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by Ron Laurence

The buzzing sound that filled the darkened room sent a hand shooting out from the bed. Finding the 'Off' button, Leo only wanted to go back to sleep but knew it was time to get up. So after hitting the button, he groaned and stretched his six-foot frame. Slowly he pulled himself up and, giving one last yawn, tossed the top sheet off and got out of bed.

"Leopold, breakfast is ready, dear," called Mom from down the hall.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, Mom."

After pulling on his uniform, Leo entered the bathroom. A close look in the mirror showed hazel eyes filled with mixed emotions of both gladness and sorrow.

"Why couldn't you have cleared up in high school?" he whispered at his reflection, before passing a comb through his reddish hair. It made him think of all the cruel teasing at school by the so-called cool kids; they, the jocks and cheerleaders were all guilty of making his high school years a living hell. "Well it's over, and this fall means a fresh start at the University of California," he stated to the face in the mirror.

Yes, no more feelings of hating to go to school and being the target of the different cliques. Though he was valedictorian at Centennial High, he would be glad to be leaving it and Bakersfield behind, to start a new life. He intended to make a fresh start by becoming a Bio-engineer. Things would be different in University; students there would really want to learn.

Heading down to the kitchen, Leo made his way to the table after giving his mom a kiss on the cheek. Sitting down he started into his breakfast of Cheerios and toast, washing down the toast with orange juice. After brushing his teeth he grabbed his lunch and headed out the door. Backing his 94 Taurus out, he headed down Seven Hills towards the East Hills Mall.

Leo did wish he had a car that wasn't so old… maybe five years old, but not fifteen. But his dad had said as long as it gets you from point A to point B, that's all that matters.

"Right, Dad. You’re not the one having to drive to school in it," Leo mumbled as he drove.

Leo had got lucky as Chris, one of his few friends, had an uncle who needed some part-time security guards at the mall. Chris talked his uncle into hiring the pair of them, and his uncle soon found that Leo was a good worker even though his nephew Chris was not.

The job did have its ups and downs. The good part was sitting in the security room watching the monitors to see that there was no trouble. The bad part was when he had kids from school that he had to deal with. Even in uniform he was still being taunted. This being Saturday, Leo knew that it would be one of those days.

After punching in, Leo checked the reports from the previous night as he waited for Chris to arrive. Late as usual, his hefty friend entered and made his way to Leo by the monitors.

"Ready for another great day, Leo my man?" He beamed as he worked to get jam off his tie.

"Yeah right, another great day."

"You never know, Leo, we may catch one of the school cheerleaders stealing and we’d have no option but to search her." Chris grinned as his blue eyes sparkled at the thought.

Leo figured that was why Chris wanted this job - the chance to nab one of the girls from school just to get noticed. Chris was about as popular as Leo at school, taunted just as badly for his weight and his always uncombed black hair.

"Maybe, Leo, we'll catch one and she'll be wearing a short skirt and perhaps we'd see her panties when questioning her," he said dreamily.

"The only panties you'll see is if you go through the lingerie department," Leo said with a laugh.

Chris could be hard to take at times. Standing three inches shorter than Leo and about fifty pounds heavier, he was a good friend, though he always seemed to be munching on something - that and wanting to see some cute girls wearing only underwear, or less. He had known Chris since they entered high school and Leo found that, other than his friend's habit of always eating and his fixation with girls, when it came to computers, the guy was a genius. That had gotten him acceptance into MIT.

"I guess it won't be long before we leave this place," Leo said looking at his friend.

"Yeah. Next weekend we go our separate ways," Chris responded with a touch of sadness.

Leo could tell from his eyes that Chris would miss him too. They were different in some ways, but in high school they were classed in the same group. Chris had become his best friend but, like him, Chris would be fine. They would both be making a fresh start.

Looking at the monitors, the boys saw that the doors to the mall were opening. It was time to go to work. It wasn't bad. There was nothing major like Leo read or heard about in malls in bigger cities, just an occasional shoplifter. Leo was very good at details and had nabbed a few would-be crooks. All they did was make rounds about once an hour to let people know that there was security in the store, and then they returned to watch the monitors.

Nodding to his friend, Leo handed Chris his walkie-talkie and, grabbing his, they made their way out onto the mall floor.

