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by Susan Thomas

1. Caveat Emptor

'Let the buyer beware'

Kelly parked in the town's main car park. At only 8:30am, it was still virtually empty on this bright spring Saturday; the shoppers weren't quite up and about yet. The shop she wanted wouldn't be open for another hour yet but Kelly was heading for her Saturday treat: a proper breakfast at the Coffee Pot Café.

There were only a few customers when she arrived and soon she was seated with a steaming 'flat white' (the best coffee in the North West), a freshly made 'full English', and a pile of hot toast and marmalade. Desperately unhealthy the whole lot, but Kelly didn't think once a week was a big problem. Over a second flat white she read a story on her tablet which brought a slow blush to her cheeks. She thought of her collection of eBooks as naughty and never allowed anyone to see what she was reading.

Almost all her eBooks involved spanking in some way: either teenage girls, spanked by fathers, mothers or some other adult authority; wives spanked by husbands; girlfriends spanked by their man; or some other spanking scenario. Sometimes the stories made her hands tremble with excitement and she longed to be the heroine of one of those spanking adventures. Kelly wasn't married, and wasn't sure about being spanked by a boyfriend, but today she was going to try and make spanking part of her life. As she read she kept an eye on the large shop opposite. In fact, it had originally been two shops but they had been merged into one luxurious showroom and the name was a most discreet gold on a British racing green background: Android. The clock ticked slowly to half past nine and suddenly the metal grill over the shop front rolled silently up and Android was open.

Kelly paid her bill and walked across to her destination. Inside, the place had the quiet of a cathedral before the tourists arrive. The carpeting was lush and the carefully controlled climate was neither too hot nor too cold but just beautifully fresh and perfect. Androids were on display giving much the same effect as a luxury car showroom with no garish signs or discount offers. Every type was on display, from the basic worker Type D to the executive class Type A which was pretty well indistinguishable from a human.

A tall, very fit looking man of around fifty approached her. He was dressed in the most beautiful dark grey suit with a silver waistcoat and a red silk tie. His black shoes gleamed and Kelly was willing to bet his socks were also silk and matched his tie. His speech was precise but with a beautifully modulated tone. "Good morning Miss. May I help you?"

"Well yes. I am looking for a Class A."

He didn't sound disbelieving that such a very young woman would be seeking so expensive a model but he did say, "Class A androids are very expensive, but a Class B is also excellent you know."

"Yes, I am aware of both those facts but finance is not a problem."

He smiled apologetically, "In that case I am unable to help you. I'll call my manager."


"As a Class A myself, I am only allowed to assist you with the purchase of Class B, C and D."

Kelly stepped back in astonishment: he was so like a human she had been completely deceived. He returned moments later with a most attractive woman of middle-age. She had a wonderful business suit, high heels, perfect hair and make-up and an ingratiating smile.

"I understand you are interested in one of our Class A androids."

"Yes. My name is Watkins, Kelly Watkins. I have particular requirements so I don't want one of your standard models."

"If you will be good enough to follow me we will go to my office."

The manager (Mrs Brenda Szaper) delicately took Kelly through cost and was satisfied that her large inheritance from Great Aunt Susan was more than adequate for her luxurious penthouse flat and a Class A android.

"Now Miss Watkins, are you looking for a housekeeper, perhaps able to cook and help you organise your domestic life?"

Now Kelly felt really awkward. She wondered, if she were older than her twenty-five years, whether she would be less embarrassed and more confident. "Not exactly, I was looking more for a mother figure. My mother died when I was a child."

Mrs Szaper made sympathetic noises and opened a glossy catalogue. "One of our newest models, which we have named Mother."

Kelly looked the photograph and knew the woman instantly. She would be a wonderful mother. Home cooked meals would appear as if by magic. The house would be clean and filled with plants and flowers. She would make her own dresses and bake cakes for church and school. Her volunteering would be legendary. Always, however, she would be gentle, patient and kind.

Kelly shook her head and her face went crimson. She squirmed with embarrassment and fumbled her words. "I was sort of ... well, what I mean is. I was hoping she would be like... more ... well, you know...strict."

Mrs Szaper relaxed entirely. "Oh, I see! Yes, that is no problem at all. The Mother can have that aspect incorporated quite easily. Now we have several levels within the definition of what you call strict. There is Judicial, which comes in both severe and moderate but that doesn't fit well with the Mother." Kelly shook her head. "No, I didn't think so. Then there is BDSM which we usually provide with our more exotic models." Kelly shook her head again. "Then, and I think this is more you, we have our Domestic-School which comes in severe, moderate and mild. I think the moderate would be more you but a Class A can vary the level of discipline and incorporate elements of severe or mild depending on circumstance. In a Class A it is more guidance than an exact program. So, for example, if you choose that, your Class A would never resort to a judicial level; it simply wouldn't occur to it any more than it would a real mother."

