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by Scott Church

Welcome to Birchwood Castle

Sitting In the back of her father's big Rover, as it roared over the bleak landscape that is Salisbury Plain, Lucinda reflected upon her situation. The smell of the leather upholstery, and the coarseness of her new school uniform, together with the motion of the car made her feel rather nauseous; or was it just the thought of what was to come? She felt really belittled, dressed in her knee length maroon skirt, crisp white blouse, tie and blazer with the School crest sewn onto the breast pocket. And it didn't stop there either; she even had to wear regulation navy blue knickers and white socks. It was just last week, on the day of her 18th birthday that this bombshell had been dropped upon her.

"Lucinda," Mr Adams had announced, "your mother and I have decided to send you to finishing school. You are an intelligent girl, but you've wasted your years at school so far, and I'm not having any daughter of mine going into the world so obviously unprepared as you are."

Never had she felt such disappointment as when those words were spoken. She had thought her schooldays were over, that soon she would be going to balls, meeting young men and generally having fun. But no, it's back to school and no ordinary school either. Three weeks ago her father had been to the school alone, to arrange her education there himself and only on her birthday last week, when it was all confirmed, was she informed. The thought of it filled her with dread. She had been to no less than 4 different schools since the age of eleven and had under-achieved at all of them.

Although she didn't lack intelligence, Lucinda was by nature a mischievous girl, always in trouble for one thing or another. She paid little attention to her studies, always of the opinion she'd marry a rich husband who would keep her happy for the rest of her life. She thought the days of school dinners, uniforms and discipline were behind her, but from the preparations she'd been through in the last week, it seemed like this would be worse than ever. She had three different uniforms packed in her trunk, as well as her gym and sports kit; what was that all about? Thoughts of previous schools came to mind. All the times she'd been shouted at, made to stay behind and write lines, the times she'd been spanked, slippered, strapped and even caned in front of the whole class. She slipped her hands under her bottom involuntarily at the thought, but she also felt that nice sexy sensation in her groin that she always felt, after her bottom was punished.

"Surely I won't get that here," she thought to herself, "after all, I'm 18, far too old to be bending over for a thrashing."

She looked out of the car window and watched the barren Wiltshire landscape flashing by. After dropping her off at her new school, her parents would be driving on to Dorset for a short break together. The thought that this was a boarding school again sprang to mind. This would be the first time she'd been away from home for any length of time. She had read stories about boarding schools, about strict discipline, cold showers and bullying, but that was just for younger girls wasn't it? Surely at her age things would be more civilized?

The slowing of the car brought her out of her reverie. As Lucinda looked up she saw they were turning into a much greener estate with an abundance of mature trees behind an imposing entrance with large wrought iron gates under an ornately carved stone arch. The drive wound through the trees for about 600 yards before opening out into a cultivated area. Behind the spacious playing fields in front of them, the Adams were confronted by a towering castle built of red sandstone. Mr Adams parked the car in front of the grand entrance, and after stretching their legs, all three busied themselves unloading Lucinda's belongings. Over the vast front doors a sign reading 'BIRCHWOOD CASTLE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS', and out from under it they were greeted by a stout man in a lounge suit, and a large severe looking woman, wearing a nurse's uniform.

"The Adams family I presume?" said the male member of their reception committee with a wry smile on his face, "I'm Mr Bagley, Lucinda's House Master, and this is Miss Briggs, our School Matron."

Forgiving the poor humour, the ritual handshaking was carried out, and they were ushered into the grand reception where the adults chatted about this and that, assuring each other that Lucinda would be really happy at Birchwood Castle, and there was nothing to worry about. Lucinda privately wished she shared their confidence; she was convinced she was going to hate this place. Her luggage was taken away to her dormitory as her parents said their farewells, giving Lucinda big hugs and kisses and telling her to 'work hard and do well'. Mr Bagley told her he would speak to her shortly and left her with Matron who gave her the sort of smile that said, 'Don't mess with me girl or you'll be sorry', before leading her off to her dorm. Throughout the maze of corridors Matron spoke incessantly, and Lucinda could not keep up with it at all. The feeling of dread in her tummy was getting heavier by the minute.

