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by Frank Martinet

1. A Visit from Aunt Margaret

Young Maddie was not happy about having to spend the day with 'Aunt' Margaret. The woman wasn't her real aunt. She was just an old friend of her mother's - they were in a sorority together 100 years ago - and yet she acted as though she were Maddie's boss. It was exasperating. She was creepy and weird, too.

It was so unfair. Maddie had to cancel fun with her friends for this, and yet her mother's plans were too important to change, so Maddie was stuck alone with her mom's friend. Aunt Margaret was her friend, so why couldn't the two of them hang out and leave Maddie out of it?

Maddie hoped it would be different now that she was 15, but she still wasn't happy about changing around her whole life just for some old bag.

Things did not get off to an auspicious start. Aunt Margaret was still the same big, bustling woman. She was loud, speaking as though everyone around was half-deaf. Everything was dramatic and exciting, as though she'd just discovered the world.

"Oh Maddie, you're such a delicious little cutie I could eat you up!" she roared upon crossing the threshold. What followed were suffocating hugs and pinches and hair pats and pokes and other indignities. Maddie had no say in the matter and had to put up with it all. Aunt Margaret was worse than she remembered. She brought along her own cloud of sickening perfume, too!

Settled in the parlor, things went downhill fast. Aunt Margaret raved about Maddie's golden locks, adorable face, and other flatteries that should have been compliments, but these were mixed in with ominous notes about Maddie being too skinny, personal questions about menstruation, and her behavior.

"Such a good girl, aren't you," Aunt Margaret purred. "That's because your mamma spanks you. I bet she spanks you often for you to be this well-behaved. Am I right? Is your cute tushie all pink and hot right this minute? I bet it is. I bet you got a good spanking this morning, didn't you?"

"No," spat Maddie, curling her lower lip down in rebellion even as she blushed to her ears. She didn't want to admit that the spanking had been the night before and an argument about this woman's visit had been the cause of it.

"Really? No spanking this morning? Why your mother is slipping up in her old age!" Aunt Margaret laughed gaily, as though this feeble joke was the funniest thing ever said in the history of the world.

Maddie sat and seethed, a cherubic smile on her face. Inside she was thinking, This lady is unbearable!

"I hope you're not lying to me, you naughty little minx," the woman continued, when she'd stopped laughing. "If you are, I'll have to put you over my own knee and show you that Aunt Margaret can spank every bit as hard as your own mother."

"I'm not lying."

"There's only one way to prove that. Stand up. Turn around. Let's get these jeans down."

Maddie wanted to bolt from the room, but the deed was already halfway done by the time she realized what was happening. She'd hesitated because her mother had hammered home the idea that she was to obey Aunt Margaret in all things, and the slightest rudeness or poor report from the woman would result in terrible consequences to Maddie's backside and her ability to sit over the next month.

Now, suddenly, her pants were around her knees and running would be awkward, to say the least. Maddie was a bit stunned at how forward Aunt Margaret was, too. The woman had no qualms about Maddie's panties following her jeans, leaving the young girl bare bottomed. Running now was definitely not an option. She'd look ridiculous!

Maddie was so distracted by her sudden nudity that she forgot the reason for the disrobing. Then she heard the "tut tut tut" of the woman's voice and saw her shaking her head.

"Little liar," Aunt Margaret said gently. "I'm sure your bottom isn't this color naturally. You've been spanked recently. These are blotches from a hairbrush."

"I didn't lie," Maddie said stubbornly. "I didn't say I wasn't spanked at all - just not this morning. That's from yesterday."

"It must have an awfully hard spanking for you to still be this pink after a whole day!"

"It was, but it wasn't that long ago. I got it just before bed last night."

"So not even 12 hours ago? That's close enough to this morning I'm counting that as lying. You knew exactly what I meant when I said you'd been spanked recently."

"No I didn't!" Maddie said, perhaps rudely, because her butt was given a sharp slap that made her blood boil. She took it silently, not wanting to show how much it had hurt.

"Stop arguing or I'll give you another spanking for that!"

All Maddie heard was the word "another" and her heart went cold. Another meant she was already getting one, and so soon after last night's that was not going to be good. She wanted to run, but if she didn't cooperate, her mother had promised to paddle her every night before bed for a month!

"Now why did you get spanked last night?" asked Aunt Margaret.

"I don't know. Just because." Maddie didn't dare admit the truth.

Then her bottom stung with another powerful slap - Damn, this woman smacked hard! - and she wondered how long she could hold out. She was already draped across Aunt Margaret's knees in spanking position with her bare bottom up high, so she was helpless and vulnerable.

"I asked you a question young lady, and I want a proper answer. Any 'I don't know' answers are going to earn you a swat with your paddle!"

