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by Katie Bradford

Veronica Stuckey had it all. She was young, gorgeous and rich, all of which were very important to her. But had she been forced to choose one over the other two, she would have chosen wealth. She had been one of the privileged since the day she was born.

Her father was none other then Richard M. Stuckey, the self made Texas pipeline billionaire. Unlike his daughter, he had not been born to money. His own father had worked in the oil fields, not owned them. Richard had worked hard all his life to get where he was but had never forgotten where he came from. He tried treating all his workers fairly and had always paid them a bit more then the normal salary. Everyone liked Richard, it was his daughter they couldn't stand.

Richard had raised his daughter the best he could but he had been playing the role of both mother and father ever since the death of his wife ten years before and it had been hard. Veronica was his only child and he had denied her nothing. All she had to do was ask and it was hers. He knew now that he had been wrong in giving into her every little whim, but there was precious little he could do about that now that she was twenty one.

Even though Veronica was of age to be out on her own, she still lived at home and was given a generous weekly allowance. And much to Richard's disapproval, she came and went as she pleased answering to no one, not even him. There had been many a night where he'd stayed up into the wee hours of the morning just waiting for her to finally come home.

When he approached her about her lifestyle, and he had several times, she would just laugh and shrug him off. She never took his concern for her safety seriously and always thought him to be a bit stuffy.

However, Richard finally come to his senses and realized something had to be done. This realization came after he had returned home unexpectedly one Sunday, after being overseas for a week, to find his house totally trashed out! Booze, half eaten food, trash, and drunken bodies were just about everywhere you looked!

And when he confronted Veronica about it, she became very indignant about the whole thing. She'd said some very unkind things to her father and then proceeded to lock herself in her room refusing to talk to him for the rest of the day.

That's when he began looking for a solution. That's when he heard about Tom Evans.

Tom Evans was actually one of his executives that worked in the Employee Morale Department. He was in charge of making sure morale stayed high in all the Stuckey companies. Richard had been told the man was excellent and knew how to keep morale high among the employees.

Richard had also been told that Tom was excellent in straightening out wayward attitudes of certain disgruntled workers. After a few more questions and a little research on his own, Richard had flown the man in from California and discussed his daughter's behavior with him.

Tom had assured Richard he would have Veronica 'straightened' out in two weeks tops. Of course Richard would have to agree to Tom's terms giving him permission to do things totally his own way. The two men sat and discussed the situation at length ending with a signed contract drawn up by Tom and signed by Richard. The whole thing would be rather unorthodox but Tom promised results which was all Richard cared about.

The plan was for Tom to come and take Veronica forcefully from the house while Richard was at work and take her to an undisclosed location. The second part was for Richard's sake - so he wouldn't have an attack of a guilty conscience and come after her before her transformation took place.

The whole thing was to begin after Richard left for the office the following Monday. Of course the Stuckey house staff would be let in on the abduction plan so they wouldn't panic when Tom walked out with a screaming Veronica in tow. Tom promised to call Richard periodically letting him know how things were progressing, other then that, there would be no contact.

Richard was a little uneasy about the whole affair but knew it was his last hope. He thanked Tom for his willingness to take on the project and handed him a sizable check for which Tom slipped into his pocket for safe keeping.

Project Veronica was about to commence.

Veronica was unaware of the man entering her room early that Monday morning. She was sprawled out across her bed in a half drunk stupor from her usual Sunday night bender.

Tom quietly walked over to the bed and simply stared at his new charge. She was pretty, he'd give her that. Although she was a bit disheveled at the moment, he could see from the clothes that she still wore from the night before that they were the latest style and simply reeked of money. She had the definite look of someone who had been spoiled rotten all her life.

He wasn't anxious to wake her up. He knew peace, as he knew it, would be over, at least until he had her reprogrammed. Plus she was nice to look at. But he knew he had to do it sometime, so he leaned over and gave her arm a little shake trying to wake her up gently.

"Oh Miles go away!" Came a miserable groan. She hadn't even bothered to open her eyes.

Tom assumed Miles must be the butler. Smirking to himself, he shook Veronica again, this time a little harder. "Miss Stuckey?" Tom called rather gruffly, "I need you to get up and follow me please," he requested, knowing full well that was not going to happen.

Veronica turned slightly and batted her arm out swiping at thin air but still had not bothered to open her eyes. "Go Away!"

Tom took what little bit of sheets was actually covering her and threw them down to the end of the bed. "Get up Miss Stuckey."

Veronica sat straight up in bed holding her head between the palms of her hands and screamed, "GET OUT! GET OUT! I'm going to report you to my daddy and he'll fire your ass!"

Tom looked about the room and saw immediately what he'd been searching for. Walking over to the girl's dressing table, he picked up a flat wooden hairbrush that looked like it had been hand carved and walked back over to the bed.

"You have two seconds to get out of that bed before I use this thing on your behind Missy!" Tom bellowed loudly.

With eyes opened wide at the barbaric threat, Veronica screeched, "You touch my behind and you'll be behind bars buddy! Who in the Hell are you anyway!?"

"I'm sure you'll consider me your worst nightmare very soon," Tom sighed heavily as he hooked his hand around the top of the struggling girl's arm and pulled her off the bed. The next instant found him sitting on the edge of the huge monstrosity of a thing she called a bed, smacking the back of the black silk dress that she hadn't bothered taking off from the night before.

"Let me up you bastard!" Veronica screamed jerking wildly across Tom's lap. Her nails were clawing mercilessly at any part of his body that she could come in contact with.

