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by LSF Publications

The Right Cousin

by KD Pierre

It was a short e-mail that tapped on a large door:

Thanks for your support and advice. I had 'the talk' with my Mom and it went OK. Not perfect, but OK, and that's a good start. I hope things are good with you. -- Love, Dana

BTW Is there any significance to your e-mail address?

Significance? Significant only in also being the nom de plume Kurt used as a writer of spanking stories strewn about the internet. So how should he respond? Dana was his cousin after all. Despite being an author of sorts, writing a reply to Dana's e-mail induced an impenetrable writer's block. This was delicate territory requiring some ability to read Dana's reactions, if a face-to-face wasn't feasible, then at least a phone call. He poured himself a tumbler of Irish Whiskey and downed it before dialing his cousin.

After exchanging the usual pleasantries and acknowledging the recent e-mail, Kurt brought up his cousin's question.

"So, Dana, what did you mean by asking about my e-mail?" Kurt probed.

"It's a simple question."

"Ok, if you put it like that, then yes, there is," Kurt admitted.

"Would you tell me then?"

Kurt hesitated until his cousin, sensing his reluctance, added, "Would it help if I asked whether it is a name of a writer you like?"

That was it. If Dana recognized the name as a writer then she had to know the nature and subject of the writing. And if she knew that, she must be a kindred spirit. Mustn't she? He still hesitated.

"OK, would it help if I said I was a fan of that writer as well?" Dana prompted still looking for a response.

"A fan, Dana? Um, that writer?" Kurt felt as if he was about to jump into a pool without having tested the temperature of the water.


"It's me."

"Whoa! You're kidding! YOU are Oateakaye? I am such a fan of your stuff. I even have several of your stories bookmarked. Wow, cuz, it seems we have something very unusual in common. This is so cool."

"Dana, I never would have guessed that you..."

"Yeah, I know." Dana cut him off. "Obviously that is why you once wrote about the wrong cousin."

Kurt immediately understood but said nothing. The silence again prompted Dana to continue. "That cousin story you wrote? Now that I know you were the author it all makes sense. That was my sister, wasn't it?"

"Well the character was based on Linda, but we never..."

"Oh I realize that. Linda would never do what you wrote. But still, when I read the story I remembered thinking how much the character resembled my sister. I just chalked it up to coincidence... but obviously there was a much bigger coincidence hidden further inside. Still, you may have nailed her personality but you sure chose the wrong cousin for a spanking story. If you wanted to base your story on someone who would actually deliver a spanking to a relative who showed up at their door, you should have thought of me and not Linda." Catching her cousin speechless, Dana continued, "But it's not too late. And I do want you to meet Jodie, so... if you want to drop by sometime we could set this little mix-up straight and then you'd have a story to write with the right cousin as spanker."

"But, the story was just a story. I never intended to act on it."

"Really? You concocted this little cousin fantasy and put all that effort into writing about it and yet... if you knew without a doubt that by doing exactly what your character did in the story, that you'd have ended up spanked rather than stared at... you wouldn't have gone through with it in real life? Come on. You really expect me to believe that? I know you too well."

There was only silence. Dana realized that perhaps her cousin was too shocked with all this sudden information to be able to process it and decided to ease up. "Still if you don't want to I can understand. Getting spanked for real by your youngest cousin might be a bit too much to handle, so as much as I would love to, you need not worry that I'm going to reveal your secret or anything melodramatic like that just to blackmail you into it. Your secret is safe with me either way, cuz."

After the call, Kurt felt relief that Dana had no intention in outing him, but that security gave way after a few days to other thoughts. Thoughts that surprised him. He began to reread his old cousin story substituting Dana for Linda and imagining how this new twist might feel. At first the switch seemed odd. Linda and he were about the same age while Dana was a bit younger. He recalled taking her for a drive when he got his license. She was 13. By the time he had gotten his first sexual spanking from a girlfriend, Dana had made it to 15. Now at 42 and 38 respectively the age difference seemed far less disparate and yet he still couldn't fully shake off the image of a tomboyish, Kristy McNichol look-alike cousin, tearing up the yard while he was already hanging with the adults over a horseshoe pit. With each recollection and each rereading of the story, the thought of Dana spanking him became more and more appealing. Since his divorce he felt like he could use a good spanking to release some nervous tension and his also-divorced and newly-partnered Lesbian cousin seemed an eager and willing therapist.

The offer hung in limbo alternately taunting Kurt or being ignored by him, until one late susceptible afternoon Kurt dialed his cousin and asked if she was going to be around that week. Dana told him that she would be working most of the week but was off on Wednesday. He mentioned he might stop by and Dana assured him he could do so whenever he wished. Nothing was said about the purpose for the visit. It seemed to be mutually understood. Days ground by glacially wearing Kurt's bravado down, but just as he considered calling and cancelling, he would be renewed in his decision, knowing he had to follow through. Wednesday came and the drive to Dana's felt longer than it had ever felt before. It seemed he would never get to that familiar door... but inevitably he did. As Kurt approached the front door, he began to question his decision. What seemed exciting in fantasy seemed weird now in the open normalizing light of day. What was he doing here? This was crazy.

