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by Sumner Morrow

Chapter 1

Tyler Hampton waited as the security guard posted at the gate to her rambling Hollywood home allowed the studio limousine to take her to the front door of the large stone house. She breathed a sigh of relief at being home after the last day of filming for her newest work. Now she was going into seclusion for two weeks for a badly needed retreat so that she could reflect on her still young career and perhaps address some unfinished business of a unique nature.

She had been a top-tier actress for some time, and had found it ironic that after she had found fame and fortune it was as difficult for her to get time away from the chaos of Hollywood as when she was a struggling unknown needing to work hard every day. The fact that she was finally going to have a clandestine vacation was almost surreal to her.

After filming the last love scene in a bedroom setting on the studio grounds, she asked that her driver leave her safely inside the stretch vehicle, hidden behind the darkened windows with the doors locked, while he went inside the fast food establishment and picked up her evening meal. As far as she was concerned, her vacation was officially on.

As she began her time off, her mind was reeling from an onslaught of emotions, excitement and anxieties. To top it all off, her libido was on a rampage. It would have been sufficient for her to simply know that she was going to have a quiet evening in seclusion to enjoy a personal marathon session of watching edits of nearly every spanking that had ever taken place in a western movie or television show.

If that had not been enough, the late afternoon love scene that concluded the filming of the R-rated suspense-filled movie had an enhanced sense of realism in comparison to others she had done. During the scene she had worn just a flesh colored thong, and her co-star was wearing a male version of the same. He also happened to be the newest cinema hunk, and during the filming of the scenes she was driven by distraction (and nearly to climax) by the fact that she was distinctly and constantly in contact with the evidence that he was also finding the action more than a little stimulating.

She had filmed several such scenes, though none quite so steamy as that one. She could certainly not quite fathom how she could experience such arousal with cameras operating and a crew present as she writhed and pressed downward on her co-star's midsection. She also knew that at least one camera was positioned behind her as she enthusiastically did so in order that some flash glimpses of her now legendary bare backside could be inserted in the final production.

She also knew that the release of the film would set off another argument in the entertainment media over whether there was a distinct difference between some R-rated films and those getting an NC-17 rating. Another thing that would be inevitable was that her parents back in Texas would cringe in finding that their daughter was once again the subject of what they referred to as a racy scene. That awareness would push her deeper into her feelings of disappointment and anger at herself over allowing her quest for stardom to override her best judgment.

Upon arrival at the sprawling home, she waved warmly to the security guard who had opened the gate so that the limousine could pass through. Still, as tired as she felt at the moment, she pressed the button to lower her window so that she could wave and shout hello to a group of starstruck young adults who were standing on the sidewalk holding cameras and phones and taking pictures of her estate.

As the long car entered the driveway, she turned and looked behind her to see the gate closing. Now she was truly free of all responsibilities and obligations for nearly two weeks. As she watched the gate closing, it made her think of a prison gate going shut, but she was unsure on which side of the prison wall she was now on.

In any case, she now could look forward to several evening hours of some much-needed seclusion. It would be just her alone in her bedroom, just her and the actors and actresses from days gone by that would grace the large television in her bedroom as she watched with envy and arousal as one pretty actress after another would get her tail walloped before the story concluded with a happy ending.

The day had been warm, and although after the last scene was done she had changed back into her short and lightweight sun dress, the first thing she did when she got into the house carrying her dinner in paper bags, was to set the air-conditioning cooler. She sprinted upstairs to her expansive bedroom, then picked up her remote control and turned on the large television that dominated one wall. She stripped off her dress and kicked off her shoes and pulled a pair of running shorts and an old tee-shirt out of a drawer.

Her favorite old movie channel came to life on the screen, and she plopped down on the bed with her dinner and leaned back on a large pillow up against the headboard. As was often the case with this channel, there was a rerun playing of one of her favorite television westerns. Of course, it had been filmed many years before she was even born. But she had purchased a lot of the old programs on DVD. She wanted to watch anything but one of her own movies.

Now it was time for her to unwind in her favorite manner. Her food quickly dispatched, she got up from the bed and walked over to a stack of a dozen DVDs on a shelf below the large television screen.

