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by Lucy Appleby

Chapter 1: Dan's First Ever Spanking

"Your father's employer is paying for me to fly out to Dubai with him on his next business trip." Mum paused and scanned Dan's face, gauging his reaction. "It's a marvellous opportunity for me."

"And it's only for five weeks," said Dad.

"Great," said Dan, thinking the prospect of five weeks without Mum and Dad around would be brilliant. Then his expression clouded a little. "But who will get my meals ready?" Dan really wasn't much of a cook. "I'm 18 and I don't need looking after," he added quickly, knowing how grossly overprotective his mother could be. "Hey - I could live on chips and take-outs." His face brightened.

"Oh Dan, darling," gushed his mother, "How could you possibly think I'd leave my little boy all alone without his mummy and daddy."

"You keep forgetting I'm 18." Dan rolled his eyes. "I'll manage perfectly well on my own."

"Nonsense, Daniel. We need to know you are safe and well cared for. We were going to send you to Gran's, but she will be busy looking after Granddad when he has his hip replaced. So ..." Mum took a deep breath, knowing he wasn't going to like this. "So Aunt Harriet has kindly offered to have you."

"What?! Horrible Aunt Harriet?! No way! I'm not staying with her. She smells."

"Dan!" admonished Dad. "Don't be so rude."

"But it's true - she stinks of fish. And she wears funny clothes."

"She likes to go fishing," said Mum.

"She's very good at it," chipped in dad. "She will show you how to fish too. Won't that be great?"


"Come on, Dan. Aunt Harriet is a real character, and she thinks the world of you. You'll have a lot of fun together out in the country. It will be great. And it will put some colour into these pasty cheeks of yours," said mum as she grabbed his cheeks and gave them a little squeeze. You're so pale dear since you had glandular fever. We need to nurse you back to full health. It will be wonderful for you to stay with Aunt Harriet."

"No it won't," said Dan, and left the room, banging the door behind him.

"Let him get used to the idea. He'll be fine."

"I hope so. That sister of yours won't stand any nonsense from him."

"As a retired barrister, Harriet won't stand any nonsense from anyone," grinned Dad. "She is quite capable, and I don't have any qualms at all about leaving Dan in her care."

"Don't worry about a thing," boomed Aunt Harriet. "I'll take good care of him." She gave her nephew a squeeze.

"Thanks Harriet, I know you will." Dad gave his sister a peck on the cheek and then gave Dan a hug. "Behave yourself, son. We'll phone every couple of days and you can send emails."

"I'll miss you sweetie," said Mum. "But we won't be gone for long. Have a great time with Aunt Harriet, do as you're told and mind your manners."

"If he doesn't, he'll get sent to bed with no supper and a blistered bottom," announced Aunt Harriet.

"You're joking, of course," said Mum. There was a hint of doubt in her voice. She never quite knew what to make of Aunt Harriet.

"Of course. I won't deprive a hungry boy of supper. Whatever do you take me for!"

"Time's moving on," said Dad glancing at his watch. "We should be making tracks now to catch the noon flight. Thanks again for having Dan, Harriet. We'll see you in five weeks."

"Off you go and have a good time," beamed Harriet.

"Bye love." Mum hugged and kissed Dan, trying not to cry. She tried so hard not to cry she quite forgot to reassure herself that there would be no bottom blistering. But of course there wouldn't. Harriet was sensible - a pillar of society. She was only joking with that silly talk earlier. "Be a good boy and we'll see you very soon."

"Yeah," said Dan dismally. "I'll be fine. See ya." He stood on the front porch with Aunt Harriet and waved until the vehicle carrying his parents disappeared from view.

"Right," said Aunt Harriet briskly. "Off you go and finish unpacking. I'll make us a snack."

Dan watched as Aunt Harriet went into the kitchen. The prospect of unpacking was boring. He would unpack later. As he was stuck here in the country for five miserable weeks, he might as well make the most of it and do a bit of exploring. So he sped off down the lane, hopped over a style and waded through a farmer's field. Reaching the end, he climbed over a gate and wandered into the next field. This one was full of cows. He liked cows.

