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eBook Details

Ellen's Decision
a domestic discipline novel
By: Susan Thomas

Published: Jun 23, 2023
Words: 49,157
Orientation: M/F, F/F
Category: domestic discipline
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Ellen hadn't planned to study for her degree at a university in the USA, but decides to go to the same Christian college as her American pen friend, Louise. The Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women is a prestigious institution with a difference... it prides itself on its academic excellence and rigorous discipline. Though the teachings of the Reverend Charnock Amos Jones advocates modesty for young Christian women, they are nevertheless expected to bare their bottom for a spanking. This regime is totally new to Ellen, but she learns to embrace it, makes new friends, and ultimately values the strict discipline. She resolves early on never to do anything that may result in her getting spanked, but it isn't long before she is over Dr McAlister's lap enduring a fearsome hairbrush spanking.

Ellen isn't the only one unused to corporal correction; it is also alien to her loving stepfather, Paul, a widower. Yet Ellen encourages him to correct her behaviour when necessary during the times she returns home. At first, Paul is reluctant to do so, but is also encouraged by his new girlfriend, Joy, who at 26 is still spanked by her father. It doesn't take Paul long to acclimatise to his new role, and as time goes by, he and his family appreciate the importance of domestic discipline in their lives.
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