As usual the place was packed by noon on Saturday and all was going well so far, until they arrived - the popular kids from school. In came six of the jocks from the football team and six of the most beautiful girls that Leo had ever seen in his young life. The girls were led by Kalli Swan, the girl that lived two doors down from him, the girl that, when they were kids, had been a friend. Her stunning looks enabled her to rise to the heights of the social ladder, leaving Leo firmly at the bottom. She had pixie-cut platinum-blonde hair and a tiny waist, perfect on her five and a half foot frame.

"Hey it's the geek squad. Didn't know geeks had uniforms," one of the jocks laughed.

Hearing his words Kalli turned and looked in the boys' direction. At first, her pale blue eyes seemed to sparkle as she looked, then seemed to lose that sparkle as if dismissing them.

"You guys had better not start trouble. We’re security and can put you out," Chris retorted to the group.

"Mall cops," Kalli said softly with disdain.

Leo had to admit she did look stunning, even though he'd learned to dislike her for all the mean things she would say to him, or worse, when she acted like he wasn't even there. But she was beautiful with that light tan, standing there in white short shorts and a pink halter top. She always did like to show off her body when she came to the mall.

Nothing like showing some skin to show the world what a looker she is, Leo thought, as she turned away from them and rejoined her friends. Leo couldn't help but look at her pert bottom in those tight little shorts. He noticed they had ridden up a bit in the back as the seam of those shorts got wedged between her bottom cheeks, not only highlighting two wonderful cheeks, but also showing a glimpse of them.

"What are you staring at, loser?" the jock bellowed.

"Nothing, just making sure everything is okay," Leo said, afraid that Rick and his friends might have noticed what he was staring at.

"Well get lost. Now!" Rick spoke with a menacing look of glee in his eyes.

Chris and Leo tried to show no fear as they turned and walked away. They still had rounds to make before getting back to have some lunch of their own.

"Did you see that ass on Kalli?" Chris asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"You were there. I saw what you saw," Leo replied, popping a chip in his mouth.

"Man! I would love to catch her doing some shoplifting, give her a really good pat down," Chris said, wiping his mouth.

"I'm sure Rick would kill you if you did."

"Ah but what a way to go, Leo old boy."

The rest of the day went as usual and before Leo knew it, the day was over and he could go home and change. Before punching out, he looked at the schedule and saw that he had tomorrow off, but he would have to work the evening shift on Monday.

"Oh great," he moaned.

"Hey, at least it will be quiet. Nothing happens then," Chris piped in.

Getting back home, Leo went to his room and changed before heading for the living room. No one was home yet as Mom and Dad usually went to their friends' house to play cribbage.

"Guess they might be there for a while," he said to himself.

Sitting on the couch, he started to channel surf to see if anything good was on. All the time he kept thinking of Kalli and her short shorts. Seeing a part of her pale bottom peeking out from underneath them, he felt himself start to get excited. He placed his free hand over the front of his jeans as he thought of her bottom, and that tantalizing little bit of flesh that had peeked out at him. What would have made it a perfect picture would be if those cheeks had had a little color to them.

That was the thing, even though he and Chris were the same in some senses, there was one major difference: Leo was interested in spanking the female bottom.

Yeah Chris, you want to see panties and I'm more interested in spanking. Finished high school and still a virgin. Add that to the fact that spanking excites me… Gawd, am I screwed.

The thoughts of spanking had never been there before. It wasn't until that Saturday afternoon back in January. He was watching an old 1991 movie called Love Crimes. It was a bit boring and he was just about to shut off the TV when it happened. The guy grabbed the young actress and spanked her over his knee on the bed. Leo was transfixed and a little let down when it ended so soon. But that little scene changed things for him, to the extent that he didn’t know anymore what he wanted - to finally have sex or to give a spanking.

Thinking back to that movie, he fantasized about Kalli in her cute short shorts starring in the movie, and that it was he not an actor spanking her pert bottom. That particular thought was getting him too excited and he had to clear his mind fast.

"Think about university, the future," he told himself as he removed his hand from his crotch.

When he noticed the time, he knew his parents would be home later in the evening so he put a couple of hot dogs in the microwave for dinner.

The rest of the weekend passed with Leo busy making sure that he had everything ready for when he left next Saturday. He went to Chris's house and spent some time with him before going back home a few hours later, finally calling it a night.

"Well at least I don't have to get up early tomorrow for work," he said to his reflection after brushing his teeth.

Arriving at the mall at around three, he met Chris in the security room as he punched in. This would be a long night as few customers were in the building.

© Ron Laurence
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.