When they eventually reached the sleeping area, Lucinda found she would be sharing a room with another girl, who was expected to arrive back later that evening. She would have a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a bedside table - and that was it. Matron instructed her on the standards of cleanliness and hygiene that was expected of her, how her bedspace would be inspected every day, as well as her clothes and her personal hygiene. She showed her the laundry room where she would have to wash and iron her own clothes, the communal prep room where she would do homework and the House Common Room where she could relax between 8 and 9 pm, provided she behaved. She then took Lucinda to her own quarters. Matron had three rooms, an office, a first aid treatment room, and a bedroom. She took Lucinda into her office to explain the discipline procedures.

"All matters of discipline and behaviour in the dorm will be dealt by me," she said importantly. "You may get extra inspections, restricted privileges, and of course, corporal punishment."

Lucinda's tummy churned as the words left Matron's lips.

"Punishments are administered in here or in the treatment room, where you will be required to present your bottom for the slipper or strap as I instruct. I also reserve the right to lift your skirt and lower your briefs if I feel it is deserved, is that clear girl?"

"Y...yes Matron," she replied. How bad can it get, she thought? Lucinda was sure she detected a wicked smile on Miss Briggs's severe face as she acknowledged her understanding of the situation.

Next, she was taken into the Treatment Room for her medical examination. Matron had her strip naked before weighing and measuring her. She checked her sight and hearing, then inspected her for overall cleanliness. Then it was up onto the examination table to have her tummy palpated, her breasts checked for lumps and an extremely embarrassing examination of her vagina and anus. Lucinda's intense dislike of this cruel overbearing woman was increasing by the minute and she vowed to get even before she left.

"Do you ride?" asked Matron from down between her legs.

"Yes, I have done," replied the red-faced Lucinda, through gritted teeth.

"Good, now then get dressed, finish your unpacking and be outside Mr Bagley's study at 2pm precisely. Do not be late my dear, he's a stickler for punctuality."

With a heavy heart, Lucinda went back to her room and got on with her unpacking, stowing her uniforms carefully as Matron had instructed and wondering if there would ever be any fun in her life again; things were certainly looking grim. Her surroundings were so austere, so impersonal; it was how she imagined prison would be like. She wondered what her room mate would be like, maybe she would be fun to be with, someone to share the problems of boarding school with? On her bed was a sheet of paper with instructions for the daily routine written on it:

0615 Reveille - rise and wash, make bed.
0630 Cross-country run in T shirt, sports knickers and plimsolls.
0715 Shower.
0730 Prepare bed space for Matrons Inspection, don day uniform.
0800 Breakfast.
0845 Registration in Form Room.
0900 Assembly in Main Hall.
0920 First lesson (see timetable).
1230 Lunch.
1330 PM lessons.
1500 PE/Sports/Games.
1630 Citizenship/Etiquette/Manners and Deportment.
1730 Wash and change into evening uniform.
1800 Dinner.
1900 Prep.
2000 Free time.
2100 Wash and change into nightclothes.
2130 Bed.
2200 Lights Out.

Lucinda felt like bursting into tears as she read the routine. How could Daddy want to send me to such a place? she thought. It is going to be like purgatory. Checking her watch she realized she must make haste to keep her appointment with her House Master. She found the imposing castle a nightmare to find her way through and eventually arrived 6 minutes late outside the Study.

"Come in!" boomed Mr Bagley, as she knocked on the door.

Sheepishly, she walked into the room, taking in its opulence, and not failing to notice her House Master's obvious annoyance at her late arrival. The study had a cosy atmosphere with a thick carpet, tasteful furniture and a big fireplace to her left. Prints of old Italian Masters adorned the walls and a well-stocked bookcase ran the length of the wall to her right. Mr Bagley sat behind his antique desk working on his lesson preps.

"I'm sorry I'm late Sir," stammered Lucinda, "I got lost in the castle, it took me ages to find this room."

Begrudgingly, Mr Bagley accepted her apology with a warning to make sure she learnt her way round her new school quickly.

"...and while we're on the subject of discipline," he continued, "let me explain our policy here. As Matron will already have told you, she deals with all matters relating to your living accommodation and your general hygiene. Behaviour in class is a matter for individual teachers, who are authorized to give you extra work and/or use corporal punishment on the spot. General misbehaviour and breeches of school rules are dealt with either by your form teacher, myself, or the Headmaster, depending on the severity. Punishments administered by me will be either the tawse or a light caning, usually applied to the bare bottom. If you go to the Head, it is almost always the senior girl's cane on your bare bottom and in the most serious of cases, this is done in assembly as a deterrent to the whole school. Is that clear Miss Adams?"