Tom yelped as a fingernail actually scratched his arm. "You little minx!" he snapped as he brought the hairbrush down even harder across the center of her covered bottom.

"Stoppp stopppp it!" She yelled flailing her arms behind her. "Let me up this instant!! ... MILES! ... MILES!" Veronica screamed louder and louder trying desperately to get anyone's attention besides this crazy man who was beating her ass!

Tom didn't stop for a second, not even when the door opened and a rather distinguished looking chap walked in the room and came to stand next to the outraged young woman.

"Yes Miss Veronica?" he asked without batting an eyelid.

"Ow! ... Get this ... this ... Ow!! ... Bastard off of me!!"

"I'm sorry Miss but I believe you are supposed to be leaving with Master Tom," the man said rather formally.

Miles had put up with an awful lot from his young Mistress over the years and was thoroughly enjoying what was taking place at the moment. He had no intention of interrupting what this girl so sorely needed! Plus he had been told it was Master Stuckey's wishes that Miss Veronica go with the gentleman. Miles just hoped the man knew what he was getting himself into.

"Now Little Miss," Tom snapped bringing the brush down again repeatedly across the wiggling rump. "I'm going to let you up and you are going to follow me all the way out the door. Do you understand?"

"I'm not following you!" Veronica spat, still struggling to release herself from this maniac's grip.

Already knowing it would come to this, Tom tossed the brush on top of the bed and transferred the struggling girl from his lap onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and started out the bedroom door.

"You're going to rue the day you were ever born Mister!" Veronica threatened as she continued to rain her fists down on Tom's back and arms.

Tom let her continue raging as he carried her all the way to the waiting van out front. It wasn't just any van either. It was especially equipped for this type of abduction. Opening the back end, he quickly plopped his semi-stunned charge down onto the padded floor and slammed the door closed before she had a chance to fight back. There was loud banging on the door while Tom secured the latch as she was no doubt hollering to get out. He wouldn't know about that however, because besides being well padded, it was soundproof! The ride to their destination would be blissfully quiet!

At least for Tom.

Veronica looked about the room and was appalled at what she saw. There was nothing but a single bed on which she was lying on at the moment, a small table, a simple dresser, two straight back wooden chairs and a door that lead into what looked like a small bathroom. There was nothing attractive about the room whatsoever. No pictures hanging on the wall, no decor of any kind to spiff the place up. There was also no window for her to look out to find out where the hell she was!

It had been hours since she had been dumped into this miserable little room with orders to change into the clothes visibly lying across the bed. Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Veronica once more held the jeans and shirt up staring at them. Cringing noticeably, she threw them clear across the room where they hit the wall and fell into a small puddle on the floor.

"If you think I'm putting that crap on you bastard, you can think again!" she screamed loudly.

Veronica got up and walked over to the door for about the hundredth time since she'd been thrown in room and started beating on the door demanding to be let out. Again, it was all to no avail as the door remained closed and locked.

Tom was in no hurry. He was allowing plenty of time for the girl to acclimatise herself to the room she was going to be living in for the next two weeks. Of course she didn't know that. She was under the impression that she had been kidnapped and was being held for ransom. She was equally sure, she had told him earlier, that everyone was out searching for her at that very moment! He hated to disillusion the poor young woman by telling her that no one was out looking for her sassy little butt.

From the small camera he had hidden in the room, he could see she was pacing the floor while intermittently pounding on the door, hoping someone would come to her rescue. Of course no one would, she was going to have to learn to count on Tom for everything for awhile.

He also saw she'd still refused to put on the jeans and shirt that he had laid out for her earlier. Well that was fine, but the dress she was wearing was about to be taken off one way or the other. She could run around the room naked for all he cared, just more for him to enjoy!

Deciding it was about time to get the dirty deed done, Tom turned the monitor off and opened the bottom drawer. Inside, he had placed several items he would be needing over the next few days, but right then, he simply pulled out a long wooden paddle. Upon sticking the board securely in his back pocket, Tom proceeded to the soundproof room.

Veronica heard the key tinkling in the lock and made a beeline for the door. She had every intention of making her escape as soon as the door opened.

"Whoa!" Tom grinned as he opened the door wide enough to slip in and then locked it again, "Where do you think you're going Little Miss?"

Veronica tried clawing at Tom's face but he caught both her hands and held her at bay. "You bastard! Let me out of here!"

"That seems to be one of your favorite words," Tom said with his grin beginning to dissipate slightly. "Didn't your daddy ever teach you not to use language like that? It's very vulgar sounding you know."

"My daddy," she spat venomously, "is going to have your ass thrown in jail you BASTARD!" She emphasized the last word.

"Well, we'll see about that," Tom replied not disclosing the fact that her father was the one who had hired him. Still holding her hands, Tom asked, "Why haven't you changed clothes yet?"

"I'm not putting that crap on!"

"Why not?" he asked softly. It was important to keep his cool when dealing with an explosive temper such as Veronica's. He'd had many years of practice dealing with disgruntled employees, so he was able to control his temper to a certain point.

Snorting indignantly, Veronica snapped, "Veronica Stuckey does NOT wear store bought clothes, you moron. I only wear designer things. Those ... things," she paused pointing to the heap lying on the floor, "Are ... oh! Only a clodhopper would wear those!"

Staying calm, Tom said, "Well Sweetheart, you can either be a clodhopper and wear those store bought clothes or go naked, because this dress is coming off," he declared as he began tugging the dress up over the girl's head.

© Katie Bradford
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.