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by Peter Martin

1. Spanking Project

Jack, seventeen years old and at sixth form college, stood in the punishment classroom looking down at Miss Holmes, knowing that he had been sent there for the specific punishment of receiving a bare bottom spanking. He wasn't used to being naughty, although was increasingly so as his friendship with Ben, also seventeen years old, developed. It had ended badly for Jack, because this would be the first time he was going to be spanked by anyone.

Jack pleaded, "Please, Miss Holmes, please don't spank me. I've learned my lesson and I won't misbehave again."

Miss Holmes looked up with a smile on her face, and replied in an almost mocking, 'Don't be silly,' tone, "No Jack. Surely you can see that by pleading with me not to spank you, you are more worried about being spanked than about just being told off. Surely that's the whole purpose of being spanked?"

Jack continued to plead, "Please just tell me off, Miss. I really don't need to be spanked. Please, please, Miss. I've never been spanked before and I'm really worried about it."

Miss Holmes remained resolute but kept a smile on her face. "I can't let you off, Jack. After all, Ben has already been in here and I have given him his spanking. It would hardly be fair if I let you off, would it? Anyway, no need for you to worry as I have to do all the hard work and all you have to do is lie there and take it." Miss Holmes knew that wasn't the worry Jack was meaning but that it would throw him off his arguing.

Jack knew that he was losing the argument and wasn't sure what else he could say. So, he was quickly becoming used to the idea that he was indeed going to be spanked whether he liked it or not.

On the other hand, Miss Holmes knew that Jack was usually very well-behaved and that he always did his homework well. In fact, Jack was particularly good at doing projects. She therefore appeared to come up with an idea, and suggested, "I tell you what, Jack, it will be educational for you if you write a project about this whole subject. So, why don't you bring me that pad and pen from the desk, and then get yourself across my lap, and before I give you your spanking, we can discuss the project."

Jack didn't really see the benefit of that but did as he was told and a few moments later handed Miss Holmes the pad and pen. He was a bit surprised to find her place the pad on the floor next to her, with the pen on top of it, particularly as he was about to go to across her lap.

Miss Holmes placed the pad and pen on the floor so it would be within easy reach for Jack when he was across her lap. She ordered, "Now, Jack, let's have your trousers and underpants down and your shirt pulled up to your chest, and then we can get you across my lap and deal with you."

Jack was reconciled to the spanking but the project intrigued him. As usual, he did as he was told and undid the button to his trousers and then undid the zip and pushed his trousers down towards the floor catching his underpants on the way. As they settled around his ankles, he stood back up and pulled his shirt up so it was close to his armpits. He then eased himself down and across Miss Holmes' lap, balancing on the far side of the chair first and then lowering himself and catching his fall with his hands on the floor. He realised that as he opened his eyes and his face was just inches from the floor he was also looking directly at the pad and pen.

Miss Holmes placed her hand on Jack's bottom and then, tapping her hand a couple of times on both cheeks to get his attention, she said, "Pick up the pen, Jack, and you can write out some questions that will form the basis of your project."

Jack again did as he was told, realising that as soon as his note-taking was over, he was going to suffer the punishment he had never suffered before. However, he did enjoy doing projects and as Miss Holmes asked the first question, he happily wrote it down.

Miss Holmes said, "First, ask yourself, are you more worried about being spanked or being told off?"

As Jack wrote the question, he supposed he already knew the answer to that question.

Miss Holmes then asked, "If you knew you were going to be punished for breaking the rules, would you be less or more inclined to do so if the punishment was being spanked rather than being told off?"

Jack realised it was a fairly simple follow-on question leading him to understand that being spanked was easily the bigger incentive to keep to the rules.

Miss Holmes then asked, "Do you find having your underpants taken down more demeaning than if you take your own underpants down?"

Jack had just taken his own down, and supposed that if Miss Holmes had done it for him that would have been more humiliating. Having said that, it hardly really mattered given that he was now lying across her lap with his bottom completely unprotected knowing she was about to use the hand she was tapping his bottom with to give him a spanking.

