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by Susan Thomas

Chapter 1

The Affiliated Churches of Repentance support the Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women.

The Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women offers undergraduates the opportunity to choose from over forty areas of study in a wide ranging program. Our strong Christian ethos is accompanied by consistent goal setting and discipline in a caring environment.

Alice was waiting for her spanking but really wasn't sure what to do with herself. She had pulled out the upright chair as instructed and it now stood in the middle of her room. The door was open but that made her nervous for she could hear the others getting their discipline. There were ten students in this 'house' with a supervisor who was the one administering the spankings. Unfortunately Alice was number ten. At first the sounds hadn't been too bad; they were distant enough not to be frightening. The muted sound of the wooden hairbrush smacking down on a bare bottom, the cry that followed deadened by room and distance. Now it was the seventh and it was all too clear. Alice tried hard to think who the girl was... Kathleen, that was it. Kathleen was wailing hard now as the crisp sound of the hairbrush smacking her bottom reached its climax.

The spankings weren't long, just very brisk affairs of about a minute. It is surprising how many times you can get a hairbrush to smack a girl's bottom in that time. The spanking ended abruptly but Kathleen was still sobbing and crying but then so had the other six. Alice was trembling all over as if with cold at the thought of getting hers. At first she had sat on the chair to wait but when the third spanking began she had leapt up and gone to the door and peeked out. Several other girls were peeking out too but they all pulled their heads in when they saw each other. They had been warned to stay in their rooms and wait. The belt was the promise for anyone not found in their own room.

Alice was in her room, but moving around tidying things she had already tidied several times. Again she thought of taking off the leggings she was wearing and putting on a skirt. The seniors who had taken them around had suggested that if you knew you were getting a spanking, a skirt with no panties was best. It meant that when you went over the disciplinarian's knee the skirt just had to be lifted; it was the least embarrassing way. Alice had felt rebellious about that; there was a big emphasis on wearing skirts or dresses but it wasn't compulsory and she didn't see why she should. Now she was frightened that if she started changing she would be halfway through when suddenly he would be there to spank her. That would be worse than tugging her leggings and knickers down.

She could hear voices as he reached the eighth room. Melissa was the girl's name - she had been very frightened and nervous from the start. Everyone thought she would quit in the first few weeks. They asked you to give it a month if you could because once you'd done that, it all fell into place. The sound of the spanking began with a crisp smack now sounding very close. Melissa screamed and that made Alice shake harder. She tried to rationalize as Melissa screamed and wailed and pleaded, her voice very high pitched indeed. Melissa had been scared of being spanked from the beginning; she clearly had a low pain threshold and a rich imagination. The spanking was only short, hard but short. Generations of girls in this college had coped perfectly well.

"Please, please stop! I can't bear it."

Alice rushed to the door and peeked out. Her neighbor Zoe was also looking out. Zoe was a tall elegant girl from Texas. Now she looked less than elegant, plainly shaken by Melissa's screaming. They pulled a face at each other and Zoe indicated with her thumb it was safer to go back in their rooms, so Alice retreated snail like into her shell. Melissa's spanking ended but Melissa carried on wailing and now she could hear Mark's calm voice talking to her. Alice jumped at another sound... a cracking noise followed by a scream.

Alice put a hand to her mouth. Oh no Melissa must have tried to stop her spanking. There was another crack followed by a scream. They had been warned they would get the belt if they tried to block their spanking.

Crack! Crack!

"Please don't," came the anguished cry, followed by another crack. Then it was just Melissa crying, and Mark calming the girl with soothing words.

Melissa quietened down to gulping sobs and Alice heard Mark leave and go next door. Poor Melissa had five extras. She must have tried to stop her spanking five times then. Alice was terrified she would do it too. She'd ask him how she could prevent that happening... he couldn't mind being asked.

Mark was brisk with Zoe, and Alice didn't hear any comment from her neighbor. The spanking started with Alice standing holding a hand across her mouth and rocking on the spot, now scared stiff. Zoe made very little noise to begin with and the smack of the hairbrush on her bottom went rat-a-tat without interruption. Suddenly Zoe gave a loud cry of "Ow" and after that, she burst into tears. Her sobs grew stronger as the spanking climaxed but she did not plead at all. Alice thought her neighbor very brave. The sound of Mark's voice and Zoe's replies, thick with sobs but strong, sent Alice scurrying to be standing upright near the chair, her hands by her side as if she was on military parade.

Mark entered, the hairbrush held along the seam of his trouser leg. He looked tired Alice thought and rolled his head as if to relieve tension in his neck.