"MOOO!" he shouted at the nearest one. The startled animal backed away instantly. "Hey - come back." Dan trotted after the departing creature. It lumbered away down the field, followed by half the herd. "Cool - a stampede! Moooo! MOOOOO!" yelled Dan. He picked up a fallen branch and waved it wildly. This was fun. At least it was fun until the cow with big horns turned up and snorted at him. It looked mean and nasty, and it stared at him menacingly. "Shoo," said Dan.

But the big beast would not shoo. It pawed the ground angrily, and lowered its giant head. Its horns gleamed ominously.

"Ooo er," squeaked Dan as realisation hit him. This was no cow. It was a blooming great BULL. He whirled around and ran towards the gate. With sickening horror, he heard the bull pounding over the ground behind him. He was terrified. The creature snorted horribly. Dan ran even faster. He daren't lose even a second to turn around and see how close the bull was to catching him. Somehow, he made the gate, and with a death defying leap that his gym teacher would have been proud of, vaulted over at the speed of light and landed safely on the other side.

Winded, Dan lay on the ground. A moment later came an angry bellow, followed by a furious noise as the bull crashed into the metal gate. Dan squealed in fright as the centre of the gate buckled under the impact. There was no way the bull could get at him now, but he decided to make himself scarce, so picked himself up and ran off back to Aunt Harriet's. She came to meet him, striding down the lane in her green Wellington boots.

"I saw everything from the kitchen window. You bad boy! You could have been badly hurt."

"I didn't know there was a bull in the field," he puffed.

"You weren't supposed to BE in the field. You were supposed to be upstairs unpacking."

"Oh. Well, I'll go and do it now."

"Not so fast, young man. We need to have a little discussion," said Aunt Harriet. She grabbed Dan by the left ear and yanked him along beside her.

"Ooo! OW! Getoffmyear!"

"Certainly not," snapped Aunt Harriet, and led Dan by his ear into the front parlour.

"Stand there, you naughty, disobedient boy," glared Aunt Harriet. She went to the sideboard, opened a drawer, and took out a large ebony hairbrush.

Dan frowned, thinking how silly it was of her to want to brush her hair in the middle of a telling-off. He was quite taken aback therefore, when she plonked her big round bottom down on the centre of the sofa, and hauled him swiftly over her lap. He lay there in a totally undignified position, his nose almost touching the carpet, and his bottom high in the air. "Hey! What's going on?" he demanded.

"You, my dear nephew, are about to get your bottom blistered. And not before time too, I'll warrant."

"Ey? What do you mean? Let me up." Dan struggled wildly but Aunt Harriet had him pinned down firmly and he was unable to rise.

"I don't suppose you have ever had a damn good spanking, have you?"

"A spanking? A SPANKING? No. No I have NOT. And I don't want one either," he added quickly. Surely not. Surely she wasn't thinking of spanking him?

Oh but she was. Her hands went to his shorts and in one tug they were down to his knees along with his Calvin Klein underpants. Dan gasped in disbelief. He was shocked to the core. No one had ever spanked him before, and now, here he was, with his pants down over Horrible Aunt Harriet's knee. Colour suffused his cheeks. Oh the shame of it. He was mortified.

"Noooooo. You can't," he protested.

"Yes I can," she replied, and brought the hairbrush cracking down on Dan's upturned bottom.

"Yeeeoowwww!" squealed Dan. "Ow Ow OW!"

The hairbrush cracked down sharply over Dan's bare bottom, flattening his white buttocks, which then sprang back up again all pink-tinged and splotchy. The pain was unlike anything Dan had ever experienced. It was even worse than getting stung by a wasp. In fact, as Aunt Harriet's hairbrush continued to deliver its message, the resultant pain was like being stung by a whole nest of wasps.

"EEEEEEE! It stings!" wailed Dan.

"Yes indeed," said Aunt Harriet. There was a note of satisfaction in her tone. She had wanted to spank this boy's deserving bottom for the last few years, and now here he was, laying over her lap, reddening up nicely.

Aunt Harriet smiled wickedly. The next few weeks were going to be interesting.