Next, Miss Holmes asked, "You're getting this spanking because what you did with Ben got you both a double detention. That was three days ago and so you have known for three days that you were going to be spanked. Have you told everyone that you are going to be spanked, including your parents, or have you kept it a secret from everyone? Further, if you have told people, have you acted as though it means nothing to you and you will handle it very well, or have you said what you have said to me, which is that you have never been spanked before and are really worried about it?"

Jack knew that he hadn't told anyone although Ben had told his parents. What didn't help Jack was that they would both be getting a punishment letter to give to their parents asking them to give them another spanking when they got home tonight. Jack knew that he hadn't told his parents and wasn't looking forward to handing that letter over. Ben, on the other hand, told his parents but was spanked pretty regularly anyway.

Miss Holmes then asked, "Should a second chance be given if you disobey the rules on the first time of asking?"

Jack already knew the answer to that because of the number of times that friends of his had been given a second chance by their parents. He never could understand that because his friends used to joke with him how often their parents threatened but never carried out their threat.

Miss Holmes then asked, "If second chances shouldn't be given, should pleading to be let off a spanking work?"

Again, Jack knew the answer to that because he had just pleaded to be let off a spanking, and it hadn't worked.

Miss Holmes then asked, "Do more or fewer parents use the 123 rule?"

Jack certainly knew that some parents would count with the threat of a punishment if what they asked to be done wasn't done. Most relented and threatened to count again, or made five the top number. However, what was very clear, was that those parents who kept resolutely to giving the punishment if they got to three were universally obeyed.

Miss Holmes then asked, "Do you find being across my lap looking at my upside-down legs humiliating or not of any real concern?"

Jack supposed that it was rather humiliating although as no one else was watching it wasn't all that bad.

Miss Holmes then asked, "Would you find being spanked more or less humiliating if there were others watching?"

Jack immediately knew that he would find it more embarrassing if anyone was watching. However, he had watched some of his friends' brothers and sisters being spanked and rather enjoyed watching it. He also knew that, on many an occasion, as he watched the spanking, he wondered what it would be like to be spanked although, now that it was actually going to happen, he maybe wasn't so inquisitive.

Miss Holmes then asked, "Have you ever pictured yourself being spanked when alone in bed?"

That question did send Jack thinking. He had never been spanked but had to admit he often pictured himself being spanked by the mothers of some friends of his and even some of their older sisters and had masturbated thinking about it, leaving a stain on the sheets. His mum had never asked him about those stains so he kept masturbating thinking about being spanked, and even now he could feel himself getting an erection as he thought about it.

Miss Holmes was continuing to tap Jack's bottom and the backs of his legs and smiled to herself. Several of the boys had a crush on her just as some of the girls had crushes on the male teachers. Having said that, there were, of course, girls who had crushes on her as well and she could actually name them. Well, if Jack had never actually been spanked before, he was now going to find out whether it was sexy or not.

So, with a wicked grin on her face, she asked the next question? "Jack, would you find watching other people being spanked, sexy?"

Jack had already answered that question in his own mind because when he watched his friends, and more particularly his friends' sisters, being spanked, he knew he got an erection and the more they cried the more he became erect. Of course, what he also knew was the erection was not because the friend's sister was crying, but because it was his friend's mum who was giving the spanking in a very focused and authoritative way. Indeed, he was actually turned on thinking about those authoritative mums, or friends' older sisters, or even, he had to admit, women his mum's age he saw on the bus or in the street; he pictured them taking him across their lap and spanking his bare bottom.

In fact, it suddenly dawned on Jack that when looking at a girl in the street his first thought was always whether she would spank him. It was then that he actually asked himself why he had never got himself spanked before now as it really did give him his erections.

Of course, he knew Ben actually riled his mum on purpose to get spanked and happily told him how he got aroused afterwards and masturbated. He joked that his mum asked him once why he stained the sheets so much, and when he told her it was just wee, she said he was lying and spanked him again. He still laughs about it now.

Miss Holmes realised Jack now had pretty much a full erection, although he had written down all of the questions. She was therefore satisfied that now was the right time to actually give him his first-ever spanking knowing that, as he was aroused, he was more likely to stay across her lap. So, she looked at the back of his head and said in a stern tone of voice, "You can put the pen down Jack because I will now be giving you the spanking that you have earned."

Jack winced as he put the pen back onto the piece of paper, and then readied himself to be spanked.

© Peter Martin
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.