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by Ken Burke

Chapter 1

Thirty-eight-year-old Lucy Green sat on the hard bench outside the principal's office at her daughter's school and tried to figure out how she had gotten into this predicament. She was holding a form she had to fill out - a consent form for the principal to paddle her. How had this happened?

As she glanced up at the only other person in the office, a pretty, slim, 17-year-old senior who served as an assistant in the office, Lucy was thankful that it was after school hours and no one else was around, either in the office or the rest of the school. There would be no other people around to hear her shameful punishment... the principal and her assistant were enough!

The form was a reminder of what had brought her here. The private girls' school was an exclusive one but still had trouble controlling its teenage students. The administration had done some research and all of it indicated that the most important factor for student achievement and behavior was parental involvement. So after much discussion, the Parental Involvement Program (PIP) was developed.

According to PIP, each mother was responsible for her daughter's behavior and achievement in school. If a student fell short of the expected goals, not only would the student be punished but also her mother. (Although the program was called the Parental Involvement Program, in actuality it only involved the mothers. Early discussions revealed that involving the fathers was a nonstarter. Besides, since it was a girls' school, involving the mothers seemed only natural.)

The basic rules were simple and straightforward. As a private school it was easy to reinstate corporal punishment. The school used a demerit system. If a girl received 5 demerits she received a level one punishment; 10 demerits resulted in a level two, and 15 resulted in a level three. For the student the only difference was the number of paddle swats. Level one was three swats, level two was six swats and level three was 10 swats. All subsequent punishments in a given semester remained at level 3 and each semester started anew with a clean slate. Since it was assumed that parents would enforce their own punishments on their daughters at home, the school felt there was no need to be unduly harsh on the girls at school. The purpose of the program after all was to force parental involvement and control.

The unique feature of the program was that when a girl merited punishment, not only was she punished, so was her mother. That was how Lucy Green found herself in the principal's office that afternoon. Her daughter had accumulated 5 demerits and had been subjected to 3 paddle swats the previous day; when she got home she had presented her mother with the letter from the principal requesting that Lucy present herself for punishment the next afternoon after school hours.

Lucy blushed under the gaze of the pretty office assistant as she waited to be called into the inner office for her paddling. She squirmed in her seat as she anticipated her upcoming bare bottom paddling. (As the permission slip reminded her, all parental paddlings were to be on the bare bottom. Students were paddled over their clothes. What parents did at home was not the school's responsibility but everyone assumed that bare bottom spankings were the rule for the girls at home.)

Lucy finished reviewing the form, signed her consent to be paddled on the bare, and handed it to the waiting office assistant. It was most embarrassing to have a high school girl see her signed form consenting to her paddling.

She stood blushing beet red as the assistant phoned the principal and said, "Mrs. Green is here and has signed her paddling consent form." Then turning to Lucy, she said, "Go right in."

Lucy entered the inner office and faced the stern visage of the school principal.

"I must say that I am surprised to find you here after only five weeks of school, Mrs. Green. Your daughter Emily has been tardy three times and did not turn in two of her homework assignments in Math. That got her five demerits and three swats. And needless to say it is going to cost you five swats with the very same paddle I used on her yesterday. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Lucy stammered as she replied. "I really have no excuse, Mrs. Webb. I try to oversee her work but I must have missed those two Math assignments. As for her tardiness, you know how difficult it is to get teenage girls out of bed and ready in the morning."

"Of course I know how difficult it is. That's why we made it the parents' responsibility as well as the students. The idea is that you will ensure that Emily gets here on time. After all, you are at home with her, not us."

"I'll do better in the future," Lucy told her.

"See that you do. Next time it will be 10 swats, not 5, and it will be during school hours, not late afternoon."

Lucy blushed anew as she recalled this refinement in parental punishments. The first paddling was after school so it minimized the number of people who would know that it was occurring. The second was during lunch time at school when the office and hallways were always full, so it would be overheard by office staff and students and everyone would know that you had been paddled. Lucy shuddered as she thought about the third level. After a student had accumulated 15 demerits in a semester, the mother's punishment took place at the monthly discipline meeting where attendance was mandatory for all parents. Lucy made a silent vow to make sure that Emily never reached that level!

"Well, let's get this over with," said Mrs. Webb. "Please prepare yourself for your paddling. Would you please lower your clothing below the waist and bend over the chair." She indicated a chair in the middle of the room.

