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by Jacqueline Scott

Chapter 1: A Painful Last Chance

Pamela Jameson gazed at Constance Cowley with exasperation visible all across her face. As a young Deputy Head at the small but exclusive Collingwood's' private school for girls in the South of England she had been appointed with a specific remit to improve a rapidly deteriorating discipline record. Now, just over a year into her post, she knew that she had succeeded. Indeed she had more than succeeded; the transformation had exceeded the hopes of her headteacher and the governors of the school. But then there was Constance.

Constance had been her first 'victim' right at the start of her appointment when Pamela had discovered bullying among some of the sixth formers. After that punishment there was no doubt that Constance was a much improved young lady and Pamela had grown to respect many of her good qualities. Every so often, however, the sixth former would go spectacularly off the rails, generally through stupidity rather than malice. During the year since Pamela joined the staff she had paddled Constance four times in all and she had suffered the usual detentions as well. Each time she promised faithfully that she knew that she was wrong and that she would improve. Yet here she was again.

The underlying problem was that she seemed incapable of controlling her temper. She blew up at the slightest hint of anybody crossing her. She had managed now to accept criticism from staff but if she thought one of the other girls was disparaging her in any way she was liable to explode. And that was what had happened here. She had been discovered fighting in a cloak room with a fifth former. Pamela was well aware of the risk of Constance's reputation leading to her being unfairly accused but having investigated this incident it was clear that the only blame lay with Constance. In fact the girl more or less admitted that herself.

What galled Pamela as much as anything was that it had occurred at almost exactly the same time as she had been reporting to the Governors on the state of discipline at the school. They had been there that day for one of their regular meetings and Julia Maclean, the Head Teacher, had invited Pamela to give a presentation on discipline. Some of the Governors were notoriously hard to please on this front, the Head describing them as 'fully paid up members of the hang 'em and flog 'em brigade', but Pamela left the meeting reasonably happy with her presentation and its affect on the more well balanced Governors at least. No sooner had she returned to her office when Mary Scott, the Assistant Head came to her with the news that Constance had exploded again.

She had waited until the Governors were well out of the way before she summoned the hapless girl and, having thought carefully about the whole thing she had floated an idea with the Head as a possible way forward.

"Yes, Pamela, let's try that. But make sure that the stupid girl realises that this time she really is in the last chance saloon. It happens again and she's out."

Pamela listened as Constance tried to explain what had gone wrong but she gained the impression that Constance herself didn't believe her excuses. And when she challenged the girl on this there was a sad nod of the head in agreement. Pamela paused for a few moments and then, holding the girl's eyes in a steely gaze, began, "This just can't go on Constance. Either we sort this problem out or you will have to leave. I have spoken with Miss Maclean and she was very insistent that I make that clear to you."

Constance visibly paled although she must surely have known that such an outcome was likely. The Deputy Head went on.

"We will try one more thing, Constance, or perhaps I should say two. If your parents agree I will make arrangements for you to receive something called anger management counselling. It is a relatively new idea and it will involve you spending some time with somebody who will try to help you to find ways of controlling these outbursts. Such techniques can work, but only if you want them to Constance. Do you understand?"

The pale faced girl nodded. "Yes Miss Jameson, I really do. Honest."

"Well we'll see. I hope so for your sake. The other thing that I referred to, however, is more straightforward." She paused again and looked the schoolgirl up and down. "I am going to thrash you Constance. I am going to thrash you so hard that I hope you will remember the pain every time you even dream of losing your temper." The girl bit her lip. "I paddled you for the first time virtually as soon as I arrived here. Since then I have paddled you a further three times. This time I will cane you. And it will hurt Constance. It will be very sore indeed. I hope it will be something that you will remember for the rest of your life."

By now Constance's face was ashen. Not even she had heard Miss Jameson speaking in such a way.

At Collingwood's' there were three methods of corporal punishment. Girls in Forms one to three were slippered, generally over their knickers. Older girls could be slippered as well but could also be paddled as Constance had been on a number of occasions. The paddling was given either over the knickers or on the bare bottom and used an implement that was probably unique to Collingwood's. It was long handled, longer than a tennis racquet, and had a round 'face' at the end made of leather. The length of the handle meant that when used, the 'face' accelerated into the target and made an appropriate impact on it. The cane was used relatively rarely. Pamela had used it once since she arrived - on a Prefect who had failed to realise the responsibilities that came with that office. Constance would be the second.

"Remove your skirt, tights and knickers please Constance, while I find somebody who will hold you down if necessary."

