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by LSF Publications

Caroline's Birthday


Caroline, Jill and Vanessa picked unhappily at their food. None of the three sixth form girls was looking forward to the rest of the evening. They had been told to report to Mrs Buckeridge's study at 8.00pm and they all knew, only too well, what was going to happen in the headmistress's study.

It had all started when Caroline had had the bright idea of smuggling their three boyfriends into the school for a celebration of her birthday. The other two girls had agreed, although Vanessa had been rather hesitant. King George's School was a co-educational public school but there were strict rules against girls in the boys' dormitories and vice versa. Only two weeks before, two boys had been caned by the deputy headmaster for visiting a girls' dormitory without permission. The girls concerned had been given lines and detentions. But Caroline and Jill had persuaded Vanessa to agree. They had assured her that there was practically no chance that they'd be caught, because their dormitory was in an isolated part of the school's grounds, and that even if they were, the fun they'd have would be worth a few lines. Caroline's only regret was that Sarah, the fourth girl who shared their dormitory, would not be able to be with them as she was still in the school's sanatorium, recovering from flu.

The boys had accordingly come, bringing generous supplies of alcohol with them. None of them were pupils at the school; they all lived in the small town nearby. They had come determined to have a good time and, although they did not want to get their girlfriends into trouble, they did not so clearly appreciate the need to be quiet. A passing teacher had heard the noise and entered the dormitory. He had made them pour away all the remaining lager and had then escorted all six of them to Mrs Buckeridge's study.

The headmistress had taken the names and addresses of the boys and had then sent them away, as she had no authority over them. With the girls, however, it was otherwise and she had lectured them severely. She had enumerated the number of their offences: breaching school security, eating after lights out, drinking alcohol, disrupting the school's peace at night time and entertaining boys in their dormitory without permission. Mrs Buckeridge had concluded by saying that she rarely used the cane, but that it was there to be used as a last resort and that she felt she had no alternative in the present circumstances. She told them to report to her study at eight the next evening.

All three girls were shocked at the prospect of being caned. They knew that, in theory, girls could be caned at King George's. In a way they were quite proud of it; it set their school apart from other schools. But the idea that they themselves might be caned, at their age, was dreadful. They were old enough to get married; girls their age just didn't get the cane. Caroline recovered her wits first and begged for leniency.

"It's my birthday tomorrow, ma'am, can't you let us off with lines?"

"The only lines you'll get, young lady, will be bright red ones across your behind! And the more you argue, the more you'll get." Then, looking at Jill, she said, "I'm sure that you'll be able to tell Vanessa and Caroline what to expect, Jill. Dismiss!"

The shocked girls left her office. Until then Vanessa and Caroline had had no idea that their friend had ever had the cane. Back in their dormitory Jill explained. It had happened three years before and had been so hideously embarrassing and shameful that Jill had hoped that no-one else would ever know about it. Even now she refused to tell her friends the reason for her earlier caning, although she said that she had deserved it and that she could have been expelled.

Reluctantly, she described the caning to them. She had reported to the headmistress's study at the appointed time. Mrs Buckeridge had not wasted any time with a lecture but had immediately made Jill pull out a chair and bend down over it. "It was awful," Jill told them, "she moved me about as if I was a doll to get me in the right position for her. Then she pulled my skirt up and pinned it out of the way and started." Jill fell silent.

"Did it hurt?" asked Caroline, nervously.

"What do you think?" Jill responded angrily. "Of course it bloody hurt! It stung like hell!"

There was silence again as the three girls contemplated the fate in store for them the next day. Then Vanessa asked, "How many strokes did you get, Jilly?"

"Three! And they were all in the same place! I looked at my bum afterwards and there weren't three marks, but just one awful weal an inch wide across both sides. The marks stayed for weeks and I had to make excuses to get out of gym and games."

"How did you manage to keep it a secret, Jilly? I had no idea!"

"Well, the girls in my dorm knew, of course, but they promised not to tell. Cathy rubbed some zinc and castor oil cream on, which got rid of some of the sting. Then, the next day, I just had to try to act as if nothing had happened. Actually, I got told off twice for fidgeting in class, but no-one put two and two together. After a couple of days I could sit down all right unless I sat down too quickly without thinking. Luckily, Buckers never made an announcement about me getting the cane. Once the marks went I tried to forget about the whole thing and I almost had. And now we're all for it again, and I just bet it'll be worse this time!"

