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by Lewis Stone

Rob Gains a Mother

Rob sat in the bathtub listening to his step-mom of the past eighteen years work around the house. She had adopted him before he was two, so in actual fact she was the only mother he knew, but their relationship had not got off to a good start. By the time he was eight he openly rebelled at doing anything she wanted and had paid the price with a sore butt from his father many times since. He called her Mother, but it was in name only.

Spankings from his dad made little difference to his attitude toward Rose, and up to the day he had left home for college two years previously, the two had fought constantly. He was home for the summer, and his job did not start until the following week so he had a lot of time to spend at home. The only trouble was that Rose was also home, and from the moment he'd arrived the bickering had started over again.

Things were bad and would have stayed that way for the entire summer if Rob had not discovered what he did. His suspicions were aroused when he gave his father the bill for next year's tuition, and his dad had turned away from him. Rob could see his dad's face had turned white. After a few seconds his dad said he would look after the bill, but Rob did some checking and found his father's company was close to being bankrupt. It was when he was checking his father's home office that he found something else that surprised him.

He stumbled onto Rose's bank accounts and found she had paid his last two years tuition and all his monthly allowances had come from her. He saw the explanation for the newest cheque still in the system was exactly the amount of his next year's tuition. Not that Rose could not afford it - she could have paid for fifty years and still have had cash in the bank, but the fact she paid and never said one word to Rob all that time gave him a view of her he had never had before.

Rob sat in the bathtub wondering why his step-mom would do such a thing. He could not afford to pay the tuition fees himself and would have to drop out if the money was not available. The question in Rob's mind was what to do now? He could not tell his father he had snooped through his business files, not if he wanted to live at home the rest of the summer. He could not tell Rose he knew she was paying his college bills, as he had no right to look at her bank statements.

At the same time, he knew he had to do something or else feel very guilty about his behaviour over the past ten or more years. An idea occurred to him and, after considering it for a long time, he knew it was the only real solution. Rose had to become his mother in more than just name, and there was only one way to do that in his mind.

After standing up, putting on his bathrobe and drying his hair, he went down to the kitchen and pulled a chair into the middle of the room. Rob knew the soap opera Rose was watching ended in a few minutes as he took the wooden paddle off the wall where it had hung ever since he could remember. He put the paddle under his robe, holding it there by placing it behind his back and tying his bathrobe belt firmly about his waist. He stood and listened as the program concluded and then heard Rose turn off the television.

"Mother, could you please come to the kitchen? I have something we need to discuss." He could hear her sigh as he knew she was thinking this was going to be another fight.

"What is so important that we need to discuss it, Rob? You and I have never agreed upon anything before, and I doubt it will start now." Her comments as she entered made it clear Rose thought whatever it was he wanted to talk about was only going to cause a fight.

Rob put his hand on the back of the chair. "Please sit and listen to me before you make a decision. I think I have a way to end all this fighting between us. Just please give me a chance to explain and if you don't agree, then I will never say a word about it again."

Rose thought she sensed a change in his attitude, but she was not about to believe it. She'd had hopes in the past about the two of them having a better relationship, but such things had been dashed.

"Okay Rob, but I will not sit here and argue. Your father is home in about two hours, and you can discuss any arguments with him. Am I clear?"

He wondered if his plan would work but knew he had to go through with it. "No arguing, I agree. This is not easy, but I want to say I am sorry for my behaviour over the past few years. I acted like a terrible spoiled brat when you were only trying to be my mother."

If anything had touched Rose at that moment, she was sure it would have knocked her off the chair, her surprise was so great. It took her over a minute before replying.

"I must admit I am shocked, Rob, but I'm glad to hear it. I've often told you that you were a spoiled brat, but perhaps you've grown up."

"Perhaps we could start with a clean slate and treat each other like family. I know Dad is very happy he married you, and I should have appreciated that all these years."

