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by Cara Lynn

This was one of the worst days of Samantha Lancaster's young life. She was only 20 years old and she was now an orphan. Her parents had been killed when their private plane crashed in Africa a week ago.

Samantha was an only child, her only living relative being her father's brother, Tomas Lancaster. Uncle Tomas lived in Wyoming with his step-son Grant. Tomas' wife died twenty years ago, leaving her seven year old son to be raised by Tomas, who had never remarried. They weren't close and she had only met Grant once. She was surprised when she learned Uncle Tomas would be coming in for the funeral tomorrow.

She was anxious to get on with her life. Although she would truly miss her parents, she was used to being alone. She loved the huge brownstone she called home. Her parents were extremely wealthy and, even though they had never said "no" to her, everything was now hers and she could do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Life was going to be so much fun.

"Uncle Tomas, how very nice of you to make the trip," Sam said.

"Oh, Samantha, of course I would be here for my only brother's funeral," he replied hugging her tightly. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay, Uncle Tomas. Thank you for asking," she replied.

"The service was very nice, honey," Tomas started. "Now we need to get ready to leave for Wyoming."

"Wyoming?" she said absolutely confused. "What are you talking about? My life is here in New York. I have no intention of going to Wyoming," she snapped.

"Samantha Marie Lancaster," he replied sternly. "You will not take that tone with me. Do you understand me? You will be accompanying me back to Wyoming. I'm your legal guardian. That's what your father wanted. You'll be living with me in Wyoming until you turn 25 or marry."

"Please call me Sam, not Samantha. I don't know where you got the idea I'd be going back to Wyoming with you, Uncle Tomas," Sam replied. "My parents left me very well off. I have more than enough money to live on."

"Actually, you don't have any money, Samantha," her uncle said watching her mouth fall open. "Your father set up a trust for you and appointed me as your guardian. You will not receive any money unless I agree to it," he said slowly hoping it would sink in.

She stood up tall, which is a difficult task since she was barely 5 feet, looked up at her uncle and said, "This is absolutely unacceptable! I will not go to Wyoming. I am staying in my home and I'll get a job."

"Honey, I'm so sorry you feel this way, but the house has already been put up for sale and will be handled by your father's attorney. Your belongings are being packed up, as we speak, and we'll be leaving on this afternoon's train. I didn't think you would want to fly right now," he said sternly.

© Cara Lynn
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.