Lucinda gulped, struggling to come to terms with what she had just been told. She had been in a lot of trouble in the past, and had experienced many punishments but this was by far the harshest regime she had encountered. "Yes Sir," she replied blushing, "But does that mean I have to take my knickers down in here with you?"

"You will have the option to have Matron present whenever that situation occurs, but my advice to you is to stay out of trouble, work hard, and learn how to be a model citizen. That way, you will avoid any painful and embarrassing punishments, Lucinda. In particular, do not hassle any of the younger girls. Any attempt to get them to do your laundry or any other menial tasks will be construed as bullying and will be dealt with by the Headmaster... and you know what that means don't you?"

"Yes Sir."


"The senior cane across my bare bottom Sir," said Lucinda, feeling her cheeks burning hotter still, yet finding all this talk of punishment and bare bottoms strangely exciting now.

Smiling at the thought, Mr Bagley went on to explain the school rules she would need to remember and standards of dress and deportment she would have to adhere to, how there were four houses - Oak, Ash, Beech and Birch. He explained what her course would consist of and how, as she had failed at previous schools, she would be spending her weekends doing extra work to catch up. Looking through her notes he reminded her of her previous poor conduct, her laziness and mischievous tendencies, referring to the strict code of discipline she had now to comply with. Finally, after assuring her that if she changed her ways, she could really enjoy life at Birchwood Castle, he welcomed her to Birch House, her home for the next 2 years.

"If you've any problems, do not hesitate to come and see me," said Mr Bagley as he ushered his newest House Member out of his Study.

As she walked away he admired her attractive figure, and could not fail to marvel at her full bottom filling the seat of her school skirt. He was sure it would not be long before he would be lifting that skirt and lowering Lucinda's knickers for the application of his tawse or cane. Now that was something to look forward to!

Back in the Dorm, Lucinda decided she needed a smoke. She knew it was strictly against the rules but there was nobody about and after today, she might never get the chance again. Taking just one cigarette and one match from her secret supply, she slipped out of the back door and after a quick look round lit up her ciggy. Ahhhhh, that feels good, she thought as she inhaled the smoke deeply into her lungs. She closed her eyes and tried to forget about all the bad things she'd just seen and heard. It was the most enjoyable cigarette she's had for a while but just as she was about to put it out she heard a sound that struck fear into every nerve of her body.

"Lucinda Adams, what on earth do you think you are doing?" Matron's voice boomed out of a nearby window. My office NOW!!"

Oh no, thought Lucinda, I've only just got here and I'm in trouble already.

Five minutes later, having handed over her illegal stash of smoking materials, she was in Matron's Office being lectured, in no uncertain terms, on the dangers of smoking and her irresponsible and flagrant disregard of school rules. She was reminded that as such, this should really be brought to the attention of Mr Bagley but as it's her first day and it was in the Dorm area, she would be dealt with straight away.

"What I'm going to do," lectured Matron in her most severe voice, "is put you across my knee and soundly spank your bare bottom like the naughty girl you are. Now come round here young lady!"

Lucinda had to bite her lip to stop herself protesting but common sense told her it would be best to get this over with, whatever Matron had in mind. After all, it was her first day, school hadn't even started yet and she'd be sure to get the cane from Mr Bagley. She defiantly walked round the desk and on Matron's signal, dutifully draped herself over the older woman's lap, placing her hands and feet firmly on the floor either side of her legs. Stoically, she maintained this position as Mrs Briggs lifted her blazer and skirt high up her back and proceeded to peel those hated regulation knickers over her shapely round bottom and half way down her thighs. Her humiliation felt complete as she felt Matron's horny palms rubbing the soft young flesh of her upturned bare buttocks. She could feel the older woman's suspender belt against her hard thigh through the starched white cotton dress she wore. For some reason, Lucinda felt strangely at home in this position and as she looked down at the carpet close to her nose, she imagined what her bare bottom must look like from Matron's angle. Then it started.


Matron's hand alternated between cheeks, slapping hard and fast. Lucinda's bottom danced and rippled as the smacks came raining down turning her redder and redder. Determined not to show weakness, the 18 year-old held her position bravely, fighting the urge to wriggle and cry out.


It was relentless, the sound of Matron's hand walloping Lucinda's poor bare bottom echoed all round the office.


Her bottom got hotter, redder and sorer with each smack.