He smiled at her apologetically. "Alice, I'm so sorry you've had to wait until last. I'll start at this end if we have another mass spanking. It must have been nerve-wracking hearing all that while simply waiting."

Alice was now so scared her eyes were welling up with tears and she could hear the shakiness in her voice. "Yes it was a bit."

"Well I regret I can't go any easier on account of the wait and I believe this is your first ever spanking. Is that correct?" Alice nodded now scared that her voice would fail and she would cry. "Again, you don't get it any easier on that account and you were so close to the pass mark too... the closest I have ever had. Seventeen out of twenty is very good, but sadly for you not good enough. Eighteen was the pass so you still get the full spanking. Must seem tough to you."

"Please Sir..."

"You don't have to call me sir, just Mark."

"Oh right. Well how do I prevent getting the belt like Melissa?"

"OK, Melissa kept putting her hand back to protect her bottom. To stop that hold onto the chair legs or part of the chair and don't let go. Now come to my right side and please get those leggings and panties down and let's get on."

Now Alice felt truly sick but she did as she was told and as Mark sat down on the chair she moved to his right side. She got hold of the waist band of her leggings and knickers together and quickly yanked them down, sort of diving over his lap as she did so. She didn't want him seeing her private parts. It was bad enough exposing her bottom to him but she wanted to limit it.

Mark seemed a little surprised by her sudden dive but he adjusted her position without comment and then the spanking began. He smacked the brush down on her bottom and Alice cried out with shock at the harsh sting. After that it was downhill all the way. Alice's body jerked but almost immediately the second smack came, causing another jolt and another cry, and then the third and the fourth and the fifth. He spanked her so fast she felt her body jerking first one way then another as the back of the brush punished different parts of her bottom.

"Oh no... please... oh!" Her useless cries were really appeals to slow down and give her time to absorb one before another spank descended. But Mark spanked fast and furiously and the brush blistered her virtually without pause while her cries became screeches and her jerks became kicks and writhing. The one thing she never did was let go of the chair legs. She clung to them like a life raft in a storm, her tears dropping past her cramping hands before landing on the floor.

"OK young lady, all done."

Mark let her off his lap and she slid down to the floor on her knees clutching her bottom. She eased herself so her back was towards him before standing and carefully pulling her knickers and leggings up. Her bottom was so sore that pulling them up was terribly unpleasant. Alice blew her nose with tissues and dried her eyes and stood holding her bottom and wriggling around on the spot. Her bottom was hot and throbbing from her spanking.

"I shall run the test again tomorrow afternoon at 2pm. The pass mark will be the same but failures will get a spanking twice as long as the one today."

Mark went off and when she heard his door close at the end of the corridor she stuck her head out and soon all ten girls were comparing their bottoms. The violent red and glowing heat promised some bruising and discomfort for a day or two. Poor Melissa, the strap had left five livid welts overlaying her spank marks and she was panic stricken about being tested again. All the girls planned to rush back to their rooms and begin studying in earnest this time. Their task had been assigned the previous day after unpacking and a brief induction. It had been to study the students' manual. Since Alice had obtained the top mark and still failed, it was clear none of them had taken it seriously enough.

"Wait up girls." Alice's voice cut clearly through the babble. "Wouldn't we be better to pair up and help one another? I know I skimped some sections and I bet you all did the same. If we sit and work in pairs we can help and test each other, being really tough... you know, thirty seconds to answer, no fluffed answers only the right ones." The other nine agreed enthusiastically and Alice went on, "Tomorrow morning we can swap partners around and that will really sort us out."

That too was agreed and Alice made sure she got the ultra-nervous Melissa as her partner. She was determined the poor girl would avoid another spanking.

Chapter 2

The Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women sets the highest academic standards for all its students. Not all can achieve to the same level but each can attain their personal best. Rigorous individual goals are set for each student, not only academic goals, but also for conduct.

Extracted from: Introduction to the Student Manual, Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women.

The girls in Mark Accourt's 'house' are Alice, Ann, Chloe, Estelle, Jessica, Kathleen, Kelly, Melissa, Sinead, Zoe.

Mark Accourt stood by the slightly open door of his small apartment listening to the girls in his 'house'. That English girl Alice was organizing them all and that disturbed him. The usual reaction from this exercise was the girls disappeared into individual panic-stricken study and most, but not all, got a pass on their knowledge of the student manual. Mark had never heard of a group of freshmen doing anything else.

© Susan Thomas
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.