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by Louis Woodley

1. Caught Spying on the Slumber Party

Like most boys of his age, Bobby Fulton's thinking was done primarily by his penis rather than his brain. And this time that thinking (or lack of) had landed him as the humiliating center of attention in front of an offended audience enjoying his discomfort. And though it was awkward and embarrassing now, it was about to get painful as soon as his father finished pulling his belt off. He silently cursed his best friend who'd led him astray.

He'd known it was a bad idea, but that had never stopped him before. He and his buddies had discovered the "secret hole" in the back of his closet years ago when they were kids pretending to be spies. There was a spot in the wooden wall with a small hole in it. If you got on your hands and knees you could see into what was back then the guest bedroom next door. But as they grew older and moved on to other pursuits, the spying hole was forgotten about.

The use of the room had changed earlier that year when his father remarried and he inherited Tammy, a harpy of a stepsister. Although they were both seniors in high school, the two moved in different circles. He was more of a gamer on the fringes. She was among the elite in their school and looked down on her new stepbrother as vermin to be harangued or ignored.

Over the months several circumstances combined that set Bobby on the path to this particular day. First, he got busted by his stepmother for watching porn on his computer. Not only had she delivered a bare-assed whipping to her stepson, she'd installed a parental control system and conducted random spot checks.

Cut off from his usual source of inspiration, Bobby was forced to rely on his imagination until an old memory resurfaced. While in his closet one morning he thought about the old spy hole that looked into what was now Tammy's room. His first inclination had been to respect his stepsister's privacy because this was no way for an 18 year old to behave.

But then he considered that Tammy was a bitch who deserved whatever she got; they weren't actually related so it wasn't as creepy as spying on a real sister would be; he was out of other material to work from; and having seen her in her skimpy bikini, wasn't he the least bit interested in finding out whether she was clean-shaven or not? When presented with all of these compelling arguments it was easy to guess what the ultimate decision would be.

And initially the spying was highly successful (the shaving question was answered affirmatively and her boobs weren't as big as he'd imagined them). Because Tammy's chest of drawers had been placed against the wall, his view was now restricted to the right side of the furniture. Tammy tended to wander as she dressed and undressed, so she'd maddeningly move out of sight at key moments. But his spying was rewarded often enough to make it worthwhile for a while.

But the snooping had tapered off as he reached the saturation point and a friend had recently helped him subvert the parental controls on his computer. With internet access regained there were more appealing options than peering through a hole at his stepsister. While he'd still made a couple of recent forays, the spying on his stepsister might have died off completely and he would have avoided getting busted if Tammy hadn't announced that five of her friends would be staying over on Friday night.

His initial reaction to the news that the Spawns of Satan would be spending the night at their house was "Oh hell no!" As far as he knew they were all sycophants who followed his stepsister's bidding in haranguing him. He'd have to stay hidden out of sight to avoid becoming a mouse for the cats to play with. Then the thought struck him: hidden out of sight? Wait a minute...

So instead of just Tammy there'd be five of her hot friends taking off their clothes on the other side of his wall. They were all a bunch of bitches anyway so they owed him some form of payback. With that kind of logic, common sense quickly went out the window.

The girls arrived on Friday night and promptly took over the house. Bobby tried to keep a low profile by avoiding their presence when possible. A couple of the girls were snarky as expected, but Erin Clark surprised him by sitting down and talking to him like a human being. He kept waiting for the shoe to drop, but she remained civil and gave him a quick hug when she got up. Of course that made Bobby decide that she was the one he most wanted to see get naked!

Bobby had to bide his time and it was around 11:00 when the girls finally retired to Tammy's room. He'd snuck into position when he'd heard them come up the stairs. It was quickly information overload as bodies came in and out of view in various states of undress. He was already too familiar with Tammy and so he concentrated his efforts on viewing everyone but her. Little Bobby was getting insistent for attention, and Bobby had just snaked a hand into his gym shorts before his life went to hell.

Suddenly his closet door was pulled the rest of the way open and a painfully familiar voice shouted "See, I told you!"

He whipped around to see three people looking at him through the doorway. His stepmother looked incensed and his father was furious, but Tammy was triumphant. Dammit, he hated that there weren't locks on the bedroom doors; he'd been so engrossed he'd never heard the danger approaching. If he'd realized the danger he could have left something in the way as an early warning system but it was too late now!

"I knew it! Didn't I tell you that the little creep was spying on me? I'd always hear him rooting around in his closet when I was dressing."