Lucinda thought it was never going to end.


She closed her eyes and pushed her bottom up higher, clenching and unclenching her cheeks.


Her tears were starting to well up now.




After what seemed like an eternity, the spanking eventually stopped. Lucinda slowly writhed across Matrons lap trying desperately to cope with the pain in her backside without showing weakness. However, she could not stop the tears which were now running freely into her hair and onto the floor.

"There, that should teach you to defy me my girl," said Matron smugly. "So long as you sleep in this Dorm, you must behave yourself properly and obey the rules."

"Yes Matron," replied Lucinda tearfully. "I'm sorry I made such a bad start."

"But, to show I'm not completely heartless, I'm going to ease your pain my dear with some special soothing cream I have."

The next thing Lucinda felt was Matron's hand gently smoothing the cold soothing cream onto her fiery bottom. It was a welcome feeling which caused new sensations to manifest themselves in the young girl's nether regions. Involuntarily she let out a low moan as Matron expertly massaged the cool sooth balm all over her full round buttocks, covering the whole of her shapely bottom. Lucinda's pussy felt hot and damp and seemed to be throbbing like her heart. She wondered if Matron was aware of that, she certainly hoped not.

But it was soon over and Lucinda was unceremoniously brought back to reality with a final smack across the middle of her creamy red bare bottom.

"Up you get girl, pull your knickers up and go," barked her tormentor. "There'll be no record of this misdemeanour, Miss Adams, but that was your last chance. From now on, all wrong doings will be entered on your school record and taken into consideration when awarding future punishments. So be warned, stay out of trouble girl, I don't want to see that bottom of yours again."

Muttering her thanks and apologies, Lucinda beat a hasty retreat back to the dorm where she could get some privacy and maybe do something about those sensations the spanking had aroused in her. Five minutes later she was sitting in the toilet, her fingers working frantically on her vagina and erogenous zones. She couldn't fathom out how she was so turned on by those recent events. She knew she wasn't a lesbian and even if she was, she wouldn't fancy that old battleaxe of a Matron. Her thoughts turned to her pop idol, Adam Faith, as she brought herself to a wonderful orgasm.

Samantha Perkins

Lucinda arrived back in her room feeling flushed. She had just experienced the first pleasurable moment of the day; she had a pleasant warm tingling feeling all over her bottom and she was starting to feel hungry. As she entered the room, the sight of another girls bottom stretching the seat of a school skirt greeted her; her roommate had arrived and was bending over her bags, busily unpacking her clothes.

"Hi," said Lucinda nervously. "I'm Lucinda Adams, your new roommate."

Turning round, her new acquaintance greeted her with a big cheeky smile and the girls soon got to know each other. Lucinda's new friend was called Samantha Perkins and it became obvious she was a rebellious and fun-loving person. She was the same age as Lucinda, with a nice figure and pretty face under her short black hair. The two of them unpacked Samantha's bag together and discussed all the tricks necessary to keep out of Matrons hair. From what Samantha told her about Matron, it was obvious that Lucinda's first impressions were correct and they soon got round to the subject of spanking. When Lucinda told of the smoking incident and her subsequent spanking, Sam insisted on seeing her freshly smacked bottom. After considerable protest, Lucinda eventually complied with her new friend's request and bent over her bed for the inspection, skirt up, knickers down to her knees.

"She can't half spank hard that one," remarked Sam as she marvelled at Lucinda's cherry-red bottom. "Last term I got more spankings, strappings and canings than any other girl in our year. It looks like I'll have a bit of competition this term though," she added with that cheeky smile and a twinkle in her eye.

"You may be right there," agreed Lucinda grinning mischievously, "I've had that same dubious honour at my last four schools and I managed to get myself spanked almost straight away here."

She rubbed her tender buttocks as she said it.

"We'll just have to look out for each other then," said Samantha, as her roommate stood up and recovered her knickers. "But there is one thing I have to warn you about. The initiation ceremony."


With a sympathetic smile Samantha went on to explain that all new house members had to undergo initiation in the common room on their first night. With the exception of the new girls, each member of Birch House would go out and cut themselves a piece of birch and then assemble in the common room. Then, one at a time, the new girls were required to enter the room, drape themselves over the back of an armchair and ask to be birched. The senior girl would bare the new girls bottom and invite the rest of the assembly to initiate her. She would receive one stroke from each birch rod and would be required to say, 'thank you, next please', until everyone had had a go. The senior girl would then deliver the final stroke hard across the new girl's bare buttocks before ordering her to stand up and welcoming her to Birch House.