Rose was still in shock and knew her initial gut reaction about his attitude was correct, but there was still a lot of hurt in her to deal with.

"I don't know about a clean slate, Rob. Sometimes you have not even addressed me as Mother, calling me Rose. A lot of things have been done and said that I cannot simply put in the past and forget that easily."

Rob nodded his head and placed one hand behind his back to hold on to the paddle as he loosened the robe belt around his waist.

"I know that and I have a solution. One that any parent could use on someone who has acted like I did, but you never choose to do."

Rose's eyebrows went up. "And exactly what was I was to do all these years, Rob, that would have improved your behaviour one iota beyond what it was all those years?"

Rob dropped his robe to hang at his hips while he pulled out the paddle from behind his back and held it out to her.

"I think you should have been using this all along instead of leaving everything to Dad."

He watched for the second time to see the utter shock return to her face, and once again no response for almost a minute.

She took the paddle and then looked up at him.

"I thought about it many times, but did not know if it would have helped. Your dad never allowed it. Are you saying I should use it now?"

"We need a clean slate to start over. This is the only way I can think of to give us a chance to start as mother and son. A son who will behave himself, or perhaps feel that paddle a lot more."

His expression showed he meant every word. Rose decided he was doing what he could to make things right.

"A clean slate is what you want, is it? Okay, then it is going to take more than this little paddle. I want you to get me the bath brush out of the shower and bring it to me. If you're not back in two minutes, I will know you are not serious about this and we will forget this discussion ever happened."

As he left to retrieve the brush, she could see his robe was low enough to know he was naked under it. She smiled to herself as she wondered if he knew she had paddled his father all these years of marriage and was an experienced spanker of male bottoms. If Rob did not know he was about to find out, perhaps much more than he wanted. She smoothed out her shorts and rubbed her bare knees as she knew he would be over them for a long time.

As he handed her the brush, she decided to find out how serious he was about wanting a good relationship.

"Rob, somehow I doubt one spanking is going to give you a clean slate because it will require a lot more than that. I was thinking one spanking a week throughout the entire summer, with the bath brush. That will be roughly ten spankings, but when you go back to college we will be clear. For the way you have treated me, I think it is a good deal for you. What do you think?"

He hesitated; it was a lot more than he had planned on but knew she had paid his tuition and allowances for two entire years.

"I guess one spanking isn't much, you're right. Does Dad have to find out?"

Rose shook her head. "Nope, unless he hears it from you. You know he never was willing to let me discipline you. He said it was better all the discipline came from him so you and I could bond. I tried to tell him many times it was not working, but it was the one thing I could never get him to change his mind about, regardless of what I said or did. He has always told us to work out our relationship, so I guess this is working it out. We agree then, one spanking a week with the brush until you go back to college."

Seeing him nod his acceptance, she pointed to a spot between her feet. "I want you to stand there and drop the robe when you get there. You haven't got anything I am interested in besides a bare butt that I am going to make red in a few minutes."

Rob paused for a moment as he detected a change in Rose's tone that he had heard her use with his father on occasion. Her manner had changed from one willing to be a partner to one of being in command. It was only a momentary flash in his mind not to reoccur until several weeks later when he was thinking about them as a couple. He shrugged and took a position between her knees before taking off his bathrobe and putting it beside her feet on the floor.

"Okay Rob, bend over my leg and make sure your hands are flat on the floor. I want your toes extended out as far as they can reach and touching the floor. I expect you to hold this position the entire time you are being spanked. Ask any questions now because I will not stop until I think you have had enough."

He was wondering how hard she would spank him, but knew he had deserved this for a long time.

"No questions."

She started with her hand. Placing her one hand on his lower back she cuffed his two bum cheeks in an upward fashion, while making sure she held him tight in, towards her waist. After a little colour started to show, she switched over to slapping him in one spot on each cheek at least a dozen times before moving to a new area, all the while lecturing him.

© Lewis Stone
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.