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eBook Details

A Spanking for the Teacher
By: Frank Martinet

Published: May 15, 2022
Words: 25,467
Orientation: M/F, F/F
Category: school
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View other ebooks by Frank Martinet


The Headmistress' Headmistress: Belinda is Headmistress of a school for girls, just like her mother was before her. But when Belinda arrives home from work to find her mother has paid her a surprise visit, and found the house a disgraceful mess, there is a heavy price to pay. The 35-year-old Belinda is made to strip, and is then thrashed with her own senior cane. To add to her ordeal, her boyfriend Dennis turns up unexpectedly...

The First Day of School: Principal Grume warns the new intake of students what to expect if they are sent to his office for punishment. Just to drive the message home, he demonstrates on their teacher, Miss Helen, giving her 24 solid whacks with the large paddle, and then some painful strokes with the cane.

Evaluation: Glen, the headmaster, is very much aware that teacher Miss Gill has a big bottom made for the cane. He invents a game to see how she reacts to various disciplinary situations, and wrong responses attract the painful attentions of the senior cane, followed by the even more painful dragon cane.

Pranked Again: Two weeks after retiring, a bored headmaster experiences a new lease of life when he once again has the opportunity to punish a member of the teaching staff. This time there are no restrictions, and he goes to work with hairbrush, paddle and cane.

The Storage Room: Ursula, a 24-year-old teacher, has trouble keeping control of her class and would have got sacked from her job if it were not for Mrs Whitmore's help. The older teacher often steps in to assist - but there is a price to pay, and Ursula pays it on her bare bottom when Mrs Whitmore canes it in the privacy of the storage room.

A Teacher's Confrontation: Jack is not academically gifted and demands Miss Murphy change his grade from an F to a D. Miss Murphy, young and pretty, refuses to do so and threatens to paddle him. But to her surprise, the tables are turned and it is she who is on the receiving end of the paddle!

Teacher's Demise: When Principal O'Connor asks to see her after school, Miss Capriotti, an attractive and lazy teacher, knows why. She has slacked off work considerably and there have been complaints about her from parents and students alike. She learns the principal has spoken to her father, who recommended a hefty dose of corporal correction with the big paddle.

A Fair School: Taylor is being sent to Hamilton Prep, a school renowned for its disciplinary measures. Things get better as he witnesses hot girls getting paddled, but the best show is when the headmaster paddles a teacher for punishing the wrong student.

Teacher's Punishment: Principal Marks informs Miss Murphy she has gone too far, and will be punished in the same way she punishes her students - on the bare bottom with a big paddle!

Teacher's Directive: Amanda receives her punishment at a rehabilitation centre. It is a fierce hairbrush spanking, a hard caning and stropping. The punishment is as painful and severe as expected, but is Amanda really who she says she is...?
1 review:
Poppa Mark said...
I have read Frank Martinet's stories before but this collection hits all the right notes for me. His storytelling ability reminds a lot of the late Rollin Hand, and I mean that as a compliment.
This collection of short stories combines great scene set ups without being drawn out, sharp, concise and to the point. Combined with great characters it is one of the nost enjoyable reads I have picked up in a long time. I have limited myself to one story a day just because I do not want it to end.
Rating: (unrated)

13 June 2022 19:11
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