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by Frank Martinet

1. The Afterthought

I made the mistake when I was in kindergarten. Laura was the first girl I met and we became fast friends. How was I to know she'd grow up into a blond bombshell guys couldn't resist?

Naturally back then, boys weren't part of the equation. Neither was beauty, or Laura might have picked a different girl to be her bestie. Not that I'm ugly - but I'm definitely not a ten. Maybe a seven, at least on a good-hair day.

Laura has stuck with me despite all that, which is great. I love her to death. But when we're together, all anyone else sees is her. That's okay in some ways. I'm not vain and don't require all the air in the room. But it'd be nice to not always be the afterthought, you know?

Like when we go to a party, guys flock to her. If they chat me up, it's with their eyes on Laura waiting for their chance to impress her. I'm just the stand-in, the bread on the table before the meal arrives, the cartoon short before the main feature.

And then I met Derek.

He was by far the best-looking guy I'd ever seen. Tall and athletic, with short blond hair and a wry smile, he could have any girl he wanted, even Laura.

But to my shock, he ignored her and focused on me. It was like she wasn't there. I couldn't figure out his angle. There had to be one. I mean Laura is blond, cute as a kitten, with a slim hot body and a killer sense of fashion. Every guy wants her.

I'm husky, with big hips and ass, and though you'd think I'd at least be equally blessed with big tits, I'm not. My face is... okay. I'm not disfigured or horribly asymmetrical, but I'm not exactly memorable. My nose is just a nose. It's not dainty and cute like Laura's. My lips are decent, thick and kissable, but they don't have intriguing curves. I don't have dimples and my cheeks are sort of puffy. My eyes are too narrow, my eyebrows too thick. The left one is crooked. I have to fix it with makeup and I'm not very good at that.

That may all sound like I'm a monster, but I'm not. I'm just a regular girl.

So why was Derek staring at me like I was the Mona Lisa? I had on an aqua colored shirt, quite plain and loose, and it didn't really do much for my breasts. Since it was summer and hot, I was wearing shorts. These were pink and white striped, sort of boxy and long, and though they were comfortable, they didn't exactly hide my ass.

Maybe I had spinach in my teeth? Or mustard on my shirt? Was there a rip in my shorts? Terror struck me as I investigated these possibilities and gradually ruled them out. Nothing seemed to be awry, yet the boy was still looking at me.

Laura fluttered around him, chattering like a bird, and I watched as he nodded politely, but his eyes stayed glued to me. It was usually the other way around - guys treated me the way he was treating her. Was this Opposite Day?

And then Derek walked away from Laura and spoke to me. I didn't even hear what he said. I was too stunned. For a moment I was convinced there must be a pretty girl behind me and he was talking to her.

"Bree, right? Your name is Bree?"

I just stared at him, unable to say anything. I couldn't even nod, or if I did, it was just a hair.

"Is that like the cheese or with a double E?"

"Double E," I managed. My heart was pounding like a thousand drums.

"Bree. I like that name. I'm Derek." He smiled warmly and I felt like I was going to pass out. He nodded toward the boat, a beautiful white 12-footer called the Beach Bum. "Would you like to go for a ride?"

I understood then. He was just being polite. I was just his excuse to invite Laura. She'd feel safer with me there and agree to go. He didn't like me. A guy like him couldn't like me. I was just the afterthought.

"Does she actually want to go?" I said. "Or is it dependent upon you convincing me?"


"Laura," I said, and waved toward my friend.

"Oh, her. She's not coming. Says she's meeting her boyfriend. Says you'd be the third wheel anyway, so you might as well come along with me. If you want to come, that is."

Now I was confused again. I looked toward Laura, and she gave me two encouraging thumbs up. I knew we were at the marina to go out on Eric's boat. He wasn't exactly her boyfriend, though I'm sure he wanted to be. I had been dreading this day because I figured if those two hit it off I'd be stuck alone reading my novel. I could do that at home without the risk of seasickness.

"She really called me the third wheel?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, I put it that way. She just said you didn't have a date."

So that made more sense. He'd tried for Laura, she'd rebuffed him, and now he was stuck with me.

"No thanks," I said. "I'd rather be the third wheel than a mercy date."

"What are you talking about?" said Derek. "I asked her if you were available. You were my first choice. No mercy involved."

"You weren't asking Laura out?"

"Of course not. She's not my type. Too skinny."

"Ah, so you're into fat chicks and I qualify."

Now he glared at me. "What is with you? You're turning everything I say around. I never said you were fat. I think your body is perfect. Not skinny, not fat. Perfect. Just right."

