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by Carly Burton

Chapter One: Day 1

Princess Alicia was standing in the dock, a scowl and a pout spoiling the natural beauty of her young face. She had just turned 18 years old. She alternately glared at her mother, Queen Dorothea and Judge Alder, the only other people in Court. Her robes clung lovingly to every curve of her body, her hair shone in the neatly braided style under a soft, gauzy veil but her haughty expression spoiled her appearance.

The Judge studied her and finally spoke. "Princess Alicia, your mother is concerned about your attitude, behaviour and disposition. You are selfish, have no concern for others, mistreat servants and have been spoiled to the point that you are not fit to rule!"

Princess Alicia spluttered a horrified protest and began raging against her mother, who stared blankly back at her irate daughter.

"Precisely my point!" Judge Alder replied.

When the Princess continued her tirade, the Judge shouted "Silence!" She was shocked into compliance.

"I sentence you to a week of attitude adjustment with one of the Court's punishment administrators. No one will know your identity, which is the reason you are far from home. If you dare to enlighten anyone, you will be sentenced to six months in a female prison instead. I need to warn you that this type of punishment is expressly meant to humiliate as well as reform a wilful young woman, so be prepared to be treated without the respect you are accustomed to! It is not normally used for the likes of a princess, but, needs must if you are to be fit to rule!" He paused, allowing time for the seriousness of the situation to sink in. "You will be taken from here immediately by Master Jay - our most respected Punishment Officer - and will spend a week in his care at his House of Correction. You will routinely be punished every morning, possibly every afternoon and evening as well. The morning punishment will be a ten-minute hand spanking, the following two may be a minimum of twelve strokes with the implement of Master Jay's choice." Alicia was simply staring, disbelief in her face. "Any bad behaviour, attitude or disobedience will incur either immediate punishment or an increase of the next punishment. Expect each punishment to increase in severity as the week progresses!"

Princess Alicia's knees weakened in shock and she stumbled, catching herself just before she collapsed. She stared at her mother, eyes beseeching for clemency. None was forthcoming. The Queen just looked her straight in the eye and then nodded agreement to the Judge and left the Court, silently.

"You will be known simply as 'Lyssa' from now until your release." The judge then pressed a buzzer and immediately a door opened and Master Jay entered, an imposing figure of a man, 6 feet tall, strong, stern features, muscled and fierce. "Master Jay, this is Lyssa, a highborn young lady in need of your correction. Take her away!"

Lyssa's eyes were so wide, her mouth hanging open in further shock and horror as she tried to back away from the awesome figure that was approaching the Dock. "You cannot do this to me!" she screamed.

The Judge left Court, and Master Jay simply assessed Lyssa with a warning expression. "I don't recommend you try to evade me, retribution will be swift and harsh."

Her chin lifted suddenly and she used her most haughty expression to look at him, her pride not allowing him to see her fear as reality dawned upon her. This was real; her mother had warned her many times that she must learn humility and now she must endure whatever treatment this Master Jay had in store for her. She would not let him break her!

He reached for her arm and pulled her after him to a small room, and she followed, deciding not to give him the satisfaction of dragging her away.

He spoke. "Strip off all your clothing, you will wear this tunic; I will give you five minutes and then I will be back. If you are not dressed, I will do it for you, but you will incur your first punishment."

She glared at him, a poisonous expression he barely acknowledged, but he left her alone. She had no intention of angering him, so undressed quickly and reached for the knee length tunic. It was made of simple cotton, loose fitting and shapeless, with a length of fabric to act as a belt. She noticed with further horror, that there were no undergarments! She eyed it with distaste, but pulled it over her head angrily, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall. She shuddered as she slipped on a pair of simple leather sandals.

Master Jay burst through the door without knocking and regarded her with a little surprise; clearly he had expected to have to forcibly undress this striking young woman. Lyssa felt a small triumph at this, but soon became angry again as he fastened her wrists together in front of her and attached a lead rope. Her eyes bore into his, but she could find no voice. He simply stared back and pulled her with him, through the door and outside.

"You will keep your eyes downcast, you will not look at or speak to anyone, regardless of whether they look at or speak to you. If you disobey, you will be spanked wherever we are, in front of anyone present.

Lyssa was aware of people surrounding them, and even though she knew no one would recognise her as Princess Alicia as they were not even in her principality, she felt a deep shame. There were taunts and insults; they all knew she was being punished and the anger built within her so that she could not contain it any longer.