She turned her ire on Bobby's father. "And you didn't believe me. I complained and you just said 'My son would never do anything like that.' I'll bet you never said a word to him about it, did you? Well, are you still going to make excuses for him? I mean, it's bad enough that the freak was peeking at me, but these are my FRIENDS! God, you're a prick!"

Bobby tried but couldn't come up with a rational explanation for why he was kneeling in his closet with his hand in his pants. He was mortified that circumstances had led him into a shit-storm from which there was no recovery. What seemed like a foolproof plot a few moments ago had been exposed as a tawdry attempt to spy on unsuspecting guests. Getting busted for porn by his stepmother couldn't hold a candle to this monumental fuck-up, and he couldn't look any of them in the face.

His father finally spoke. "Tammy, take your friends down to the den and wait for us there. Since Bobby seems to like watching people undress, then by all means he should return the favor for you girls."

Tammy and her mother went to gather their guests and inform them of what had happened. That left Bobby alone with his father, who promptly unloaded on him. How could he have done such a thing? He couldn't believe that a son of his would do something so heinous. When Tammy had voiced her suspicions he'd dismissed them out-of-hand and defended Bobby; now she'd been proven right. Did he realize that the victims could press "Peeping Tom" charges against him? Was potentially seeing a butt or boob worth a criminal record?

Bobby had failed to recognize the potential consequences of getting caught. Now that they were being spelled out for him, they were worse than he'd thought.

His father glowered and said, "First of all, you're going to go down there and apologize to all those girls for what you did. And then you'll strip naked for all of them to see, and then you'll get your butt blistered so badly you won't be able to sit down for a week. And you'd better pray that's enough to satisfy them, because you are about to walk into a room full of justifiably pissed off women. Now march your ass downstairs!"

Bobby wanted to protest but words failed him. There was no way to dig himself out of this hole.

The audience in the den resembled the crowd from a Roman Coliseum waiting for the criminals to be tossed to the lions. They'd been briefed on what he'd been up to and the anger in the room was palpable as father and son entered. He was given a slight push into the middle of the room as his father announced that he had something to say to them.

Bobby wasn't the most confident of public speakers at the best of times and had never faced an audience this hostile before. He knew he needed to look up rather than staring at his feet, but he couldn't make eye contact with any of his victims. So he settled for staring at the far wall over their heads.

"So I guess you know what happened," he began. "So I just wanted to say that..."

That was as far as he got before his father cut him off. "No sir, you are not getting off that easy. Tell these young ladies exactly what you did wrong!"

"Um... well... when I was a kid we discovered this hole in the wall that lets you see into Tammy's room. Well, I'd forgotten about it, but then I remembered it one day when I was mad at her, so I spied on her to see if I could see anything."

"Did you?" his stepmother asked. He was forced to admit that he had.

"So you kept invading her privacy?"

"Well, for a while I did but then I'd stopped, honestly. But then Tammy invited you all over and you've all treated me like crap because that's what she wants you to do. Sorry, but Tammy is a total bitch to me at school and you all know it. If I've got to be honest then you've got to be honest as well. So don't lie and pretend otherwise. Tonight, Erin was the only person nice to me; Maggie called me 'loser', Kelly called me 'Dorkboy,' and Tammy called me 'fuckwit.' So maybe you deserve taking some crap instead of always dishing it out! And why don't you ask Tammy about the cigarettes or the flask of booze I've seen her stuffing in her purse?"

The parents made a visual sweep of the room that confirmed that Bobby was telling the truth. Several of the girls had the good graces to look embarrassed, and Mrs. Fulton was now looking daggers at her daughter. But that was a discussion for later, and Dad warned Bobby to return his apology to what he'd actually done and not an attempt to defend the indefensible.

"So, anyway, it was dumb and wrong," admitted Bobby, "but I told myself that you all owed me, so it would be okay for me to spy on you. I'm sorry, I know that I shouldn't have done it, but I hope that you'll forgive me."

"That's not all," his stepmother replied. When Bobby looked confused, she continued. "What else were you doing?"

Oh God no, surely she didn't want him to admit that did she? As if things couldn't get any worse. "Um... uh..." was all he was able to mutter.

Mrs. Fulton just rolled her eyes. "What Bobby is trying to avoid saying is that we caught him masturbating while he was watching the show. You know: jerking off, beating his meat, whacking it, etc. Isn't that true?"

© Louis Woodley
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.