Lucinda was appalled. "Don't we get enough punishment without birching each other?" she asked. She was beginning to think that she and Samantha would get each other into more trouble than they'd prevent by 'looking out for each other'.

Samantha just shrugged and assured her that she'd be fine, even if her bottom was still a bit tender after Matron's heavy handed spanking. As they went through the creepy castle corridors to the dining hall for supper, Lucinda wished she had not been told of the initiation. She thought it would have been better to have just had it happen 'out of the blue' and not have to worry about it but it was too late now anyway. With Sam's help, the rest of the day was uneventful up until the time of the initiation ceremony.

At precisely 8 o'clock Sam went out leaving Lucinda alone in their room, assuring her that everything would be OK and not to worry. But how could she not worry? Birching was supposed to be the most painful form of corporal punishment invented. Also, she was the only new starter in Birch House that term, so there was no-one else to confide in. The next 15 minutes seemed like an eternity and when Sam eventually came for her she was shaking like a leaf. As she was led to the House Common Room, her friend squeezed her hand trying to encourage her. Then, when they got to the door, Sam produced a thick, black blindfold, which she insisted on covering Lucinda's eyes with. Her tummy was churning as she heard Sam knock on the door.

"Just remember, we've all been through it ourselves," her friend whispered.

The door opened and a new voice said, "Be upstanding for Lucinda Adams."

The sound of the other girls was accentuated by her being blindfolded, and Lucinda felt terrified as Sam led her in a straight line across the common room floor. After a few steps she felt the back of a chair against the tops of her legs and guessed she was at the prescribed spot for her initiation.

"OK Perkins, I'll take over now," said the new voice, which Lucinda assumed was the senior girl of Birch House.

The terror increased even more as her only friend let go of her hand.

"State your business Lucinda Adams," ordered the head girl.

"I... I've come to be birched," stammered Lucinda, "to become a member of Birch House."

"Very well, bend over for your initiation Miss Adams."

Lucinda dutifully obeyed the instruction wondering how many pairs of eyes were watching her, and how many birch rods were being held ready for her torment. She could hear the other girls whispering to each other, and rattling their birch twigs in anticipation. The chair was just the right height and she thought her bottom must be perfectly positioned for the ensuing flagellation.

Nobody could see her blushing deeply as her skirt was lifted over her back, her knickers peeled down and nobody wanted to. As the head girl put the finishing touches to Lucinda's dress, all eyes were on her shapely bare bottom, so beautifully presented before them for their pleasure. There were still faint signs of the marks left by Matron's leathery right hand but otherwise her derrière looked absolutely perfect.

"Number 1, take up your position," ordered the Head Girl.

There was the sound of footsteps then Lucinda felt the hard rough bark of a birch twig being held against her unprotected bottom. She gulped, her heart in her mouth, feeling really nauseous now.

"Are you ready Lucinda Adams?" commanded the Head Girl.

"Y...Yes," replied Lucinda defiantly, with her head hidden on the seat of the chair, still blindfolded.

"Very well, carry on Number 1."

There was a short pause followed by a loud "Swish!!" and Lucinda felt the birch land squarely across the middle of her pretty round bare bottom. It wasn't as painful as she had expected and she barely flinched as the fist girl's rod bounced of its attractive target.

"Thank you, next please," called out Lucinda, dutifully.

"Carry on Number 2," said the Head Girl.

Again, footsteps, aim and... Swish!!

"Thank you, next please," and so it continued.

Lucinda noticed that although the birch strokes weren't as painful as other implements she'd experienced, the pain did not subside, so each stroke increased the intensity of her overall torment. After 6 strokes, her bottom had been pretty well covered all over with scratches from the rough timber, and she was beginning to struggle with the pain. But there was plenty more to come.


"Thank you, next please."


"Thank you, next please."

At 16, Lucinda was beginning to wonder if they were all going round again, as with her blindfold on she could not see anything. Her bottom was on fire, it felt like it must be twice it's original size. But still the birching kept going.


"Thank you, next please," she kept saying, determined not to cry out.

By the time 23 came round her blindfold was soaked with tears and she had to bite her lip hard to maintain her composure.

"Thank you, next please," she stammered bravely.

"Last one coming up," said the Head Girl at last, "stay down now."