As the hapless girl began to do as she had been told Pamela went through to the Office next door.

"Ask either Miss Scott or Miss Larsson to come to my room at once please."

She returned just as Constance was struggling out of her tights. Ignoring the girl she walked over to a cupboard and returned holding a long cane which she flexed with her hands for a few times while she waited. Eventually Constance was naked from the waist down, face chalk white and eyes showing signs of panic.

"Bend over that chair and hold on to the arms firmly please."

Constance did as she was told. She was a fairly plump girl - sports were not her forte - and although bending over tightened her buttocks there was plenty of flesh for the cane to bite into.

There was a short pause and then a tap at the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and a red faced Mary Scott appeared. Miss Scott was the Assistant Head and always seemed to be a little harassed. Pamela swiftly explained what was to happen - Miss Scott knew most of the story already.

"Really, I just need someone to hold Miss Cowley's arms in case she attempts to rise, Miss Scott, and rather than threaten her with extra strokes I think it wise if you hold her right from the start. I am going to be severe and I suspect she will be unable to remain on position without some assistance."

Mary Scott smiled a little uncertainly and nodded. Then she moved round the chair and placed her hands firmly over the girl's and looked up at the Deputy Head. Pamela nodded, moved to one side and placed the cane across the plump naked bottom in front of her. She raised her arm high in the air and then brought it down sharply.


A white line appeared on Constance's bottom and the quickly turned to red. The girl gasped loudly as the pain spread through her.


A second stroke followed quickly, landing a little lower than the first and biting deep into the soft flesh.

Constance threw her head back and wailed ... "Ohhhh!"

Pamela smiled grimly. "I warned you that these would hurt Constance. Every time you think that you might lose your temper I want you to think about each of these strokes."


Almost while she was still speaking the cane bit into the unfortunate girl's unprotected bottom. Again the response was noisy.


Constance bent her legs a little as if somehow trying to make the pain go away and shook her head from side to side.

The Deputy Head paused and examined the three lines on the bare buttocks carefully, making sure that the skin was unbroken. Nodding to herself, she stepped back and raised her arm again.


The fourth stroke was lower, in fact lower than Pamela had intended and caught Constance in the crease where her bottom met her thighs.

"AHH!!" She shrieked with pain and tried to rise. Mary Scott held her firmly, however, and whispered to her to remain in place. Tears started to run down the girl's cheeks.


The next stroke sliced into the tender 'overhang' area of the buttocks. For many girls who did a lot of exercise or sports the overhang was negligible. For Constance, however, this was just as painful as the previous stroke and again she shrieked loud and long. She wriggled and heaved in her position. Tears were streaming down her face now and Mary Scott was hoping that her superior was nearly finished.


Pamela aimed higher up the bottom for the sixth stroke but put even more effort into it. The crack must have been audible to anybody passing at some distance and again Constance wailed loudly.

The teacher checked the bottom again and satisfied herself that although it was a mass of red and purple weals there was no broken skin and that there would be no lasting damage. She nodded to Mary Scott and then spoke.

"Right Constance, you may rise now. But turn round and face me please and put your hands on your head. Miss Scott, I want you to hear this next bit too."

Still a little red faced, Mary Scott moved round to stand beside although a little to the rear of her superior. They watched as the half naked girl placed her hands on her head and looked at them through her tears. In other circumstances she might have been embarrassed standing there like that, a neat wedge of dark hair at her groin offering a huge contrast to the very pale stomach and thighs. The pain from her bottom, however, put any thoughts of embarrassment miles from her thoughts.

"Now Constance, why have you been caned?"

The girl sniffed, trying to stop the tears before speaking in a shaky low voice. "F... for f...fighting Miss."

"Just for fighting?"

"And f...for losing my temper Miss."

"And what will happen if you do the same again?"

"I ... I ... I'll be expelled Miss."

Miss Jameson nodded. "So if you think you might lose your temper again what must you do?"

"Remember the caning Miss."

"Well see that you do Constance. I will contact your parents about the counselling as I promised but I want you to very seriously reflect on what has happened here today. Hopefully your bottom will remind you as well ... for a while at least. You can start by standing over at the door, facing the wall for the next fifteen minutes. And keep your hands on your head."

Still sniffing, the hapless girl did as she was told. Pamela turned to Mary Scott. "Thank you Miss Scott. I'm sorry to have messed up your afternoon. Fifteen minutes will take us to a break. Perhaps you could find the school nurse and ask her to come here at that time and collect Constance. We had better let her check that bottom out properly and apply any balm that she might see fit."

© Jacqueline Scott
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.