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by Louis Woodley

1. Had to Spank My Sister This Morning

My Dad died three years ago when I was 16. As the oldest of four kids I'm the man of the family. Dad had decent insurance, but with a family of five to raise my mom still works crazy hours as a nurse. I passed on going to the local university; I'm not much of a partier plus it's more expensive. So I'm getting my first two years out of the way in community college now, then I can transfer later. That saves us money, lets me work part time, and I can help raise my siblings.

Sometimes that means I have to spank them. Like right now, my sister Kelsey is sitting uncomfortably at her desk in school because I had to give her butt a good beating this morning.

Kelsey was 12 when dad died. They were really close and she took his death really hard. She's always been very smart and shy, but she got really withdrawn and became a bit of a loner. Now that she's in high school she has been making an effort to come out of her shell and be more social. She's made several new friends but I've never met any of them.

The night Dad died, Kelsey came crying to my room and crawled in bed with me. She kept doing it every night until it was easier for her to just go to bed in my room. She did it for a couple of weeks but eventually moved back to own room. But still, when there's thunder or something is bothering her, I'll wake up to find her curled up on the other side of my bed.

That was the case this morning. When my alarm went off, I discovered a sheet-hog had wrapped herself up in my covers. We're on a tight schedule to get five people out the door with only two bathrooms. Mom was already downstairs making my brothers' lunches and would be heading out the door shortly. Being a teenage girl, Kelsey took the longest to get ready so she needed to be awake. She was still peacefully snoozing. Luckily, both her ribs and feet are horribly ticklish so they're the best targets to get her up and going. Since I didn't want to risk groping my little sister under the covers I went for her feet instead. I ran my fingernail down the sole of her right foot. Her eyes flashed open. I ramped up the tickling of her foot. She squealed and tried to get away but had wrapped herself up in my covers, leaving her helpless to escape.

"Okay, okay I'm awake! You shit!"

"Naughty, naughty, you know what happens to children who use bad language?" Technically I could have blistered her butt for what she just said, but we both knew I deserved it and no one else heard her.

"I know what should happen to big brothers who pick on their little sisters..."

"The big brother who lets his little sister sneak in and steal all his covers then won't get up in the morning. So, did you have a bad dream or something?"

Her face got totally serious. "Can you give me a ride to school this morning?"

Okay, something was really bothering her, because that's our code-speak for her needing to talk to me in private without anyone else knowing about it. So we wait until everyone else has cleared out so that we can talk uninterrupted.

"My first class isn't until 9:00 so I can take you as long as we're gone by 7:50," I told her. Mom had to be at work by 7:00 and our brothers' bus picked them up around 7:30. So that would give us at most 20 minutes before we'd have to leave so she wouldn't miss the late bell.

"Okay, thank you." She gave me a quick hug and scooted out of my room.

So we went through the motions of a normal morning, while I'm wondering what she needs to talk about. Kelsey hit the shower, and I started tap dancing on my brothers' heads to get them awake. Mom filled her vat of coffee to go and then gave us a shout as she headed out. My brothers were oblivious, but during breakfast Kelsey was very subdued. Finally I kicked my brothers out with death threats if they missed the bus. We were finally alone.

"So tell me what's up?"

She hung her head. Then she dug into her pocket and pulled something out, holding out her hand for me to inspect. It was a metal tube that I eventually identified as lipstick.

"Okay, Kelsey, you've got to give me more to go on. I seriously hope you're not asking me for make-up advice?"

She mumbled something too softly for me to catch what she said. I asked her to repeat herself; what she said was about the last thing I would have imagined.

"I didn't pay for this..."

"WHAT? Are you telling me you shoplifted it?"

Tears formed in her eyes as she nodded acknowledgement of what she'd done.

"Kelsey, why would you do something like that? Don't tell me you couldn't afford to buy it. How much was it, $5?"


"For a lipstick?" Glad I'm a guy and don't have to worry about stuff like that.

"It's Yves Saint Laurent."

"And why did you think you needed a $36 Yves Saint Laurent lipstick?"