"Is it always on the bum?" asked Caroline miserably. "If I've got to be caned I'd rather it was on the hands. It would hurt just as much, but it'd be less embarrassing."

"No chance," answered Jill. "I asked her that, and she said she always caned on the 'posterior'."

The girls tried to sleep. Vanessa felt angry with her friends. She had always thought it was a bad idea, and had only agreed when they had made fun of her. She had always been well behaved at school and had never even been in detention, but now her previously unsmacked bottom was going to be caned. It wasn't fair.

But Vanessa was a sensible girl and by the time she finally dropped into a troubled sleep she had realised that she had agreed in the end, and that if the other girls deserved punishment then so did she. She just wished that it could be something other than the cane, though.

None of the girls had slept well and a further shock awaited them in morning prayers. Mrs Buckeridge made an announcement:

"Last night three sixth form girls outraged the rules of the school by inviting in three young men to their dormitory and drinking beer with them. As you all know I do not believe in the frequent use of corporal punishment. In this case, however, I feel I have no choice and all three girls involved will be severely caned. Stand up Caroline Hughes, Vanessa Keiller and Jill Wilding!"

The three naughty girls stood up, blushing deeply as they felt the eyes of everybody in the school on them, knowing that their bottoms were soon to be caned.

"You will report to my study at eight this evening. All right, sit down again."

For the rest of the day the girls had been teased mercilessly, mostly by the boys in their class. All of them were urged to wear extra pairs of knickers and to sit down as much as possible while they were still able to do so. Everywhere they went they were greeted with swishing noises and mimed simulations of canings. Jill's earlier caning became known and many boys picked on her, telling her that Mrs Buckeridge was always harder on repeat offenders.

All three of the girls were very attractive and a lot of the boys in their class had asked them out. Now there was quite a strong feeling that the girls were getting what they deserved for having turned King George's men down to go out with lads from the town.

It was the worst birthday Caroline had ever had. Friends came up to her with cards and small presents and tried to be sympathetic, but no-one knew what to say. Perhaps there was nothing that could be said.

Vanessa telephoned home to her father. It was awfully embarrassing telling him that she'd been sentenced to a caning and the reason, but she knew that he'd find out anyway and she thought this could be her one chance to escape with an uncaned bottom. Her parents had never spanked her and she hoped that her father would speak to Mrs Buckeridge and forbid the caning. Unfortunately, Mrs Buckeridge had already spoken to Mr Keiller and he told his daughter that she deserved her punishment and that she should take it bravely.

The day had been a complete misery for all three girls, and they had hardly paid any attention in class. The teachers all knew what was going to happen and went lightly on the girls, but Jill had still picked up a hundred lines for not answering Mr Johnson when he asked her a question.

Now it was dinner time and the girls picked miserably at their food. None of them felt at all hungry. Vanessa felt that if she ate anything she would just be sick.

After the meal they went back to their dormitory and closed the door. They changed from their ordinary clothes into school uniform because Jill said that she thought Mrs Buckeridge would expect it. As Vanessa pulled her blue school knickers up over the smooth, curvy flesh of her bottom she wondered dismally what it would be feeling like in an hour's time.

When they were all changed there was still almost half an hour to go. Vanessa and Caroline asked Jill again if she had any advice from her experience. The pretty girl grimaced.

"No, there's nothing we can do. We're going to get caned and it's going to hurt. It's not the end of the world - I lived to tell the tale - but it's going to happen and that's that. Just hold the chair as tight as possible and try to stay down! She gives extra strokes if you stand up or hold your bum...

"There's just one thing. I've asked Sarah to meet us here afterwards to put some cold cream on our bums. I can guarantee we'll need it."

Sarah was now out of 'sanny' and had been shocked to hear what had happened. If she'd been well she knew very well that it would have been four for the cane and not three.

"How many strokes do you think we'll get, Jilly?" asked Vanessa, quietly.

"I don't know, Vee, I've been trying not to think about it. I've heard that Buckers always gives six strokes to sixth formers. That's twice what I got. But I don't see how anyone knows. I don't think any sixth form girls have been caned since we've been here."

Caroline drew a deep breath. "Yes, they have. Don't you remember when we were new girls? Sophie Rees-Howell told us that her sister in the sixth had been caned for smoking after a lot of warnings. She got six of the best, I remember."

Vanessa shyly asked Caroline if she'd ever been spanked before, either at school or home. Caroline was a little surprised, but then decided it was a reasonable enough question, in the circumstances.

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