"That... well, it sounds what I was looking for."

Mrs Szaper, whatever her private thoughts, deftly took Kelly through building her android: looks, voice, taste in clothing, skills, knowledge and a whole range of other attributes before coming on to the Domestic-School disciplinary aspect.

"Now Miss Watkins, you do understand that to all intents and purposes your Class A will be very much a mother figure to you. She may well make rules you don't like in the belief that they are for your own good. The Class A is likely to be right. I'm never sure whether I'm in charge here, or Carl... that's who greeted you this morning. Once built there is no turning back, it's either carry on or terminate, and a Class A is a huge investment."

"No, my mum passed over years ago and my dad is... well he's pretty well useless to everyone including himself. I look out for him but I want a real mother."

Mrs Szaper thought that what Kelly really needed was a real man and lots of sex but she was in the business of selling androids and a Class A was a fat commission. "Of course, now your Class A will have the surname Watkins, so what first name do you want for her?"

"Annie, but I want to call her Mum. Is that OK?"

"Of course. Annie Watkins will be Annie to others and Mum to you."

Kelly's new Class A android, Annie Watkins, would be delivered the following Saturday. Mrs Szaper herself would bring Annie and introduce her to Kelly and that would be it. Annie herself would then sort out everything from there. Once a year Annie would have a service which would be carried out in Kelly's home and Annie herself would organise it. In fact, Mrs Szaper made it clear that Annie would now organise Kelly's life for her and sometimes that would chafe. Kelly took no notice.

The following Saturday Mrs Szaper duly arrived with Kelly's purchase. Annie was a little taller than Kelly but facially there was a resemblance, except Kelly was much younger; Annie's hair had the same lovely shade of brown as Kelly except hers was beginning to grey... a very attractive grey; there was also a lovely warm smile and kindly green eyes like Kelly's. Kelly felt herself warm to the 'woman' even though she knew fine well she was actually an android.

Kelly was unsure what to say or do but Annie did it for her. She gently took hold of Kelly, pulled her into a hug, and said, "It's really lovely to meet you Kelly. I am so looking forward to getting to know you."

Having signed the forms that Mrs Szaper put before her the woman left and Kelly was alone with Annie.

"Now my dear, first things first. Have you had breakfast?"

Kelly nodded, unsure how to handle this new relationship.

"In that case, I think a nice cup of tea and you can tell me all about your life. You won't need to repeat anything or write it down. Once you've told me I will have it stored."

Kelly felt utterly out of her depth as Annie simply took over. She made a beautiful pot of tea; in fact, much better than Kelly herself could do it. Soon they were sat at the breakfast counter and Kelly found herself telling Annie everything about herself: her work, the problems with her father, her many elderly relatives and her current lack of a boyfriend. "The last one only wanted one thing and he wasn't very good at it."

Annie was a wonderful and attentive listener. She seemed to take in everything and only chipped in to draw Kelly out a little more. After Kelly finally ran out of anything meaningful to say Annie began to probe and soon drew out a great many uncomfortable truths: Kelly didn't eat a healthy diet; didn't exercise anything like enough; smoked, and also drank too much; went to bed too late and then couldn't get up in the morning; was supposed to be studying but rarely did; and had stopped going to church years before despite promising her mother she would.

"Oh dear, Kelly, I think there are going to have to be some big changes, don't you?"


"Yes, Mum," prompted Annie.

Kelly blushed, "Sorry. Yes Mum."

"Let's make a start with the smoking. Have you any cigarettes in the house?"

"Yes but..."

"No buts, young lady. Bring them to me."

Soon Kelly was watching as two hundred Kensington super filters were flushed unceremoniously down one of the toilets with the packets already in the recycle bin.

"Kelly, I have an extremely good sense of smell. If you try smoking anywhere I will know. It won't matter how many mints you chew, or how much perfume you spray on your clothing, I will know. Do you understand?"


"Yes Mum."

Kelly glared at her. "Yes Mum. But what if, when I'm at work, and someone else smokes."

"Kelly, you know perfectly well that smoking in public places, and in the workplace, is illegal. You can only smell of smoke if you smoke yourself or seek out someone who is. I hate to make threats but you know what will happen if I find you have been smoking."

Kelly's face caught fire. She knew exactly what Mum meant and her bottom suddenly became super sensitive. Now the reality of what she had done hit her. She'd never actually been spanked in her life. Suppose she didn't like it? It was all very well reading about it in her eBooks, but she guessed a spanking hurt, and suddenly that reality seemed very close indeed.

"Don't you, Kelly?"

© Susan Thomas
Not to be reposted, reproduced or distributed, in part or whole.