Lucy found her hands shaking as she unzipped her trousers and let them fall to her ankles. She inserted her fingers into her panties and slid them down as well as she leaned forward over the back of the chair and grasped the seat.

"Legs well apart Mrs. Green," said the principal. "I intend to paddle you hard and can't have you falling over."

Lucy groaned inwardly as she complied with the new instructions. She was certainly glad no one else was present to witness her in this ignominious position.

Mrs. Webb looked at her hapless victim. She was beginning to appreciate the side benefits of the new PIP. There was something quite satisfying about having such power over these young entitled women who always turned up their noses at women who had to work for a living. Now she intended to take full advantage of her power and take them down a peg or two. That might teach them to take their parental responsibilities more seriously. She knew only too well from her teen years how humiliating it was to have to spread your legs and show all your womanly charms when awaiting a paddling.

Lucy shook involuntarily as the principal rubbed the paddle against her bare bottom in preparation for the first swat. She felt the paddle leave her bottom and then it returned in a rush with a loud splat. The burning was sudden and intense, more than she was prepared for and she wriggled as she fought to maintain her position.

"One," the principal announced. Lucy didn't know how she was going to be able to take all five. It was inconceivable that this was happening to her. Then the second swat arrived and the only thought in her mind was the burning pain in her behind. "Two," said Mrs. Webb.

At three, Lucy broke down and started crying. With four, her runny nose joined her leaking eyes in making a mess of her face. And with five she jumped up rubbing her bottom vigorously. Mrs. Webb let her do so for only a moment before announcing that it was time to get out the office and pick up her paperwork from the assistant.

The paperwork. Lucy had been so focused on being paddled she had forgotten about the rest of her punishment. But it was certainly present in her mind as she approached the young office assistant.

"Please sign the bottom of your consent form indicating that you have had your office paddling, Mrs. Green," said the assistant.

Lucy felt ridiculous as she leaned over the desk, crying from the paddling that this girl had obviously overheard, and signing the bottom of the form.

"And here is your At Home punishment letter, Mrs. Green."

It was this paperwork that the principal had been referring to. The school policy incorporated the old 'paddled at school, spanked at home' idea most parents had used in past generations. But this one had a new twist: the parent who was paddled at school was spanked not at her home but at someone else's. It was felt that it would undermine her authority for her to be spanked at the home where she was raising her daughter. So the school decided to develop a program that would make the experience even more intense for the offending mother. A number of girls with outstanding records were appointed as disciplinarians (a version of the English prefect idea, except instead of being in charge of disciplining their fellow pupils, they were disciplinarians for the pupils mothers. Any of the girls on the list who accumulated more than five demerits in any semester were expelled from the program).

"I see that Lisa has been chosen to be your disciplinarian," said the young assistant. "You are to be at her house at 5pm and she has asked you to bring along a wooden paddle brush. If you do not have one you should purchase one at a drug store on your way. Please don't be late, Mrs. Green."

Lisa? It couldn't be worse! Lisa was Emily's best friend. Lucy and her husband often socialized with Lisa's parents. And now she was going to have to report to Lisa for a spanking! Would Lisa's mother be home? There was no time to worry about that now. She had to go the drug store and get a wooden hairbrush for Lisa to spank her with.

It turned out that there were a number of paddle brushes in the hairbrush aisle at the drug store. Some were plastic but many were wood and all of them looked formidable. Lucy shook as she imagined the force of one of the solid hairbrushes on her bare bottom. With a small shudder she picked one and headed toward the cashier. She knew she looked a mess as the cashier took her money and eyed her with curiosity. She wondered how many people purchased these hairbrushes for purposes other than brushing hair. Why would a hairbrush for hair need to have such a horrid shape?

At a quarter to five she arrived at Lisa's house. She didn't see any cars in the driveway so maybe Lisa's parents weren't home. Her father was probably still at work but her mother might be home... she fervently hoped not as this was going to be bad enough without an audience. She rang the doorbell and Lisa's fourteen-year-old sister Laura answered.

"Oh, hi Mrs. Green, my mom's out shopping."

"Actually, Laura, I'm here to see Lisa, not your mother."

Then Laura saw the official school letter in Lucy's hand and got the picture. "Sure, come on in," she said. "Lisa! Mrs. Green is here for her spanking."

That caused Lucy to turn fourteen shades of red. Did the whole neighborhood hear?

Things didn't get better as Lisa came to the front hallway. "Hello, Mrs. Green," she said. "May I see your Spanked At Home letter?"

© Ken Burke
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.