She dug her heels in and whirled around screaming at the people who witnessed her shame, hysterical and out of control. Master Jay said nothing, just hauled her towards a low wall, where he rested his left foot and tipped her over his knee. She kicked and screamed while he lifted the hem of her tunic to expose her naked bottom to the small delighted crowd and applied hard and fast slaps. He didn't stop until her energy was spent and she hung limply, dangling over his knee. Without a word, he lifted her and threw her over his shoulder as the crowd shouted encouragement. She was mortified as she realised that she had given them exactly the show they had wanted!

Thankfully, only a few moments later they entered the Correction House. He walked straight into a small bedroom and threw her down on the bed.

"I will leave you for 30 minutes to recover, and then I will return to deliver your first scheduled spanking." With that, he left.

She cried. She couldn't remember ever crying before because she always had everything she wanted, all her own way, everyone running around obeying her orders. Well, she was not staying here; she leapt up from the bed and tried the door. Locked. She was not really surprised to find it was locked. She resigned herself to the fact that she was in deep trouble and for the moment, she would have to submit to Master Jay, whether she liked it or not. She lay back down and waited in trepidation for her punishment.

The door burst open exactly 30 minutes later and Master Jay dragged a chair from the table and left it ominously in the centre of the small room and then sat down.

"Come here," he commanded. She sat up and stared, too afraid to move. "If you delay obeying an order, the punishment will be longer and harder. This is the only time you will be excused. Now come here!" She stood on shaky legs before him, eyes downcast. "Over my knee." He pointed, but again Lyssa hesitated. He grabbed her arm and she fell heavily across his knee, the wind knocked out of her as he held her tight with one arm and one leg thrown across both hers as he knew she would not submit.

Lifting her tunic, he began a slow, steady reign of slaps up and down her cheeks, not as furious as the first time, but building a slow burn. She was powerless against him, so realised how futile her resistance was. She determined not to cry or squeal, but as the spanking progressed, she also realised the futility of her determination to keep quiet. Suddenly he stopped, his hand resting casually on her burning bottom.

"This is where I would have stopped if you had obeyed immediately." Then he continued to deliver several more sharp slaps until she was indeed squealing and crying, feeling as if the end of the world was nigh.

Finally it was over and he ordered her to stand, which, surprisingly, she did. He towered over her and lifted her face to look up at him. "You can make this easier or harder for yourself, depending on whether you submit and learn, or choose to defy me. These are the rules: You will address me as Master Jay or Sir. You will obey every command, no hesitation, you will never go outside without me, and any attempt to escape will result in a severe whipping." He paused while she digested the information. "This is what will happen now. I will take you to the kitchen where you will do chores for my housekeeper, Bess. You will obey any member of my staff, and be assured that they will report any misbehaviour or bad attitude to me and that will result in further punishment. Before the evening meal, I will take you to the Punishment room to administer a 12 stroke punishment, or more if you have incurred any. After the meal, you will complete more chores, then receive your final punishment of the day before bed. Think about your attitude and the soreness of your bottom. Do you really want to further increase your pain on the first day of a week-long punishment?"

She glared at him, her eyes sparkling with fury, but she held it in check. "No Master Jay," she answered meekly. He returned her gaze, assessing her, and then he smiled. What a transformation - the smile softened his features and her eyes widened as she felt a strange feeling curling within her gut. Her experience with males had been restricted to court staff and none were as masculine and ferocious as Master Jay.

"Good. Come. Let's meet Bess."

She followed him, with a sense of doom, the rough fabric of the tunic rubbing against her sore skin. She mentally threw daggers at his back as she followed him. One day, she would repay him for his cruel treatment.

Bess was a surprise; she was a middle-aged lady with an ample bosom, rosy cheeks and a pleasant disposition, and she treated Lyssa kindly, which Lyssa had not expected.

Lyssa's lack of skill in the kitchen was painfully obvious, but Bess soon worked out it was the truth and not an attempt at deceit. Lyssa struggled on and before long they were eating a meal with the other staff, including Master Jay, less unpleasant than she had expected, although Lyssa never spoke a word.

After she helped clear the kitchen, Master Jay came and led Lyssa to the Punishment room, her insides quaking with fear. He unlocked the door and pushed her none too gently inside.

Her breath caught in her throat as she surveyed the equipment in the room. Rows of paddles, straps and canes lined the walls; they were of different sizes, thicknesses and weights. Her heart almost stopped as her eyes fell upon the contraption that must be some kind of torture equipment, with restraints. Also, chains were fastened to the floor and hung from the ceiling; surely she would not survive this, did not deserve this?

© Carly Burton
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.