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by LSF Publications

Miss Alexander's Weakness

by Clifford Dorset

The following notes, passed to me by a contact at a boy's school in my locality, appear to have been written by the Headmaster of that school, although no doubt that august gentleman would deny any connection and perhaps even initiate legal proceedings for defamation of character. I am making available these notes secure in the knowledge that they will not be widely seen.

I felt somewhat overheated following my rather extreme chastisement of young Lucy. Following her departure from my study, closely followed by Miss Alexander, who had assisted me in her caning, I stood in contemplation at my window, looking down on the majestic sweep of our driveway, and allowing the sunlit serenity of the parkland surrounding our school to work its magic upon me.

The disturbing bulge in my trousers had finally begun to abate, although when I saw Lucy leaving our hallowed stone portal and start to make her way down the drive, its decline was (regrettably) reversed. She was walking somewhat stiffly away from me, and I certainly felt considerable sympathy for her evident discomfort. However, I must admit that I also very much enjoyed the way her somewhat pained gait seemed to accentuate the naturally languorous roll of her perfectly formed youthful bottom.

It had only been a few minutes since I'd allowed her to let her skirt restore her modesty after her chastisement, but the sight of her skirt slowly falling over her cane-belaboured buttocks as she stood in the corner will long remain with me. I smiled as I remembered that she had not felt up to the task of restoring her knickers to their rightful place; she had carried them in her hand as she had left my study. Beneath that swinging skirt, therefore, she was naked as she walked from the school.

Such thoughts, needless to say, did nothing to reduce my embarrassing bulge, but in the few minutes following Lucy's disappearance beneath the trees that flanked the driveway it had mostly faded away, and I was more-or-less decent as I turned from the window. I remember, however, allowing myself a smile of satisfaction. I had achieved a most necessary advance in this young lady's education, and I would be able to report this success to my sister, the Lady Amelia, the following day. She would no doubt be pleased.

I decided to stroll around the school, looking in on the boys in my charge as they worked diligently with their prep before supper. I hadn't heard my bursar, Miss Alexander, leave her office, but then she is always quietly unobtrusive and I judged that she would certainly have left by then. Certainly I thought nothing of it as I opened my adjoining door and entered her office.

I must say, though, that I was more than surprised. I was shocked. I was stopped abruptly, probably with my mouth agape, by the sight that greeted me in Miss Alexander's office. The School Bursar had not left her office, indeed. Nor was she working busily at her desk in the way I usually found her. Her padded office chair, normally in a business-like location close to her desk, was instead skewed rather waywardly towards me. Miss Alexander was half-reclining in it in a pose that can only be described as somewhat lewd! Her long, nylon-clad legs were stretched out wide in my direction, and her black skirt was hitched high above her waist. Her body, arched upwards, was straining with tension, and apart from the skimpy adornment of a black suspender belt attached to her smooth black stockings, she was intriguingly naked. A pair of black silk knickers rather charmingly adorned her left knee.

Her face was not visible. It was completely obscured by a pair of silky knickers that looked suspiciously like those that Lucy had worn for her caning. Their thoroughly damp gusset fluttered close to Miss Alexander's nose, rising and falling in time with the noise of heavy breathing that accompanied her urgently guttural cries. These impassioned noises were evidently associated with the frenetic activity of her hands, which were busily engaged at the suspender-framed 'V' formed at the confluence of her pale white thighs.

My entrance was not immediately noted by Miss Alexander. Hardly surprising, I mused wryly, as I watched the fingers of her left hand thrusting deeply into her glistening wetness while those of her right flickered wildly about the impressively swollen dark red nubbin that boldly emerged, thrusting outwards, from her ample vulval folds.

As I stood entranced, quite unable to move, I observed Miss Alexander continue in her self pleasuring for some moments more, until with a final agonised cry of pain-pleasure her body rose abruptly into a near-impossible arc before collapsing onto her chair, leaving her panting hard into Lucy's knickers. A wave of lassitude then surged visibly over her replete body as she extricated her glistening fingers from their secret abode and wiped them over the firmness of her lower abdomen. It was only then that I realised that Miss Alexander's crotch was innocent of any pubic thatch, being creamily naked from her navel to her fulsome, oozing labia.

I gasped at this revelation, somewhat abruptly, and it was probably this expostulation of mine that alerted my Bursar to my presence. With one hand she grabbed the concealing knickers from her swiftly reddening face while, with the other, she attempted to sit up straight, with as much decorum as possible, pushing her skirt down rapidly to cover her virginal groove as she attempted unsuccessfully to stand.

I would prefer to believe that my amusement at her discomfort had not been as obvious as I'm sure it was. However, the sight of her rumpled black knickers slowly completing their journey from her knee to her ankle added an undeniably comic touch! Her face, needless to say, was the colour of beetroot!

"H-Headmaster, I ... I thought I heard you leave by the other door."

