includes other staff and students or any visitors.

Once called into the office the young woman will assume any position that she is directed to. She may then expect to receive up to 12 strokes with a cane or 18 swats with a junior paddle. As an alternative, the disciplinarian may administer an over-the-knee spanking with the hand or the slipper for as long as is deemed appropriate.

Please note that young women undergoing regular straighteners or who have returned for a repeat of the same offence may expect to have their punishment automatically upgraded to a level two correction.

Punishment guidance for level two offences
The standard procedure for level two offences is as above. However, in this case the disciplinarian may administer a sound spanking in addition to swats or the cane, or upgrade the punishment to 18 strokes of the cane or 24 swats with the junior paddle.

Punishment guidance for level three offences
Please note that young women who have reported for a level three offence are not automatically upgraded to level four punishment for repeat offences unless they are held to be in rebellion or open defiance of The Academy.

Level three miscreants can be soundly spanked at the member of staff's discretion, with corner time and repeated spanking as a prelude or supplement, if there for repeat offences or poor attitude under correction.

However, the primary sentence is usually as follows. A girl can expect 30 swats with the junior paddle followed by up to 24 strokes of the cane. The caning usually follows the paddle in this case and the mentor may reduce the strokes if the girl is sufficiently repentant.

Punishment guidance for level four offences

Level four punishment is very serious and can only be administered after consultation with the Head. Level four punishments once authorised can be repeated at set periods at discretion, and will often be so if there are aggravating circumstances or it is a continuing fault on the part of the miscreant.

The girl will be soundly spanked with a small paddle or similar until the disciplinarian is assured that he has her full attention. This can be repeated and combined with extended corner time at the punisher's discretion.

The young women will then be secured if necessary to receive either: No less than 24 and usually no more than 36 applications of the medium birch, followed by up to 30 strokes with a senior grade cane.


No less than 15 and usually no more than 30 with the senior (drilled) paddle, followed by up to 36 strokes with a standard grade cane.

It is noted that, with experience, different students will dread different combinations to a greater or lesser extent and that can be factored into a punishment for the student's benefit or the punishment's enhancement as is deemed appropriate.

Punishment guidance for level five offences

Level five punishments are usually only awarded by the Head in consultation with the student's guardian as an alternative to expulsion.

For level five punishments, the young woman is stripped naked and made to don a punishment gown. This affords some semblance of modesty but leaves the bottom bare.

The miscreant will then face the back wall of the stage so attired during general assembly on Monday morning. When all other business has been dealt with the girl will be secured over the public frame provided for this purpose.

She will then receive 24 strokes with the heavy paddle-strap, followed by 36 strokes of a judicial birch.

She will then stand in front entrance hall for the remainder of that day with her nose to the wall opposite the main door. Then for the remainder of that week, she will wear the punishment gown at all times.

Furthermore, for the remainder of that term she will have punishment chores and report every Friday to her mentor for a level three punishment.

Level one offences include:
Ignorance of the rules

Coming last in class studies

Coming late to class

Talking in class


General untidiness

Level two offences include:

Public disturbance

Being out of bounds on the premises

Coming late to a meeting with a staff member

Failure to report wrongdoing (of others)

Foul language

Level three offences include:

Failure to report wrongdoing (of oneself)


Being out of bounds off the premises

Being incorrigible


Inappropriate sexual behaviour

Honour offences

Incomplete chores

Level four offences include:



Bringing The Academy into disrepute

Persistent or rank insubordination

Level five offences include:
Assaults on staff



Discussing The Academy with outsiders to its detriment

Please note that evading any correction is punishable by sanctions being upgraded one level. Any offences not mentioned above would be dealt with by the Head in any manner that is deemed appropriate. The Head also reserves the right to upgrade or downgrade a sanction according to circumstances.

A Day in the Life of Felix Bastion

He stood at his window and considered, not for the first time, the absurdity of being given a corner office in a round tower. Still, he wasn't complaining; he had a superb view. The marine inlet he looked over had once been dry land, before The Fall, or so he had been told. He really had no idea where he was in relation to the world he once knew. He was certainly glad that he was not responsible for teaching geography. Not now the entire landscape of the world that he had known had gone. But that had been some time ago now. Most of his staff had only dim memories at best of that world and for his students it was all they could do to cope with this one.

And that was the point. The Academy was his late wife's attempt at building a new world. He sighed when he remembered how he had ridiculed the idea all those years ago.

"You want to do what?" he had gasped. "The whole world has gone to hell in a wheelbarrow and you want to be the founder of a ladies' finishing school."

"Now you are being ridiculous," she had replied patiently. "You know perfectly well that I am proposing no such thing. I have spoken to the Chief Coordinator of the Provisional Government about an educational facility for young women. You know the chaos out in the fringe and the shantytowns. The greatest threat to humanity in this post-whatever the hell world this is, is the abyss of a new dark age. If we do not act soon then all the accumulated knowledge of the world will be lost."

"Ok, but why not just found a university of some kind?" he had replied.

He didn't get it and he knew it. He was out of his depth. What does a stockbroker do when there are no more stocks and shares and the only real markets deal in the detritus of the old word?

"A university." she had snorted. "And just how do you propose I find students? From central clearing, I suppose?"

"Look, all right, I'll support you in whatever it is you want to do," he said unconvincingly.

Anyway, she did have a point. Since The Fall and the gene plagues, 75 percent of the male population had been wiped out, and even new births were producing three females for every male. In those days, those arseholes from Central Command in New London had still been toeing the Denver government line, in pursuing the war with the Skaggs, and all able-bodied men and many of the women had been drafted into the military. This had led to thousands of barely educated girls running in gangs or left to fend for themselves as hucksters.

In the end, the elite, afraid that their precious brats would end up selling buttons and worse, or run amok with the gangs, had voted in the resources for The Academy.

That had been 15 years ago. Now the war was over and things had settled down a bit. Now the authorities very much saw the potential of a highly motivated and disciplined future workforce. Now he had two problems. His wife had died, leaving him holding her baby, so now he was the Head of The Academy. His other problem was that the resurgent media and the new champions of the nascent liberal democracy, by their lights anyway, demanded to know what went on in this island of privilege.

© DJ Black
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.