I rolled my eyes, not buying it. "My ass is too big," I said, and then I blushed, unable to believe I'd just told a cute guy that.

"Hell no. Your ass is why I asked you out!"

"You... like my ass?" I said, my blush going deeper. I was tempted to show it to him in a sexy way, but I was too chicken. I worried it would come across as ridiculous, like an elephant trying to be dainty. He'd hop on his boat and ride away to escape me.

"I love your ass. It's amazing. It looks really good in those shorts."

"Uh, thanks," I said, unsure if I should believe him.

"So, are you coming?" He waved to the boat.

"I don't know. I just met you. How do I know you won't pull a Natalie Wood on me?"

"Your friend will know you went with me. I'd be pretty dumb to not bring you back intact."

Now I never do anything impulsive or crazy, so naturally this was when I decided to do it. I nodded, held out my hand, and he guided me to the Beach Bum and helped me board. I waved to Laura, who waved back.

"Have fun!" she shouted.

I saw Eric was approaching her and she turned to focus on him. I turned to focus on Derek, who was casting off and preparing for departure.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Just out to sea. We'll cruise around for a few hours. I've got picnic stuff in the hold if we get hungry. I've gotta be back by four, though. Is that okay?"

"Sure. Sounds good."

Minutes later we were pulling away from the dock and then heading out of the bay. The Beach Bum had a surprisingly powerful motor and we made good time. It seemed we'd just left and already I couldn't see land.

Derek guided us for a few more minutes and then slowed and dropped anchor. I looked around. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm, but not sweltering, with hardly a cloud in the sky. It felt like we were the only boat on the water, but when I squinted I could see some distant ships, a couple of sailboats in the direction we'd come, and some fishing vessels returning from their morning run.

"So what happens now?" I said to him. "Do I need my rape whistle?"

"I'm a gentleman," he said with a grin and a formal bow. "If a lady says no, then no means no. But it might be good for you to have a safe word. How about 'Acapulco?'"

"A safe word?" I said, suddenly wary.

"You say it, I stop."

"Stop what?"

"Spanking you."

I stared at him, creepy tingling going down my spine. I looked over into the water. It was really deep and the nearest boat was miles away.

"Relax," he said. "I'm a gentleman, just like I said."

"You don't sound very gentlemanly."

"Why? Because I mentioned spanking?"

I nodded.

"I assure you, spanking is a gentleman's sport. It must be completely consensual. Always. No exceptions."

"So if I say no, nothing happens?"

He smiled. "I really hope you don't say no."

"No," I said promptly.

"Please, at least give me a chance to lay on my pitch." He paused for a second and when I didn't protest, he went on. "I told you I admired your amazing bottom, right?"

"You did." I shifted uncomfortably. "But now I think it's because you want to spank it."

"You are absolutely correct. I do want to spank it. But even more important, you want me to spank it."

I almost laughed out loud. "Not a chance. I'm not into kinky stuff."

"Who said anything about kinky?"

"You don't think spanking is kinky?"

"Definitely not. Spanking is the most sensual form of foreplay in the world. Some think it's better than sex."


"Harsh," he said. "Geniuses is more accurate. Adventurous spirits, perhaps. Creatives. Whatever is the opposite of vanilla."

"I like vanilla."

"But there are so many other flavors. You've at least got to give them a fair shot, haven't you? Have a little taste? You never know what you're missing."

I folded my arms in front of my breasts and shook my head. "My cousin and I were at the zoo and they were giving out free samples of cricket ice cream. Ice cream made with crickets. I didn't try and I don't feel I missed out on anything."

Derek laughed. "Okay, that's a good point. I don't think I'd like cricket ice cream either. Though... I might have tried it. At least a nibble. Who knows? It might be pretty good."

My bottom was tingling as I looked at him. "So you think I should let you give me a spank or two, is that it? See if I like it?"

"It's not quite that simple. Some things are an acquired taste. You need to have more than a bite or two, and it has to be eaten in the right context and atmosphere."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we need to set the table. Provoke your appetite by preparing you for a fabulous treat."

"You're talking gibberish."

He grinned and winked. "Okay, forget the metaphors. You need to be turned on," he said bluntly.

I blushed and looked away. The truth was, I was feeling sort of aroused. Not dripping, but more of a light buzz. I was curious. My initial alarm had calmed as we talked, and I had to admit that if we went back to the marina right that second without me hearing another word about spanking, I'd have been a little disappointed. I was still nervous, but I wanted to hear more.

When I looked back at Derek intending to ask him how he was going to arouse me, his shirt was gone. I stared, sweat beading at the back of my neck. My panties juiced a little. Damn he was hot.

© Frank Martinet
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.