I watched as she realised that she was still holding Lucy's damp knickers in her hand, and then endeavoured to conceal them behind her back. Finally, she succeeded in standing, and she hung her head in shame before me.

"No doubt you heard some unruly boy slamming a door in his haste to avoid being late for prep," I suggested. "However..."

Miss Alexander lowered her head in shame.

"I've let you down, Headmaster ... I'm so sorry..."

"No doubt, Miss Alexander ... no doubt. I must admit that I am in something of a quandary about how to deal with what has happened here."

"I will accept your judgement, Headmaster ... whatever you decide."

"Of course, I would not suggest that your ... sexual ... behaviour with Miss Lucy's intimate garment was anything other than your private concern, Miss Alexander."

"Thank you, Headmaster."

"However ... perhaps the most significant conclusion I have reached, Miss Alexander, is that I trusted you in engaging your assistance in dealing with Miss Lucy's chastisement, and that your evident ... shall we say ... arousal ... in carrying out that duty does tend to undermine the whole concept of corporal punishment in a scholastic environment."

"Indeed, Headmaster ... I'm sorry, Headmaster."

"It would hardly do, would it, Miss Alexander, to blur the distinction between pain and pleasure, now, would it?"

I noticed that she was here unable to conceal her surreptitious glance towards the below-waist zone of my trousers.

Fortunately, I had been too shocked by what I'd just seen to respond in the expected way to the sight of Miss Alexander's undeniably charming intimate regions, and to the manner in which she had been treating them. But there was something about her curiosity in making her cursory check that, from that point onwards, started to alert me to the erotic potential of the situation in which the two of us found ourselves.

I have always held Geraldine Alexander in high esteem, but she had never given me any cause to think of her other than as a colleague, an effective part of my 'management team' as it is known these days. Having seen this other side of her, however - this other 'end', if you will excuse the rather racy allusion - my mind began to work along rather different lines. She was certainly attractive. It seemed that she cut her hair deliberately rather short to reinforce her authoritarian air, but otherwise she was nicely shaped, highly feminine, and her face was always both alive and highly responsive. Indeed, in the disarray I had just witnessed her face had softened with a certain feminine vulnerability, and her uncompromising submission to my authority in this business made me feel quite warm towards her.

"I think I should reassure you, Headmaster," she said, gaining a confidence that was somewhat at odds with her sartorial disarray, "that I derive no untoward feelings in the contemplation of the bottoms of our male charges, or indeed in their chastisement, and I agree that if my feelings had been otherwise my position here would indeed have been intolerable. My reaction to Miss Lucy's nakedness was ... well ... very different. Very different indeed, if I may say so. Perhaps I should say that I discovered this fact as a result of the events that took place at the conclusion of my last appointment."

Her eyes probed mine meaningfully, and I recalled vividly the circumstances of Miss Alexander's departure from her previous girls' school, when her betrayal by three girls attempting to avoid justice led to their severe public caning.

"Are you saying, Miss Alexander, that your leanings are wholly towards your own sex?"

"As concerns the chastisement of females corporally ... yes. However ... in other ways ... my leanings ... as you so charmingly put it ... are more complex. They do include a very strong attraction to men as well as women. Particularly to men who demonstrate certain dominance."


"Men such as yourself, Headmaster."

I was taken aback, even though I did find her words rather stimulating.

"If you're attempting flattery as a means of escaping just punishment, Miss Alexander..."

"Far from it, Headmaster. I fully expect to be punished appropriately, even though I have witnessed the considerable rigour of which you are capable when this is justified."

She lowered her eyes as she said this, blushing anew. Geraldine Alexander was taking our discussion in a direction that I was finding not only surprising, but intriguing and ... well, rather stimulating.

"I had in mind that you should write to Miss Lucy, apologising and returning her ... underwear ... although I appreciate that there would be a certain ... symmetry ... in awarding you a punishment of the kind you witnessed this evening."

"Indeed, Headmaster. I agree with both of your suggestions."

"Your concurrence is gratifying, Miss Alexander. Some people might find it a little harsh for such a severe punishment to be awarded for what is arguably a normal human reaction."

"On the other hand, Headmaster, it could be seen as just retribution for my selfishness in taking my own pleasure, when the 'normal human reaction' caused in other participants remains unsatisfied."

"Other participants...?"

She nodded downwards towards where my groin was once again displaying a tell-tale tumescence. A faint smile graced her lips as she did so, and I sensed the need to re-establish my authority.

"I cannot imagine, Miss Alexander, that you would even contemplate such a punishment without some first-hand experience..."

"My finishing school, Headmaster, was run by a certain Mrs Verwoerdt, a formidable lady brought up in the land where the sjambok ruled girls' tender behinds. She considered her life to be an abject failure if any of her young ladies were able to survive as much as a week without at least one day in which they were rendered unable to sit on their hard wooden benches. The sjambok, as you're no doubt aware, is usually made of very strong ... unforgiving animal hide."

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