The feeling of relief in Lucinda's heart was short lived when she felt not one, but a great bundle of birch twigs held hard against her already battered bare bottom. The Head Girl must have gathered all the twigs together to make a proper Birch rod for the final stroke. Lucinda cringed. Closing her eyes tight behind her blindfold, she grimaced as the wicked instrument of torture was taken away and...


It came down hard on her bare backside, sending bits of broken twig all over the room.

Lucinda gasped and jerked forward over the chair violently as the piece-de-resistance was delivered by the Head Girl. The pain was excruciating and she kicked her legs and squirmed over the back of the chair as she fought desperately to come to terms with it. The room fell totally silent as all assembled stood waiting and watching their poor victim trying to regain her composure and rest, still over the back of the armchair. Eventually Lucinda felt the strong hands of the Head Girl grab hold of her knickers and pull them back up over her tender sore bottom. Her skirt was smoothed back down and again she was left in her dark world of torture, pain and humiliation.

"Stand up Lucinda Adams," came the awaited instruction at last.

Stiffly, Lucinda pushed herself up and managed to support herself on wobbly legs. She kept her eyes closed as her blindfold was removed.

"Turn around," said the Head Girl.

Slowly getting used to the light and the sting of her tears, Lucinda gradually opened her eyes and turned round to face the occupants of the Common Room. Indeed there were 24 of them in there and they all smiled encouragingly to her as she managed to start focusing on her surroundings. What was left of the birch twigs looked like a pile of kindling piled up next to the armchair.

"Well done Lucinda! Welcome to Birch House!" said the Head Girl and gave her a big hug, wiping her tears away as she did so. "As Head Girl of you're House you should address me as Miss Thomkinson but while we're in the Common Room, I'd prefer you to call me Lucy."

This was followed by great applause and all of a sudden everyone wanted to tell her how well she had taken her initiation, to congratulate her and give her a hug. One by one she was introduced to all of her new school friends and even through the intense pain in her bottom she began to feel like she belonged here. This was true comradeship and she really felt like she was among friends. As she got talking all the girls wanted to tell her how they felt when they had been initiated and compare notes. However, time was getting late and Samantha reminded Lucinda that she must not get caught out by Matron again. Having begged their leave, the two friends went and did their ablutions before changing into their nightwear, ready for bed. Lucinda's bottom was really sore by this time and when Samantha offered, she was only too willing to have some soothing cream applied to it. Samantha told how she had stolen the cream from Matron's first aid room last term.

"It's excellent stuff," she said. "I call it moon-balm."

Lucinda lay face down on her bed, with her nightie raised high and her naked bottom supported by both pillows. The feel of Sam's soft hands smoothing the special cream into her fiery buttocks was sublime. Again she wondered if she had lesbian tendencies but deep down she told herself it was a handsome young man she would prefer to be caressing her shapely young body. Samantha told her it was the most severe initiation she had ever seen and how proud she was that her roommate had taken it so well.

"You were magnificent," she told Lucinda, as she smoothed the cream all over her friends angrily welted backside, "I don't know how you did it."

"Do all the houses have to do this?" asked Lucinda, wincing and relaxing alternately.

"Well, yes," said Samantha, before going on to explain how Oak House had a specially made Oak Paddle that they used for initiations; Ash had an Ash 'cane', and Beech initiations were a closely guarded secret. In a solemn voice she told her that they were all supposed to be secret really and that Lucinda should not discuss it openly with anyone and certainly never ever mention it to anyone outside of her House.

Just then, they heard Matron's footsteps clomping down the corridor and quickly got into their own beds. Lucinda grimaced as just the slightest contact caused her pain in her tender bottom. She wondered how much spanking she would have to take in the coming two years. What a thought! But that nice feeling was there between her legs again and she was sure she would be feeling a lot more of that too.

After lights out, she and Samantha talked for ages about past mischief they'd performed and the punishments they'd received as a result. Sam produced a bottle she'd brought, full of vodka and lemonade. They both had a good swig from it as they cast their minds back to years gone by. Lying on her tummy, Lucinda's hand soon went down between her legs as Sam described in detail some of the bare bottom spankings she'd had at Birchwood Castle. Eventually, she dozed off, dreaming about birch twigs and bare bottoms. At least she would not have to go through that again; well - not on the receiving end anyway! And she was sure she had found a really good friend in Samantha Perkins.

© Scott Church
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.