As for Dan, standing in the corner of the sitting room with his pants round his ankles and his red throbbing bottom on display - he was mortified. He was embarrassed and humiliated beyond measure. He was in pain. He was ... erect ... he had the most enormous boner. It was even bigger than Gary Smith's - a fellow school mate who took great delight strutting through the changing rooms showing off his eight inch cock. Dan stared at it in wonder and delight, watching as his penis twitched and stood out proudly. At that precise moment, Dan realised he now had a new fantasy to masturbate to in the privacy of his bedroom. Although his backside stung, he liked the tingly feeling it gave him, and although Aunt Harriet was a bit fearsome and strict, he also kind of liked that.

So he stood there in the corner thinking that if she was going to spank him like a child, he would behave in a more juvenile manner, because if he did that, he would certainly earn himself another one of those lovely spankings.

He grinned. It was a good plan.

Chapter 2: The Exploding Sausage

"I have to get this letter in the post box by noon," said Aunt Harriet as she waved a brown envelope. "So I need you to keep an eye on the sausages for me until I get back. I won't be long."

"Are you going in the car?" asked Dan.

"The car? Heavens no. It's only two miles into the village and two miles back again. I have a jolly good pair of legs and I intend to use them. That's the trouble with you young folk - you don't get enough decent exercise. You spend far too much time lounging around indoors playing computer games. I think I'll have a word with Farmer Brown and ask him to set up an assault course for you at the back end of his turnip field. That sounds rather fun, doesn't it?"

Dan stared at his Aunt and shook his head. "No, it doesn't sound much fun at all." And Farmer Brown can stuff his turnips up his arse, thought Dan uncharitably. What a ghastly suggestion. He determined to give the turnip field a wide berth.

"Nonsense. It will be good for you," said Aunt Harriet briskly. "Now be a good boy and watch the sausages. The heat is on very low so they will cook through nicely without burning."

Dan put down his comic book and moved over to the stove. There were four fat sausages sizzling in the pan, and the mouth-watering aroma of hot succulent sausage filled the kitchen. He began to salivate, realising how hungry he was, and turned up the heat so the sausages would cook faster. Five minutes later they were nicely browned on all sides and Dan decided to eat his share now. He jabbed at the two biggest sausages and sat them on a big thick slice of crusty white bread. Then, squirting a dollop of tomato sauce over them, he put the remaining slice of bread on top and bit in to his sausage sandwich. Oh boy, it was good! It was so good he demolished it in a couple of minutes and then eyed the two remaining sausages. Aunt Harriet wouldn't mind if he had extra. After all, he was a growing boy, and surely Aunt Harriet would want him to eat well. Besides, he knew there were more sausages in the fridge.

So Dan made himself another sausage sandwich, and while he was eating it, slid another four sausages into the frying pan. They sizzled wonderfully as he dropped them into the hot pan. Chomping contentedly on his sandwich, Dan picked up his comic again and began to read. He ate, burped, and yawned. Those sandwiches had filled him up nicely. He yawned again. His tummy was full and fat. He closed his eyes in quiet post-sausage guzzling contentment, his head lolled on his chest, and he dropped off to sleep.

"What the devil is going on?!" Aunt Harriet strode into the kitchen, waving her arms wildly like helicopter blades.

"Eh? What?" Dan awoke with a start. He coughed. The kitchen was thick with smoke.

"Are you trying to set the place on fire?! I TOLD you to watch the sausages," thundered Aunt Harriet. She yanked open the kitchen window and then stared crossly at the four blackened lumps smouldering in the frying pan. "You stupid boy! Why did you turn the heat up? You've burnt the bloody lot."

"Er ... sorry," ventured Dan. "I must have nodded off."

"Nodded off?! I'll give you nodded off. I was looking forward to a nice bit of sausage." Aunt Harriet peered crossly into the pan. At that moment there was an enormous POP, as the sausage nearest to Harriet exploded and jumped out of the frying pan all by itself. "OH!" yelled Aunt Harriet.

"OH!" yelled Dan.

© Lucy Appleby
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.