The waterworks started and the whole truth came out. She'd been at the mall with her supposed friends, who gave her a crash course in how to swipe merchandise. She didn't want to, but the other girls had each already nabbed something and they were getting irritated at her refusal (which was starting to attract unwanted attention). They threatened to blame her if they wound up getting caught so she gave in to their pressure. Their plan was for everyone to wear to school today what they'd swiped yesterday to show off their success. Ever since they left the store she'd known what she'd done was wrong but couldn't figure out how to extricate herself.

By the time she finished she looked in total misery. No wonder she didn't sleep well last night.

"So the bottom line is that you stole something to keep your friends from getting caught as thieves. You knew it was wrong but you didn't think to just walk away?"

"Janet said I was looking too suspicious, I was going to get them caught. And if they got caught they'd make sure that I got busted as well. I couldn't win; I'd either be a real thief and get away with it or get arrested when I was the only one who really wasn't stealing anything. I know what I did was wrong and I don't want to brag about it. If I wear it, it looks like l thought it was okay to steal it. So I was hoping that my big brother would catch me with it and make me return it. I can just tell them I got in a lot of trouble but promise I'm not going to narc on any of them."

"First of all, you need to find new friends. That's non-negotiable; no one who's supposedly your friend would put you in a position like that. And you're right, Mom would have a stroke if she found out you'd been arrested for shoplifting. So you can tell them you're grounded and your brother doesn't believe you did it by yourself, so you need to make a break from them for their own good."

"Yeah, they were a little wild so they were fun to be with but not after yesterday. I just couldn't believe they were so casual about swiping stuff like it's no big deal, and I feel like crap. So they'll believe that it's in their own best interest to not be around me while my big brother and mom are on a rampage."

"Second, you did steal the lipstick. And you know what stealing means?"

Her head hung low and she barely said, "The strap..."

The strap was one of Dad's old belts that he had cut down the center to make two tongues. He swung it with abandon whenever you committed something major like lying or stealing. You'd just bare your butt and he'd start swinging until he'd decided you'd had enough. The whipping I got in the 7th grade for participating in a poorly thought-out cheating scheme was easily the worst of my life. So dishonesty wasn't a real problem for my parents because the punishment for getting caught was so severe you were unlikely to ever repeat it.

Since Dad died, Mom and I have split discipline duties, which are rarely that severe. I've only had to get out the strap once, when Billy got caught in a series of lies to Mom. That hasn't been a problem for him since. Now my sister has just admitted to an offense that would definitely have put Dad on a rampage. Regardless of her explanation, she would have been howling and unable to sit comfortably for a couple of days after. On the other hand, I was feeling conflicted. She'd made a wrong choice but she'd been caught in a bad situation. Perhaps a less painful reminder to just walk away next time (and maybe choose better friends) would be sufficient?

"Yes, you're right, I should be lighting your butt on fire with the strap." A brief pause to see if she picked up on 'should be'. "But I think maybe you should bring me Mom's hairbrush and we'll see what that can do. And make it quick, we don't have much time left to finish this discussion."

She nodded and looked relieved. The hairbrush was no picnic but compared to the strap it must have seemed like the warden had just commuted the prisoner's sentence. I went to the couch and sat down while she went upstairs to fetch the implement that would soon be making an impression on her hind quarters. She returned shortly and handed it over.

She took off her sneakers, then pulled off her jeans and panties, and climbed over my lap. Kelsey was a pretty good kid so there hadn't been too many of these sessions between us. The last time she'd been across my lap was three or four months ago. The first time I had to spank her she was still a gangly, bony girl just on the edge of maturing. She had a tiny butt that didn't provide much padding for the spanking I gave her. Now, three years later, she was much more a young lady with a larger target area to work with.

I gave her Mom's traditional warm up. Mom didn't believe in giving easy swats to start a spanking; to her that was a waste of her time and arm strength. So instead she rubbed where she intended to swat with the bristles from the hairbrush. They were soft enough that a brisk rub was enough to get the blood flowing without scratching you. It was also a good indicator of how pissed off she was and how bad the spanking was going to be; just rubbing your butt meant it wouldn't be too bad, but if she added your thighs as well you knew it was going to be long and painful.

So I gave her a brisk rub from the crowns of her butt cheeks down to the middle of her thighs. I wasn't sure I'd really go that low but better to have them warmed up (and her nervous) just in case. Within about 30 seconds the entire target area had a nice healthy pink glow. Time to start turning it red!

© Louis Woodley
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.