He rang the bell and waited suddenly thinking up alternate explanations for his being there. He decided he could merely say he wanted to meet Jodie. And as he pondered this lie the door opened and behind it was a young lady who had to be Jodie herself.

"Hi," she said simply.

"Hi, Is Dana home?" he awkwardly asked.

The young lady smiled with a shake of her head. "No, she stepped out for a bit, but you can come in."

"Thanks, I'm Kurt..."

"Her cousin. I know."

"Oh," Kurt replied struck by the realization that his existence was obviously not a secret. Not that it made sense that it would be. It was just not one of the things he considered when imagining this day in his head. His story/fantasy had always been a private arrangement between just his cousin and him.

"Yeah, Dana, wasn't sure exactly when or if you'd ever actually visit, but I know she always hoped you would. She won't be gone long. Come in and relax."

"Thanks," Kurt smiled. "I suppose you are Jodie?"

"One and the same," she confirmed jokingly holding her arms aloft, "but relax and sit down. Can I get you anything?"

"No thanks, actually since Dana isn't around I think I'll just head out. Um...just tell her I was here and that I'll give her a call," Kurt said feeling utterly foolish at having even considered following through with this crazy idea.

"Oh don't leave. Dana will kill me if I let you go after driving all this way."

Kurt nodded and smiled as his hostess picked up her cellphone. He heard the call go through and the muffled sound of his cousin's voice. Jodie quickly informed her girlfriend of Kurt's presence and after replying, "I know I know," their eyes met in a wordless exchange clear in its meaning that he take the phone.

"Hey cuz, what's this I hear that you are going to leave? I'm only a few minutes away."

"Well I just dropped by and figured since you weren't around..."

"Nonsense. You stay put. I really am glad you finally decided to come and I really want you to stay. And I would like to think that since you obviously decided to drive all the way over here... that deep down you want to stay too."

"OK," Kurt replied meekly.

"Good, I'll be there in a few."

Kurt handed the phone back to Jodie who smiled reassuringly at her nervous guest. "Well if you are staying come and sit down."

"No thanks and I just drove a while so I think I'll stretch for a bit."

"Your choice. But why not enjoy sitting while you still are able," she teased with a knowing smirk... more playful than derisive.

Kurt blushed a bit at the comment. Obviously not only was his visit not a secret, but neither was its purpose.

Jodie saw her guest's uncomfortable expression and immediately reassured him. "Oh don't be embarrassed. The reason I made that stupid joke was because I know quite well what it's like to be on the receiving end of one of Dana's spankings. So I have no grounds to tease you. In fact, we have a lot in common."

"Really?" Kurt queried. "How so?"

"Well Dana did tell you she was familiar with your stories, right? Well I read them all too. If you are writing from your own perspective, you share a lot of feelings with me. I can always relate to your victims regardless of their gender."

"I see," Kurt nodded and then to reassure his hostess that her earlier comment did not offend him he continued, "and I suppose at the end of today you are hoping you and I will have even more in common?"

Jodie laughed and then nodded, "I suppose so."

"So, any advice you want to share before Dana returns?"

Now it was Jodie's turn to blush. "All I can tell you, Kurt, is that Dana spanks hard. I mean I know this is all still sort of a game, but even though it might be a game, she plays it seriously. I can pretty much tell you that once she starts you probably aren't going to enjoy it. I know I don't. You might want to prepare yourself for that fact. She may be family and she may love you... and she may be a huge fan of your writing, but it won't stop her from giving you a really serious spanking."

"I see. Well, thanks for the warning. To be honest, I've nearly backed out of this at least three times today alone... and I'm still not sure I'm up for this. Part of me wants to but another part feels it's all a bit too weird."

"You need to decide that for yourself but I can tell you that Dana would be very disappointed if you opted out. Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this, but since you first called she's been very excited at the prospect of spanking you."


Jodie laughed. "Does that surprise you? You are her older cousin and she's known you her whole life... and now she suddenly finds out you are one of her favorite spanking story authors and on top of all that she now has the opportunity to take the upper hand and have you at her mercy. I mean think about it... if the situation was reversed, wouldn't you be a bit excited as well?"

"I suppose, but I think in my current position I'm a bit frightened that she seems so eager."

Jodie laughed again. "Well that might be an understandable reaction... and not without reason. You know Dana. She doesn't tend to do things in a wishy-washy way. Her eagerness is going to cost you." Jodie chuckled in sympathy. "From the way she's been talking, I get the distinct feeling that you are in for one heck of an afternoon. Like I said, she spanks hard. I mean, she isn't going to kill you either." Jodie laughed. "After all I'm still alive and I live with her!"

"I suppose so. Thanks for the warning and reassurance."

After a short pause, Jodie's face turned a bit more inquisitive. "Say Kurt, do you mind if I ask you two questions?"

"Go ahead."

© LSF Publications
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.