Among the DVDs of individual movies and series, there were several containing selected scenes that she had managed to put together by editing. She picked out one she had not watched for some time, a collection of the 'special' scenes she so enjoyed when in a particular mood. She then went around the room closing the curtains and turned off the light.

The petite beauty with long blonde hair loaded the DVD into the player, and then once again flung herself onto the bed and leaned back against the large pillow. She pressed a button on her remote control, and the room was suddenly dimly illuminated by the black and white movie scene.

Even in private, safe behind the walls of the large home, she felt waves of forbidden anticipation while watching the old theatrical images appearing. For that matter, the sets of recorded movies and programs had been ordered in the name of an innocuous sounding business that did not betray her identity, and delivered to a P.O. Box to be retrieved for her by her spectacularly uninquisitive business manager.

She smiled to herself as the glow of the screen filled the room. There was a tall handsome thirty-something man wearing a work apron who was placing goods on the shelf in a general store in an Old West town. Suddenly, a beautiful young woman in a long dress and a large flowered hat came walking briskly through the store, obviously trying to avoid attracting his attention.

The man called out in an Irish accent, "Peggy, where are you going? We have lots of work to do."

The young woman appeared tense, but defiant. "I-I'm leaving for the day. I have things to take care of."

The man stepped around the counter, his expression one of incredulity. "Your father promised me that if I hired you to work in my store, you would follow my directions. And right now we have a load of dry goods scheduled to come in on the train this afternoon, and I need for you to help me get everything else done before that train arrives."

She stiffened her arms and stuck her chin in the air. "My father does not speak for me. He had no right to accept a job for me without talking to me first. I am a grown woman." As Tyler watched, without realizing it, she was speaking the lines along with the young actress in the film.

The large man stepped closer to her. "For a grown woman, you are not very responsible. And I'm tired of your sassy mouth."

The young woman in the black and white image stood on her tip toes and leaned closer to her nemesis. "Then you'll just have to put up with the way I talk and know that I'll not be told what to do."

He picked her up by the waist, and in one sweeping motion, turned her over and placed her bending across the counter. Then his large hand began to land loud and forceful whacks upon her upturned bottom.

As she watched in delight, and even though she had seen the same action several times before, Tyler found herself squirming. She allowed her imagination to soar as she fantasized being the one bent over the counter, wondering what it would be like to feel a hand... a hairbrush... even a paddle, land a series of hot smacks on her widely-admired bottom.

After several more seconds of the sharp sounds of the crack of his hand interspersed with her squeals of protest and pain, the scene went to black. When the characters reappeared, she was at work sorting fabrics, sticking out her tongue at him when his back was turned.

Tyler giggled, then sighed wistfully, jealous of the actress in the old movie, and then waited for the next recorded scene to appear. It was one of her favorites because it involved a hairbrush, and that tended to greatly heighten her interest. She took a sip of her soda, and a bite of her sandwich, then blew out a deep breath as she once again sat back to watch.

Several seconds after the end of the hairbrush scene, the screen once again glowed with black and white images. Tyler grinned as a handsome cowboy rode his horse up to a ranch house, and a beautiful woman with long brown hair who was obviously angry and ready for a confrontation appeared in the doorway.

Tyler grabbed several French fries and popped them into her mouth and sighed in contentment as the scene began to play out. She laughed in spite of her pangs of envy as the angry woman found herself bent over a hitching post and squealing at the top of her lungs as her backside was robustly heated by her visitor's large right hand.

Next came yet another of her favorites, because it contained a slow motion pursuit. A ranch hand had become smitten with the daughter of the wealthy ranch owner who had come home from college for the summer. However, after many days of her condescending remarks, when she returned her horse to the barn, the ranch hand decided to express his true feelings. Facing yet another barrage of haughty insults, he informed her that he thought that a good tanning would be good for her.

She began to back away, but he countered every move, making sure to block the door and prevent her escape in the process. After a minute of moves and counter-moves, threats and apologies and pleas for mercy, he finally caught hold of her wrist, sat down on a bail of straw and pulled her across his knees.

After more than a dozen solid swats to the seat of her denim riding slacks, he let her up. After glaring at him with anger for several seconds, she put both arms around his neck and they enjoyed a passionate kiss. Tyler sighed and laughed, and there was something about the expression on the woman's face that Tyler wanted to someday emulate under identical circumstances.

© Sumner Morrow
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.