Another spank came down, Maddie's cheeks burning. She blushed, hating that Aunt Margaret knew about her paddle. It was her most embarrassing possession. It had a picture of a golden-haired girl - who looked remarkably similar to Maddie - with her navy blue panties pulled down around her knees and her bottom glowing scarlet with red stars emanating from all around the butt. The girl was half turned back to the viewer, her mouth open in wide-eyed astonishment.

But worst of all was the inscription: 'Heat for Maddie's adorable little seat!'

Yup, Aunt Margaret had the thing personalized just for her, for her birthday. Maddie's mom made Maddie hang it on the wall in her room for the reminder effect and easy access when the thing had to be used. It was the main reason Maddie rarely had her friends in her room and preferred to visit them in their houses.

"Sure, it's a bit big for such a small girl," Aunt Margaret had said at the time of the gift, "but she'll grow into it. It's a big girl's paddle and can be used for many years to come!"

The hand came down again, bringing Maddie back to the present. "I'm waiting!" roared Aunt Margaret. Maddie had completely forgotten the question. All she could think was that Aunt Margaret didn't need a paddle - her shovel-sized hand was plenty!

"Are you deaf or just being a brat?" A slew of spanks landed. "I asked you why you were spanked last night."

"Because of you!" Maddie shouted, squirming hard.

"Me! What did I do?"

"You came to visit and I didn't get to go swimming with my friends. My Mom still got to go to her convention thing, leaving me stuck with you. It's so not fair!"

Maddie knew she was going to pay for her outburst, but she didn't care. She was getting spanked anyway, so she might as well earn it.

"I see. So you rebelled and your mother paddled your behind. And now you're going to get two spankings from me. One for lying, and one more for not answering promptly when I asked you a question. For that one, we'll use your paddle."

"Oh no, please!" sobbed Maddie. The paddle hurt so bad, it was the last thing she wanted.

"Quiet. Unless you want me to find one of your father's belts and whip you into next week."

Maddie lay still, icy terror shooting through her veins. She gave a small whimper.

"That's better. Now, I'm going to spank you with my hand and warm you well, and then you're going to go upstairs to your mother's room and bring me down her hairbrush. Not the one she uses on her head, if you know what I mean."

Aunt Margaret cackled, her hand rubbing Maddie's already warm bottom. Then she raised her palm and brought it down in what was the first of an endless rain of slaps, smacks, and spanks. Maddie howled and writhed, kicked and squirmed, and cried bitter tears as her bottom swelled and cooked.

She fought, knowing it was useless, but doing it anyway. The hand didn't even break stride, continuing to pummel her cheeks until they were sizzling. It was awful, even worse than one of her mother's specials. She wasn't sure if that was because it actually hurt more or if it was just because the spanking came from Aunt Margaret. Either way, it was bad, and Maddie resented the pointless spanking terribly.

When it was over, it wasn't. She'd forgotten about the hairbrush and had to be reminded. Her shoes, jeans, and panties were removed and left in the parlor while she traipsed through the house wearing a red bare bottom. It should have been embarrassing, but no one was around and Maddie actually liked it, as the cool air was soothing.

Bringing the awful spanking brush down to Aunt Margaret was not fun, however. Every step went slower as she thought of how much that brush hurt and how energetic Aunt Margaret seemed to be. This was going to really suck.

She couldn't delay her arrival forever and though she went as slow as she dared, she eventually arrived. The gift of the brush was accepted, Aunt Margaret going on and on about how beautiful and sturdy it was, and how perfect it fit a teen girl's bottom. And then Maddie was back across those plump legs and her roasted little red tush got another round of that terrible instrument of pain.

It always amazed her that something so ordinary could hurt so much. The wood was thick and heavy, and the head covered nearly all of one of Maddie's petite cheeks. It drove right into her puppy fat and reached the muscled core of her ass and left it sore and bruised. Her skin burned and turned crimson, with darker blotches where the brush smacks overlapped.

Maddie sobbed and shrieked. She carried on like she was being murdered, but no cops came. Even if the neighbors had heard, it was a common everyday sound, like the chirping of birds. Maddie got spanked a lot.

Someday I really will be murdered and no one will come when I scream, she thought. Then they'll be sorry.

It was a common refrain with her, as were most of the thoughts that flittered through her brain as she was spanked. It was hard to be original when your butt was being blistered. She always thought the same sort of things: how unfair it was, how much it hurt, when would it end, why had she done whatever it was that got her in this position, why had she been caught, as well as bizarre, unrelated things like her homework assignment or the odd weather.

Eventually the spanking ended, but it felt twice as long as most of her mother's tannings. Maddie had to thank her spanker and go stand in the corner, hands on her head, red butt sticking out on display.

© Frank Martinet
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.